

























Pinchar en la Imagen






¿Quedará todo Impune y nunca más podrán los pájaros volar? "Facit indignation versum"













Fidel leyéndoselo a Michel Chossudovsky cuándo se entrevistaron en La Habana en el 2010






Pinchar en la Imagen




Pinchar en la Imagen


Pinchar en la Imagen


Pinchar en la Imagen

"La situación del capitalismo hoy en día no es solamente una cuestión de crisis económica y política, sino UNA CATASTROFE DE LA ESENCIA HUMANA que condena, meramente, cada reforma económica y política a la futilidad e incondicionalmente DEMANDA UNA TOTAL REVOLUCION" Herbert Marcuse, 1932 (Acotado de: "Marx, Freud, and the Critique of Everyday Life", Bruce Brown; p. 14.) ¿Qué hubiese dicho hoy, 89 años después?

Pinchar en la Imagen


PInchar en la Imagen







Federico García Lorca ('Poeta en Nueva York')


Tuesday, January 31, 2017


Donald Trump disuelve la organización

del imperialismo estadounidense

Monday, January 30, 2017


"Desde su elección como presidente norteamericano, las élites mundiales se han enfrascado con todos sus medios en una lucha contra este nuevo líder de EEUU y están decididos a no permitir el proceso de desglobalización que, al parecer, quiere iniciar Donald Trump con su consigna 'America First' (Primero América)  Tan grande es el temor de las élites neoliberales globales al liderazgo que puede ejercer Donald Trump sobre el mundo, que desde el día de su investidura lograron promover, con la ayuda de los medios de comunicación a su servicio, protestas en Washington y muchas otras ciudades norteamericanas, utilizando inclusive a manifestantes profesionales. El popular portal Craiglist ofreció 1.500 dólares a la semana para participar en las protestas denominadas 'Parar a Trump'."

"El desmantelamiento del TPP por parte de Trump
es una suerte para cuatro países de América Latina
firmantes del acuerdo: México, Chile, Perú y Colombia, pues el TPP había sido considerado como uno de los pilares de la globalización neoliberal para terminar con la existencia de Estados nacionales de los países firmantes. Este hecho significa también un fracaso del neoliberalismo globalizado y de los Gobiernos entreguistas al servicio de las élites mundiales"

Vicky Peláez


"During his inaugural speech, President Trump clearly and forcefully outlined the strategic political-economic policies he will pursue over the next four years.  Anti-Trump journalist, editorialists, academics and experts, who appear in the Financial TimesNew York TimesWashington Post and the Wall Street Journal have repeatedly distorted and lied about the President’s program as well as his critique of existing and past policies"

Prof. James Petras

Sunday, January 29, 2017


Aidos y Némesis, 
Vergüenza e Indignación.
Dos diosas antiguas que siempre iban acompañadas
y que señalaban nuestra condición:
La primera, Aidos, enmarcaba el sentimiento de vergüenza al hacer daño, al hacer algo equivocado: la culpa.
La segunda, Némesis, personificaba el resentimiento e indignación que crean aquellos que cometen los crímenes impunes que afectan a todos.
Dos diosas antiguas que siempre nos han acompañado en nuestra evolución, y que hoy,
en el Gran Laberínto sin hilo de Ariadna en el que nos ha acorralado ésta incivilizada civilización, se entremezclan y se interecambian en sentimientos, razones, causas y efectos, en un cosmos humano de caos y desorientación.
Decia Ortega y Gasset, en sus famosas clases sobre Metafísica: "Pero nuestra definición --de metafísica--presupone una desorientación total, radical; es decir, no que al hombre le acontezca desorientarse, perderse en su vida, sino que, por lo visto, la situación del hombre, su vida, es desorientación, es estar perdido y por eso existe la Metafísica"

