He Who Hesitates Is Lost
And Russia Hesitated
Paul Craig Roberts
The Russian government deceived itself with its fantasy belief that Russia and Washington had a common cause in fighting ISIS.
The Russian government even went along with the pretense that the various ISIS groups operating under various pen names were “moderate rebels” who could be separated from the extremists, all the while agreeing to cease fighting on successive verges of victory so that Washington could resupply ISIS and prepare to introduce US and NATO forces into the conflict.
The Russian government apparently also thought that as a result of the coup against Erdogan, which was said to implicate Washington, Turkey was going to cease supporting ISIS and cooperate with Russia.
Alas, the Russians so fervently, or perhaps I should say feverishly, desired an agreement with Washington that they deceived themselves.
If Finian Cunningham’s report is correct, Washington has taken advantage of Russia’s urging that Washington and Turkey join in the attack on ISIS by invading northern Syria under the guise of “fighting ISIS.”
Syria has now been partitioned, and the pretend or fake “moderate rebels” can be built up inside the US/Turkish occupied areas of Syria and the war against Syria kept going for as long as Washington wants.
The western presstitutes will report that the Turkish/American forces occupying areas of Syria are not invaders but are attacking ISIS.
With US, Turkish, and, little doubt, soon other NATO troops operating inside Syria, the neoconservatives --léase imperialismo-- will have many opportunities to provoke a conflict with Russia from which Russia will have to stand down or reply with force.
In the event of a Trump presidential victory, the neocons want to make certain Trump is embroiled in a war that will prevent an accommodation with Russia.
It is unclear --not, was very clear-- whether US Secretary of State Kerry’s effort to arrange a Syrian ceasefire was sincere and he was sandbagged by the Pentagon and CIA.
Regardless, if Kerry was sincere, he is obviously unable to stand up to the neocons, blessed as the State Department is with Victoria Nuland and a number of other warmongers.
Obama is equally weak, which is why he was chosen by the oligarchy as president. A person without experience and knowledge is an excellent tool for the oligarchy.
American blacks and white liberals actually believed that an inexperienced candidate from nowhere without an organization of his own could make a difference.
Apparently, the gullibility of a majority of Americans is endless. This American hallmark of gullibility is why a handful of neoconservatives can so easily lead the sheeple into endless wars.
The idiot Americans have been at war for 15 years and the morons have no idea what has been achieved.
The fools are unaware that the US in its decades long accumulation of weakness now confronts two major nuclear powers: Russia and China.
Americans have been taught by the presstitutes serving the military/security complex that nuclear war is not all that different from ordinary war.
Look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, two targets of American atomic bombs. Today, seven decades later, the cities are flourishing, so what’s the problem with nuclear weapons?
The atomic bombs that Washington dropped on these helpless civilian centers while the Japanese government was trying to surrender, were mere popguns compared to today’s thermo-nuclear weapons.
One Russian SS-18 wipes out three-fourths of New York state for thousands of years. Five or six of these “Satans” as they are known by the US military, and the East Coast of the United States disappears.
Russia had a victory for Syria and democracy in its hands, but Putin lacked the decisiveness of a Napoleon or a Stalin and let his victory slip away as a result of false hopes that Washington could be trusted.
Now a Russian/Syrian victory would require driving the Turks and Americans out of Syria.
If Russia struck hard and fast, Russia could succeed by using Washington’s lie and claiming that Russia thought the US and Turkish forces were ISIS, just as Washington claimed when Washington intentionally struck a known Syrian Army position.
If Russia actually annihilated the Turkish and US force, which Russia could easily do, NATO would collapse, because no European country wants to be destroyed in World War 3.
But Russia won’t collapse NATO by decisive action. The Russians won’t fight until war is absolutely and totally forced upon them.
Then they will pay a huge price for their indecisiveness rooted in their foolish belief that Russia has common grounds with Washington.
The only common grounds Russia has with Washington requires Russia’s surrender.
If Russia will surrender, Russia can achieve Western acceptance, and Washington’s agents, the Russian Atlanticist Integrationists, can rule Russia for Washington.
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Radio de acción de los misiles Júpiter dentro de la Unión Soviética |
El 28 de octubre Khrushchev anunció que iba a desmantelar las instalaciones y retirar los misiles, y expresó su confianza de que Estados Unidos no invadiera Cuba y levantaran en bloqueo En este momento se creó el llamado teléfono rojo, la línea directa entre la Casa Blanca y el Kremlin.
