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Albiosc Tavernes, France 1974: A well-known UFO picture from France |
UFO Propulsion
IndiaDaily article of May 2005
UFO Propulsion System - Bending time and space
Defense Scientists and Engineers are finally starting
to understand the ultimate propulsion system
that can make instantaneous space travel possible.
The UFOs use this propulsion system to travel
great distances instantaneously.
The speed of light is 670,000,000 miles per hour –
a number no human being can ever stand
in any craft for a long time.
Does that mean UFOs are unmanned
or extra-terrestrial beings are totally different?
It is possible but not likely.
Theory of evolution in the Universe
says that intelligent life forms are abundant
in the Universe but they have evolved in a similar way.
Traveling even at the speed of light
(670,000,000 miles per hour) is just not enough
to cover distant destinations in the Universe.
For example even at that speed traveling from
one constellation to another may take hundreds of years.
Then how can one travel such great distances
in a short span of time?
This is the million-dollar question
that has made every country in the world
keep quiet about UFOs and cover up
their existence and interaction.
Every country believes they will be the first
to uncover the technology of “flash travel”
which is the term used in traveling from
point A to point B in the Universe instantaneously.
To understand the concept,
imagine you have to travel from New York to New Delhi,
two points in the opposite sides of the globe.
Now think you have the technology of freezing time
and then get back to current time. At 9AM
(or any other time of a particular day),
you take the instance of the globe and freeze it for travel.
Now assume the globe is made of paper or some
other flexible material. Now you deform the globe
and bring NY and New Delhi touch each other.
Then travel from NY to New Delhi instantaneously
because the distance is really very little since
you deformed the globe.
After completing the travel you put the globe back
to its original configuration.
And you transfer yourself to the current time.
This may seem complex but actually once the technology
is mastered it is really simple.
Another way to understand this is
to hold a piece of rectangular paper in your hand.
Bring the two opposite corners of the rectangular
piece of paper together and make them touch each other.
Now the distance between the two opposite corner is really zero.
Bending space and time is the concept where
you do not travel to the destination:
you bring the destination close to you.
This is exactly how UFOs travel from
one destination to another.
That is the reason why those who are waiting
with their telescope in the open sky to find UFOs
will never find them.
Scientists and Engineers are now perplexed trying
to understand how that kind of space travel is possible.
The answer lies in using something known as dark energy.
The dark energy allows disintegration or deformation of space. There are some early indications that dark energy also allows isolating time dimensions.
Physicists and Engineers are researching the use of dark energy. The purpose is to understand the process of bending the space and time.
That requires UFO flight patterns; sighting information
and a mathematical algorithm to back calculate their flight positions in a more than three dimensional geometry.
Computer models are helping.
We do not have the technologies to capture or isolate time dimension.
Can you draw a block or a cube on a piece of paper?
Yes, you can. It is called an isometric drawing.
It is the process of drawing a three-dimensional drawing
on a two dimensional paper.
Similarly, complex algorithms are allowing reverse engineering the UFO Time and Space bending in a medium that
is three-dimensional. The resulting map is showing the space and time (four dimensions) in a three dimensional environment.
Sometimes you wonder what any one can gain spending so much time and money to hide and cover up all the UFO information?
Why so much ridicule around something every country
in running after since 1890? The answer is the fact that
any one who can master this time and space bending technology will be ahead of others by many years.
There are early indications that scientists and engineers have got the clue to the concept of bending time and space using
dark energy. Interestingly, the whole concept starts with Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.
¿Demasiada hipotética ficción?
Puede ser.
Pero la realidad del presente también hubíese sido ficción tan sólo un siglo atras. Todo es dialéctico: "lo imposible de hoy es lo posible de mañana". Es campo abierto. Y si no veamos lo que ha ocurido entre el "Homo habilis" y el "Homo sapiens" del Acelerador de Partículas.
Al verbo "viajar", cuándo hablamos de trasladarnos por el infinito Cosmos, le tenemos que cambiar su semántica terraquea. En éste caso tenemos que dejar a un lado el concepto de movernos desde A a B. En este caso tendríamos que acostumbrarnos a pensar a "acercar B a A"; creo que no hay otra forma 'plausible' de entender como llegan aquí esas esotéricas criaturas que nos visitan. Qué como lo hacen...eso es ya harina de otro costal.
Los Agujeros de Gusano, también llamados Puentes Einstein-Rosen, son considerados tener el mayor potencial para viajar en el tiempo, si es que existen. No solo nos permitirían viajar a través del tiempo, sino que también nos permitirían viajar a muchos años luz de la Tierra en solo una fracción del tiempo que nos tomaría con métodos convencionales de viaje espacial.Los Agujeros de Gusano son considerados posibles, basados en la Teoría de la Relatividad de Einstein, la cual afirma que cualquier masa curva el espacio-tiempo.
Lo propuesto en "IndiaDaily" es un sistema de "viaje" más corto que el de los Agujeros de Gusanos...es un "gusano" instantaneo".
Viendo el dibujo de arriba, el Hyperspace entre nosotros y la estrella Sirius, a nueve año-luz de distancia, quedaría anulado de la manera dicha arriba:
Bring the two opposite corners of the rectangular piece of paper together and make them touch each other.
O sea: acercando Sirius a nosotros: doblando completamente el espacio-tiempo existente entre la estrella y nosotros.
Y el buen doblador que doblare
buen doblador será...
Estamos en el umbral de grandes saltos y sorpresas al respecto.
Esperemos que, si llegan a doblar completamente el espacio-tiempo...sea para viajar por el Universo y no para que unos pocos le doblen el espinazo del espacio-tiempo de sus vidas a la mayoría que joden.