Es ésta clase de metafísica la que la Humanidad esta viviendo en la  actualidad, dónde, 
como decimos, Ariadna y su mágico hilo nos han abandonado y hemos quedado atrapados y desorientados en el Laberínto que nosotros mismos nos hemos ido construyendo pensando que nos estabamos beneficiando
Es ésta clase de metafísica dónde Aidos y Némesis
se han ido amalgamado en tan desconcertante manera que ya, en nuestra desorientación, no sabemos dónde acaba el sentimiento de culpa al hacer daño y dónde empieza la indignación por lo que ésta pasando
Hasta nos hemos construído un reloj --que ya es decir-- para avisarnos a nosotros mismos del peligro de este apocalíptico berenjenal donde nos hemos metido...¡hasta el punto de que estamos a tan sólo dos minutos y medio de que ésta desorientación --y no es responsable Donald Trump!-- llegue a la hora fatídica de destrozarnos!
Y, por si ésto fallara, Aidos, nuestra culpa colectiva por el daño que nos hacemos, --y que busca subconscientemente un autocastigo--, y Némesis, la indignación colectiva que no encuentra salida para castigar a los culpables que causan todo el cul-de-sac establecido, miramos al Cosmos a ver si nos ayuda y ocurre algo, de forma natural, que haga el trabajo por nosotros y asi no tengamos que ser los responsables de esos dos angustiosos minutos y medio que nos queda hacia el Domsday que venimos fabricando.
Y entonces miramos al Cosmos,
y le rogamos:
'Por dios, una ayudita para terminar
con ésta desorientación
que acarreamos en nuestra extraña evolución' 
Porque desde hace mucho tiempo, cuando quedaron mezclados y rebujados Aidos y Némesis, y ya no supimos orientarnos de nuevo, comenzamos a predecir --¿y a desear?-- el Fin del Mundo, el fín de la metafísica de marras, el fín de la tragedia humana
Y la cosa viene de atrás, de muy atrás.
Ya en los Evangelios de Mateo, Lucas y Marcos, se decía que la 'Luna Negra' anunciaba el fín del mundo. Después el calendario maya del 2000. Después El supervolcán de Yellowstone y el volcán Paektu también dieron de que hablar, por la posibilidad que existía de que borraran a la humanidad de la faz del planeta. Después, lo dicho, los científicos del Boletín de Científicos Atómicos adelantaron en 30 segundos la manecilla del llamado Reloj del Juicio Final --¿deseo subconsciente de ser juzgados por nuestros pecados?-- Después la Sagrada Casa Blanca advirtió recientemente de lo poco que se puede hacer contra el eventual choque de un gran meterorito.
Y hoy, para seguir la saga, nos han anunciado el primer apocalípsis del 2017 —y de seguro no será el único— diciéndonos que un asteroide gigante se acerca a la Tierra y que existe la posibilidad de que si llega a chocar contra ella se produciría un cataclismo ...que pondría, por nosotros, las agujas del reloj de marras en las tenebrosas 12 horas del Juicio Final
¿Tendremos la necesidad subconsciente de que se acabe todo ésto y de ser juzgados para no seguir sintiendo la vergüenza de Aidos por los daños y miserias que llevamos a cabo, y para que la indignación de Némesis que crean aquellos que cometen los crímenes impunes que nos están desgastando, lleguen las dos a un término para no seguir soportando tal espada de Damócles que desde hace tanto tiempo, como especie, venimos soportando?


Otro abominable crimen contra la humanidad
llevado a cabo por los "Hostis Humani Generis",
Y todo ello tuvo lugar bajo el reinado
del  Premio Nobel de la Paz,
teratológica y sui generis demencia
nunca vista con anterioridad
"Siria: La indeclarada guerra de agresión de USA-OTAN, usando el Terrorismo de Al Qaeda como un Instrumento de Muerte y Destrucción"
Académicos alemanes desenmascaran
la masiva desinformación sobre Siria
nunca vista en 'living memory'
Profesores universitarios alemanes, miembros de la organización 'Attac Deutschland', redactaron una declaración conjunta en la que critican la interpretación que hacen muchos medios sobre el papel de Rusia e Irán en el arreglo del conflicto sirio.

Según la denominada 'Declaración sobre la guerra en Siria', Rusia e Irán "primero agotaron todas las posibilidades de una solución diplomática y pacífica del conflicto" y al ver que no funcionaban, recurrieron a la acción militar.

En su declaración, los académicos recuerdan una entrevista de 2007 del exsecretario general de la OTAN Wesley Clark, que reveló que unas semanas después del 11 de septiembre de 2001, EEUU se propuso invadir no solo Irak, sino también otros cinco países de Oriente Próximo, incluida Siria.


Con este objetivo en mente, EEUU estuvo preparando las condiciones propicias para un cambio de régimen en Siria desde 2005, incluyendo una campaña de propaganda de los medios 'mainstream' contra el Gobierno de Asad.

EEUU también cooperó con Arabia Saudí, Qatar e Israel para formar y financiar un ejército de yihadistas suníes con el fin de derrocar a los Gobiernos de Damasco y Teherán, informó el periodista Seymour Hersh en 2007.

Sin embargo, algunos medios occidentales bautizaron estas fuerzas de una manera mucho más suave: la 'oposición moderada', destacan los profesores alemanes.