Pero hubo otra carta más, de Khrushchev a J.F. Kennedy, que no se hizo pública hasta 30 años más tarde, en la que se exigía algo más a EEUU y que fue, realmente, la base del acuerdo:
Obviar ésta carta, para firmar el acuerdo público sobre la primera, suponía quedar como ganador a J.F.Kennedy frente a Khrushchev.
Kennedy de ganador
El bloqueo a Cuba continuó
Y pronto, nuevos misiles Júpiter
...y Mercurio, Saturno, Urano y Pluton,
comenzaron a llegar a las "Cubas" de la URSS,
a sus fronteras, y después a la Rusia actual
sin que se volviera a producir ningúna "crisis" internacional, y hoy en día la Federación Rusa esta cercada por todos los misiles con nombres de todos los planetas del sistema solar. No ha que ser muy perspicaz para ver quine cedió y quien tomó ventajas en el tablero de ajedrez internacional...porque ni en México ni en Canada tiene hoy en día Rusia montados misiles balísticos apuntando al Washington imperial.
La Segunda Rendición es mas compleja. La publique en un periódico de Hawaii cuándo vivíamos alli en Kailua-Kona, Big Island
La Caída del Socialismo fue el Resultado
de Una Gran Manipuacion Social
West Hawaii Today
Viernes. Mayo 1, 1992
(...) En Febrero de 1951, el mayor apóstol de la guerra fría, C.D. Jackson, fue nombrado presidente del 'National Committe for a Free Europe' (NCFE) El eslogan de la NCFE era: 'Parar el Comunismo y Salvar la Libertad'. Para triunfar era necesario hacer que la guerra psicológica apareciera como algo independiente del gobierno, y montarla sobre bases de "espontaneas convicciones de millones de personas como amantes genuinos de la libertad".
Para ello, Jackson creó una operación de globos con esta clase de propaganda que caia sobre las ciudades rusas. A Jackson se le conocía como "leading balloonatic". Esta operación fue llevada a cabo durante años poniendo en peligro a la aviacion civil, no solamente de Rusia, sino de los países socialistas donde también caían los globos.
Los primeros globos se lanzaron el 19 de Agosto de 1951: 11.000 globos llevando 13 millones de panfletos para fortificar "the spiritual resistance" hata "the day of liberation"
En Marzo de 1954, los Estados Unidos entraron en lasmas draconianas políticas de subversión contra la URSS. La NSC 5412 determinó: "In the interest of the world peace and US national security, the overt foreing activities of the US should be supplemented with covert operations. All covert operations were to be executed so that US responsability for them is not evident...and if uncovered the US can plausibly disclaim any responsability for them".
La NSC 5412 marca el hito histórico donde caen las mascaras. Esta nueva estrategia fue un claro exponente delplan de destruir a las naciones socialistas y a cualquier movimiento racional contra el sqqueo imperialista. La NSC 5412 dio al trate con todas las pretensiones sobre integridad territorial de cualquier pueblo, soberanías nacionales y los dictums de la Ley Internacionl. A partir de ahora ya no habría fronteras ni limites para parar a la plutocracia yanqui
En Marzo de 1981, Richar Pipes, a miembro de la NSC encargado de 'Soviets affairs', declaró: "Los lideres sovieticos deben elegir entre cambiar pacíficamente el sistema comunista en la dirección marcada por Occidente o ir a la guerra"
(...) Solo tenemos que leer los documentos de la National Endowment for Democracy, NED, el Free Congress Foundation, FCF, RAND Corporation, el Departamento de Estado y el US Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, para tener una idea de la agresiva manipulación que llevaron a cabo contra la URSS
La FCF, por ejemplo, fundada por Paul Weyrich en 1974 como pantalla de la CIA, una conocida organización que estaba ligada al terrorismo internacional con base fascista, fue a la URSS en 1989 de la mano de Weyrich para adoctrinar en "electoral and political techniques" a las organizaciones y cuadros jerárquicos que desplazarían el sistema comunista. La FCF declaró orgullosa: "We have trained Yeltsein and his group in their efforts to take control of the Russian Republic" (...)
Pero el Project for the New American Century, PNAC, es totalmente incompatible con ninguna clase de coexistencia pacifica porque siguen imperando las mismas normas del NSC 5412 y que vienen reflejadas en las palabras de Pipes en 1981:
Que traducido al momento actual quiere decir:
"Los lideres rusos deben elegir entre cambiar pacíficamente su sistema en la dirección marcada por Occidente o ir a la guerra"
desde la coexistencia pacifica de Khrushchev
hasta la coexistencia pacifica
de Vladimir Putin.