"La fuerza militar más numerosa de la oposición estuvo compuesta por Al Qaeda y el grupo radical islamista Frente al Nusra [actualmente denominado Frente Fatah al Sham], clasificados por el propio EEUU como organizaciones terroristas".


Las confesiones del criminal John Kerry

La guerra contra Siria es la primera que se prolonga por más de 6 años en plena era numérica. Numerosos documentos que deberían haberse mantenido en secreto ya han sido publicados. Aunque han aparecido en diferentes países, de manera tal que la opinión publica no tiene conciencia de ello, esos documentos ya permiten en este momento reconstruir la secuencia de los acontecimientos. La publicación de una grabación de declaraciones que John Kerry hizo en privado, en septiembre de 2016, revela la política del Departamento de Estado y obliga a todos los observadores –incluyéndonos a nosotros– a revisar sus análisis anteriores.

Saturday, January 28, 2017


Doomsday Clock closer to midnight in wake of Trump presidency

Scientists say pronouncements of US president and global tensions have brought new ‘time’ forward by 30 seconds


El grupo de científicos y patrocinadores del proyecto de éste simbólico reloj del Apocalipsis anunciaron que se vieron obligados a adelantarlo 30 segundos hacia la medianoche. El reloj se sitúa actualmente a dos minutos y medio del Apocalipsis, es decir: 23:57:30.  Este es el nivel más alto de peligro que enfrenta el planeta desde 1953.

Y la culpa de que las agujas de éste reloj se hayan acercado medio minuto más a éste Apocalípsis la tiene, a tan sólo una semana de asumir su cargo, un especial empuajador de relojes de éste tipo: Donald Trump.

No la tiene el potencial peligro para la humanidad de que se pueda detonar un guerra nuclear al poner la Santa Alianza USA-NATO una inconmensurable fuerza militar en la frontera con Rusia, no; ésto no empuja las manecillas del Doomsday Clock hacia el la fatídica hora: lo que la empuja es esto otro:

"We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world – but we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first...We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone"
 (Discurso innaugural de Trump)

¿Es esto lo que puso
el reloj de marras a la 23:57:30P?

Y aúnque el Papa Francisco dijo sobre Trump: "No me gusta anticiparme a los acontecimientos. Veremos qué hace", los científicos y patrocinadores del reloj de marras no se lo pensaron dos veces, e, influenciados por el equipo del grupo del 11 de Septiembre, Clinton-Bush-Obama, no tuvieron paciencia y, sin esperar a ver qué hace, le hicieron empujar el reloj de marras a dos minutos y medio de la hora fatal.

Sin embargo, lo extraño y significativo es que si sabían lo que había hecho el último presidente saliente y, sin embargo, esta historia no les influyó para que fuese él, el Nobel de la Paz, y no Trump, el Nobel del Doomsday Clock, el que empujase las manecillas del reloj:

"Cada una de las intervenciones militares implacables de Obama, incluida Libia, Somalia, Yemen, Irak, Afganistán y especialmente Siria, fueron caracterizadas por la destrucción deliberada y total de los medios y estructuras  de la existencia social-civilizada con tremendas consecuencias para la población civil indefensa: el bombardeo de viviendas, fábricas, mercados, bodas, funerales, escuelas, hospitales...que condujo a la muerte de muchas docenas de miles y el desarraigo de millones en desesperadas huídas.Las bombas de Obama y de los brazos  de mercenarios terroristas condujeron a cientos de miles de familias a las calles, a las montañas y la mayoría, como refugiuados, a barcos sobrecargados que naufragaban en el mar. Obamadestruyó completamente a Libia, sus instituciones, sus infraestructuras, ciudades, pueblos, incluso lanzando un misil contra la casa que albergaba una media docena de los  pequeños nietos del presidente Muammar Gadaffi, para terminar, finalmente, con la muerte pública por tortura del  presidente de Libia...'sodomized by stakes documented in a imperial-pornographic snuff film that should have revolted the entire world'...'This serial political killer had an unquenchable thirst for sympathy and admiration – and a wholly corrupt propaganda machine to polish his halo' "
"Obama’s “Pathological Legacy” ", James Petras.
Ni tampoco fue Lyndon B. Johnson
el empujador del reloj
al destruir Vietnam.
Ni tampoco fue Clinton
al bombardear inmisericordemente
a la población civil de Yugoslavia
Ni tampoco fue Bush
al borrar del mapa 
a un país, Iraq,
y dejar gravemente herido a otro, Afganistán.
¿Qué clase de relojeros
están detrás del Doomsday Clock?
¿Seran unos especiales medidores
de un tiempo-espacio que sirve los intereses
de un establecido reloj de arena
al que nunca hay que darle la vuelta
porque queda parado
cuándo mas convenga?

Thursday, January 26, 2017


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

¿Desde cuándo? ¿Hasta cuándo?

Ladra un perro.
Cantan unos pájaros.
La luz del alba abre el día
a postrarse en sus santuarios.
Todo simple.

Unas matemáticas inexorables
repitiéndo sus cálculos.

Es el hábito del Universo,
sus orillas,
sus circunvalaciones,
sus sísifos,
sus rosarios.

¿Desde cuándo?
¿Hasta cuándo?

Otra vez repite el camino
un plan trazado:
día y noche
de un mundo
de luz y sombras
que nos ha creado
dónde no hemos hallado
lo que buscamos,
que nos posee,
que nos trae,
que nos lleva,
sin preguntarnos...

¿Desde cuándo?
¿Hasta cuándo?

Y aquí,
en éste planeta
dónde estamos,
dónde una vez apareció la vida,
la conciencia,
el alba y el ocaso,
dónde ahora ladra un perro
y cantan los pájaros,
el hombre,
en su naufragio,
se pregunta:

¿Desde cuándo?
¿Hasta cuándo?

Un alfa y un omega
que llevamos clavados,
sin saber qué ha pasado,
ni el por qué ni el cómo
la vida y la muerte,
el alba y el ocaso,
se enlazan,
se complementan,
se derriten en nosotros
sin que sepamos descifrarlos...

Ladra un perro.
Cantan unos pájaros.
La luz del alba abre el día
a postrarse en sus santuarios.
Todo simple.

Y una inexactitud de hierro
nos sigue taladrando:

 ¿Desde cuándo?
¿Hasta cuándo?

Tuesday, January 24, 2017


Una mala noticia.
Nos han quitado la Nada,
ese último refugio que nos quedaba
dónde esperábamos
construir nuestra eterna morada.
Hay que dar la voz de alarma
y tratar de recuperarla!

A la pregunta de ¿qué nos queda ahora?
ya no podemos responder con Nada.

Los físicos nos han arruinado la respuesta
porque la Nada no existe: es Algo.

Porque nosotros habíamos sido
unos enamorados de la Nada,
de la ausencia de todo,
de la carencia de todo,
del vacio,
de los 18 vacios del Zen,
de todo lo que vemos y tocamos.

Siempre alcanzabamos el Nirvana
pensando en la inexistencia de lo existente.

Pues se acabó.
Ni ésto nos queda ahora!
Todo se nos vino abajo.

Porque teníamos la sublime esperanza
--la que nos mantenía a flote
sobre el espejismo de las cosas--
de que después de muertos iríamos
a descansar a la Nada.

Hasta habíamos encargado la lápida:
"Que en Nada descanse"

Pués nada,
ni ésto nos queda ya...

Con lo bien que estábamos soñando
que un día
iríamos a Ella a que nos acogiera
entre sus cariñosos brazos
para que nos acunasen in eternis...!

Pués también hemos perdido ésto.
Difícilisimos tiempos nos han tocado vivir.

Ya, nunca más,
podremos leer con los mismos ojos
L´être et le néant,
El ser y la Nada,
del pensador francés.
Una pena.

Una pena porque ahora ya no le podemos contraponer al ser lo que le daba vida:
su antónimo, la Nada.

Es como si el circulo del ying-yang
se nos hubiése desbaratado para siempre.
Una tragedia.

La teoría cuántica sugiere que la nada es en realidad algo. Según esta, incluso el vacío más vacío estaría lleno de diminutas partículas elementares que oscilan dentro y fuera de la existencia en lapsos de tiempo demasiado cortos como para poder ser observados. O sea, partículas que aparecen y desaparecen irregularmente sin ninguna causa evidente. Al menos en la teoría.

En la práctica, los científicos no suelen sentirse cómodos tratando fenómenos que no pueden ser observados. Es por eso la importancia de la investigación que ha realizado un equipo de la Universidad de Konstanz (Alemania) bajo la dirección del profesor Alfred Leitenstorfer. Según su reporte, recientemente publicado en la revista Nature, lo que solemos llamar 'la nada' a nivel cuántico no es simplemente 'algo', sino que además ese 'algo' se puede observar e incluso manipular, y tal vez hasta captar.

Asi que ya lo sabéis:
El título del trabajo del pensador francés:
"L´être et le néant",
nos lo han convertivo en:
"L´être et quelque chose",
"El ser y algo"

Ya el 'ser' no está sólo:
está acompañado
Una tragedia por todos lados...


De colores
De colores se visten los campos

en la primavera
Cuando Madonna
se hace Rosa de Luxemburgo
rompiendo cadenas

De colores
De colores
Son los pajaritos que vienen de afuera

Made in America
Cuando los oligarcas compiten
por su poder en la tierra

De colores
De colores es el arco iris que vemos lucir
Y por eso las Madonnas de Hollywood

Me gustan a mí
C o l o r Revolution”
against Donald Trump
What is at stake is a “color revolution” Made in America which is marked by fundamental rivalries within the US establishment, namely the clash between competing corporate factions, each of which is intent upon exerting control over the incoming US presidency.
Background: What is a Color Revolution?
Before proceeding further, let us focus on the nature and historical origins of  the “color revolutions” used as a means to triggering “regime change”, which have emerged in a large number of countries in the course of the last decade.
The “color revolution” is a US intelligence operation which consists in covertly supporting as well as infiltrating protest movements with a view to triggering “regime change” under the banner of a pro-democracy template.
The objective of a “color revolution” is to manipulate elections, create violence, foment social unrest and use the protest movement to topple an existing government.
The ultimate foreign policy goal is to instate a compliant pro-US government (or “puppet regime”). Engineered protest movements are carefully planned. They are intelligence ops. They use non-governmental organizations to recruit protesters.

History: “The Revolution Business” and “Regime Change” 

In August 1999, the CIA set up a training program for a Serbian NGO entitled OTPOR which subsequently played a key role in the engineered protest movement conducive to the downfall of president Slobodan Milosevic.

A few years later, OTPOR established a training and strategizing outfit entitled  The Centre for Applied Non Violent Action and Strategies (CANVAS). CANVAS became a consulting outfit specializing in “Revolution” on contract to the CIA.

CANVAS  was set up by the CIA as “an International network of trainers and consultants” involved in the “Revolution Business”. Funded by Freedom House, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) as well private corporate foundations. CANVAS constitutes a  consulting outfit, advising and training US sponsored opposition groups in more than 40 countries.

In this regard, OTPOR played a key role in fomenting the mass uprisings during the Arab Spring in Egypt in 2011. What appeared to be a spontaneous democratization process was a carefully planned intelligence operation.
How does this relate to the coordinated operation to undermine the Trump presidency?

What is at stake is a “color revolution” Made in America which is marked by fundamental rivalries within the US establishment, namely the clash between competing corporate factions, each of which is intent upon exerting control over the incoming US presidency.

The OTPOR-CANVAS-CIA model is nonetheless relevant. Several foundations involved in funding color revolutions internationally are involved in funding the anti-Trump campaign.

Moreover, while CANVAS’ mandate is to oversee “color revolutions” internationally, including it also has links with a number of NGOs currently involved in the anti-Trump campaign
The Occupy Wall Street Movement (OWS). OWS launched by Adbusters was funded via the Tides Foundation which in turn is funded by a number of corporate foundations and charities, including the Ford Foundation, Gates Foundation  and the Open Society Institute. Ford is known to have historical links to US intelligence.
It is worth noting that the raised fist logo first launched by OTPOR in 1999 as a symbol of CIA sponsored color revolutions (including Egypt during the Arab Spring), also constitutes the symbol of several organizations involved in the anti-Trump engineered protest movement.
Leer más:

Los medios de comunicación  también son "De Colores":
The widespread and consistent media attacks against Trump are clearly deliberate. To underscore that point, in an interview published on Thursday by New York Magazine, CNN President Jeff Zucker warned US President Trump that if he continued to call out the mainstream media on its use of fake and distorted news, CNN (at least) would negatively shape the perception of the Trump to people around the world.
"One of the things I think this administration hasn't figured out yet is that there's only one television network that is seen in Beijing, Moscow, Seoul, Tokyo, Pyongyang, Baghdad, Tehran and Damascus — and that's CNN," Zucker said. "The perception of Donald Trump in capitals around the world is shaped, in many ways, by CNN. Continuing to have an adversarial relationship with that network is a mistake."
The point, then, is this: if these media scoundrels (CNN) are anti-Trump, then we can assume that Trump must, in one way or another, represent a threat to the Washington political elite warmongers and their yellow journalism lackeys. That, in itself, is reason enough for all people of good will to, at the very least, oppose the scurrilous and duplicitous attacks against Trump

Saturday, January 21, 2017


Una inteligente hermenéutica para barrer las mentiras y manipulaciones que está llevando a cabo el omnipresente Brainwashing Under Freedom, BUF:
"If we know a man by his enemies,
Trump is deeply honored by attacks
from every quarter
of the US Money-Enemy-War Establishment."
By Prof. John McMurtry, January 20, 2017:
Antes, para sintonizarnos, acotemos partes de las palabras de Trump:

 Today’s ceremony, however, has very special meaning. Because today we are not merely transferring power from one Administration to another, or from one party to another – but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the American People.

For too long, a small group in our nation’s Capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost.

Washington flourished – but the people did not share in its wealth.

Politicians prospered – but the jobs left, and the factories closed.

The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country.

Their victories have not been your victories; their triumphs have not been your triumphs; and while they celebrated in our nation’s Capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land.

That all changes – starting right here, and right now, because this moment is your moment: it belongs to you.

What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people.

January 20th 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again. 

The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.

At the center of this movement is a crucial conviction: that a nation exists to serve its citizens.

....But for too many of our citizens, a different reality exists: Mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities; rusted-out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation; an education system, flush with cash, but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of knowledge; and the crime and gangs and drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential.

This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.

The time for empty talk is over...
We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world – but we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first...We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone...

(The Washington Post & New York Times Are “Disappointed” in Trump’s Inaugural Address. The Post and Times are beside themselves over President Trump’s forceful attack on the
rapacious and immoral American Ruling Establishment for whom the two pretend newspapers are such faithful servants.)

Mientras tanto, his enemies, el mismo día que Trump juraba su cargo de presidente, a unos bloques urbanos de distancia, el club de la "US Money-Enemy-War Establishment" --que menciona McMurtry-- financiaba en las calles violentas protestas contra la nueva administración. Aúnque éste nuevo programa del billonario, en cuánto a su geopolítica, enmarca un enfoque más racional que el peligrosísimo Project for the New American Century, PNAC, de doña Clinton...contra el cúal --extraña y significativamente-- no se hubiésen producido ninguna clase de protestas...lo cual nos arroja mucho luz sobre lo que está ocurriendo.

Pero Dejemos al profesor McMurtry
que nos explique el asunto:
Trump’s “Russia Connection”, Behind America’s Perpetual Wars
By Prof. John McMurtry

The enemy in one form or another drives the US – the gun culture on the streets, the rich behind  weapon-guarded enclaves, the pervasive violence entertainments of good vs. evil killers, the never-ending destabilizations of societies not submitting to US military and corporate globalization, and the hundreds of billions of public dollars pouring into continuous armed threats and wars.

The US capital-E Enemy is whatever exists in the world that stands against the ‘full spectrum dominance’ of the US in the world – the bi-partisan objective made explicit in the iconic Project for a New American Century.

But incoming President Trump has gone to the other side, and so becomes the enemy to the establishment.

He has rejected globalizing “free trade deals” led by NAFTA as “disastrous”, saying to Canada, “congratulations, you now have your independence” (an idea that terrifies the branch-plant  CEO’s and their politicos and media now in power).

He has consistently intimated an “obsolete” NATO, the global military front of the US empire marching East through Ukraine to Russia’s borders (which are now standing against the next US-led looting of the greatest natural resource treasures of the world).

In the backdrop lies official Canada morphed into a new Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chrystia Freeland of Ukrainian  descent, who like the US supports the 2015 neo-Nazi-led coup against Ukraine’s elected government to force US-EU access to the breadbasket of Eurasia and new fossil-fuel riches formerly prohibited from fracking – all of this publicly unspeakable fact in Canada and US corporate media today.

Trump’s Russia connection has put him on the enemy side again, although the reasons why will never be made public in the official cultures of the corporate media and NATO states.

In the last days before his inauguration, Trump has not buckled fought back hard on the truly fake news backed by the CIA-led spy apparatus of ‘US intelligence’ and by his enemies in power.

We read only of how ‘reckless’ and ‘irresponsible’ Trump is for ‘insulting the intelligence community’: in fact the lead agents of the US dark state long implicated in every state-terrorist interference with democratic process across the world, including the assassination of JFK.

In the last days before his entry into the White House, this CIA-CNN-McCain-led set-up of Trump has induced a feeding frenzy of the media to de-legitimate him – now all but declared guilty of treason as well as dupery by Putin and sexual perversion, any of which is usually fatal to a US politician.

In historical perspective, all that the ‘intelligence community’ did to boost the Bush Jr. presidency and its 9-11 foreign wars and war crimes is put into reverse on Trump.

If we know a man by his enemies, Trump is deeply honored by attacks from every quarter of the US Money-Enemy-War Establishment.

But President-to-be Trump goes further against the US dark state by implicitly denouncing the US-made wars in the Middle East and Central Asia as bankrupting America as well as ruinously invading other societies on false pretexts – as many US libertarians have done for years.

In the White House, this long-overdue rationality will be welcomed by everyone who is not part of America’s war machine at the head of destroying the planet.

It is the biggest point source of all ecocides and pollutions as well as of society destructions. This is a home truth which neither Trump nor anyone else in US power seems to have comprehended.

Yet what most triggers the enemy structure of US identity into fuming rage is Trump’s refusal to assume that Putin and Russia are the Enemy of US.

Trump’s skepticism on NATO, foreign wars and the CIA is now compounded into perceptions of treasonous Manchurian Candidate projections.

It is an interesting spectacle of US group-mind in official stories and media of record– including junior counterparts in Canada and the EU.

The US group-mind is militantly blocked against facts and reason wherever the Enemy is concerned.

Above all, the US-Enemy group-mind is governed by an inner logic of reverse projections.  It projects onto the designated Enemy what the US is doing itself as the justification for warring against it.

Russia and Putin are a perfect example. Every malevolence of lies, forced expansion into other societies, and pretexts for more aggression and territory under US control is projected onto Putin.

There is no hard evidence from which these accusations follow, but there is also no reasoning with the US-Enemy syntax of the capitalist group-mind.

Reverse projections become the perpetual justification of war against the designated US hate-object.

We have seen it over and over again. US demonization of foreign individuals is repeatedly the pretext for wars against whole societies: while in fact the mass-murderous aggression and acquisition of new powers and treasure are by the US dark state.

Trump has called this system into question at a libertarian level.

Ending Attack of Russia as War-State Compulsion

Behind the ad hominem hate of Putin lies independent Russia. It has been a target of militarized expansion of the West since Napoleon and Hitler.

Nonetheless few notice the staggering hypocrisy of accusing Russia of “interfering in elections” with no proof, and no question of  the truth of the document itself. We see here the paranoid nature of this group-mind morality.

It sees no facts, but only an “attack on US democracy”: while in truth the US itself has never stopped interfering in others’ elections, including Russia and Ukraine’s.

Governing all the instituted criminal networks and armed special forces at work across borders in and out of elections is this degenerate framework of value attribution and meaning.

For the most civil examples of its operations, the US National Endowment for Democracy and, in private connection, multi-billionaire money speculator George Soros, generate well-paid ‘NGO’s” in other countries to destabilize any deviating society. Its is an a-priori enemy of  “democracy and freedom”.

Yet President-to-be Trump and Russia’s President Putin are oligarch nationalists, not war mongers like previous US presidents and candidates.

This is shown by Trump and Putin bridging across the Enemy driver of the cold and proxy wars now in motion.

The reverse projections of ad hominem hate have been so far deleted. This the US money-war establishment cannot bear. It undermines the whole global system of US-led terror and treasure across all borders.

Trump and Putin have implicitly agreed that these wars are disastrous for both America and Russia.

Behind the Freedom Fighters and Terrorists Lies the Money-War Party

Breaking the continuous US destabilizations and wars is treason to those who profit big from them.

Ever more tens of billions of public money go to Wall Street, weapons manufacturers, war-service corporation like Cheney’s and Bush’s,.

Who in US power is not implicated?.

Keeping this foundational  question out of the public agenda is the unseen censorship syntax of America’s official culture.

An example of the power of the Enemy-US war driver is that even the first US President to win a Nobel Peace Prize ends up cheerfully approving serial mass murders of the designated Enemy -  ‘Islamic terrorists’ including children, every Tuesday of the week.

This is also good business promotion. The eponymous drones now built by military-industrial corporations get mass advertised as very precise and profitable commodities about to fill auditory fields with their mass-marketing production already out of control.

The ‘Free World’ has many ecocidal expressions.
Yet with the endless terrorist outfits designated as the US Enemy to justify the weekly bombing of families – from al-Qaeda to ISIS and from Afghanistan to Syria and Libya – the evidence consistently shows that the CIA (and related Saudi, Turkey and other secret agents) have been responsible for their financing, recruiting, arming, and training.

But the morphing names of jihadi forces are effective masks for concealing their sponsors.

Recall here the vivid images of Reagan’s “freedom fighters” (including bin Laden) in Afghanistan against the USSR (‘al-Qaeda’s’ launching pad) at the same time as the US drug-funded Nicaraguan ‘Contras’ were specializing in destroying hospitals, schools and peasant communities in Nicaragua.

Recall too the very sudden appearance of the new ‘ISIS/Islamic State’ in a daylight desert parade to the horizons waving machine guns in new Toyota trucks – all with no intervention and impunity not far from Israel’s borders and in full sight of US aerial reconnaissance.

Yet throwing spanner into the works of the privately profitable Enemy-US war system haemorrhaging public money and privilege around the clock to its leaders is President-to-be Trump, the rogue elephant none in the establishment believed could win.

He is a dangerous man to the money-war state. He does not hate Putin as required for the US- Enemy driver. He does not get lobbied by the manifold big money corporations profiting from endless war and war preparations. And he very publicly and rightly opposes foreign wars on false pretexts plunging the US people and Treasury into a great dark hole.

This is ultimately why there is an increasingly shrill establishment war on him as a “threat to US security” and implicit collaborator with the Enemy.

On the other hand, if  President Trump goes along with  the weekly Obama-style drone murders and war-crimes, and the ongoing Israel war crimes as by far the longest in history,  he may fit better with the US-Enemy war culture he is about to lead.

Trump however has signaled that he will end the legally questionable embargos on Russia. For this, the CIA, FBI and DIA are coming out along with Senate war-mongers like McCain against Putin, Russia and Trump together.  

Everything they have pulled in the days before his succession is an effort to blow up Trump’s Russia connection. Even a honey-pot hoax has been hatched within the security community and forwarded to the media to nail Trump in the way they have done before with others.

Yet again, the enemies of Trump show that his position in making peace with Russia and getting the US war-state under control is for real.

Trump would not be taken so seriously by the in-office war party if this were not true.

Trump’s repudiation of foreign-war “disasters” should mean a change of US direction into Armageddon. 

Combined with his move to stop the transnational corporate stripping of US jobs, the Trump turn may be the most effective resistance to the corporate globalization establishment since 1950.

That the dominant media hate Putin and Trump at once is predictable.  This is the Russia connection that simmers back to McCarthyism.

The Inner Logic of Enemy Construction

Putin is a supreme object of non-stop abuse because his actions stand for an independent Russia which has stopped the march of NATO East in East Ukraine and Crimea. Although both have been long integrated with Russia, the US-Enemy mind frame screens out all facts not consistent with its presuppositions.

Combine Putin with Trump, and the conflagration of outrage explodes. Little recognised, it comes from all points of the non-productive transnational corporate system, and not from those who make things of life use. It is predictably full of hate.

In general, the Enemy designation to justify war on every level can be crystallized into the following lock-steps of operant conditioning across classes.

Every step is a non-sequitur assumption or inference.  Together they build to all-fronts war against the designated Enemy.  .

The auto-pilot succession of (1) to (10) goes on as automatically like a Pavlovian reflex, but in more steps.

Its meta program applies not only to the US. It explains how to identify the Enemy-War  derangement across space and time. .

(1) The Enemy is any group or leader designated to be so (e.g., Russia, Putin).

(2) The Enemy is evil a-priori.

(3) Evidence to support this conclusion is not logically or scientifically demonstrated.

(4) Invariantly one-sided denunciations of the Enemy govern  media and government statements.

(5) No counter-evidence or argument against (1) to (4) is normally allowed on the public stage

(6) Criminal and armed activities towards destabilizing the Enemy and its surrounding world are always blamed on it instead (the reverse projection operation).

(7) All is justified in one underlying form: here the ‘Free World’ against its Enemy.

(8) Attacking the Enemy includes non-stop hate propaganda, military-war preparations, encirclement, economic embargo, and bombing if the Enemy cannot bomb back.

(9) The designated Enemy of the US is always a leader, state or movement which is developing public infrastructures and standing against transnational corporate control, privatization and financialization (as with every society invaded by the US since 1945).

(10) Anyone or body effectively resisting (1) to (9) may be attacked or murdered in ‘plausibly deniable’ scenarios.

The War-Enemy Structure Built into American Culture  

We can see the Enemy-and-War structure built into America’s identity by the US national anthem itself. It hymns a war song of “the rocket’s red glare and bombs bursting in air” It climaxes with “the blood [of the enemy] has wash’d out their foul footstep’s pollution” which “prove” the meaning of “her flag’.
But where is this inner logic of the US war state decoded?

In lucid-dream read, America the Good bombs and rockets the Enemy which is inherently Evil, both true by definition. The blood of the designated Evil Enemy must flow to cleanse the world of it. Rockets and bombs prove the flag and its meaning to exterminate the Enemy of the US with no moral criterion but this designation.

Illustration of the war hymn’s binding of the American people is not hard to find. Any elite athlete who does not put his hand on his heart to seal the meaning may be pilloried and ruined (as happened to Afro-American men with bowed heads and fists of solidarity with the oppressed in the 1968 Olympics).

Before that, the most all-round achiever in American history – world renowned in sport, in law, in singing, in acting, in African linguistics – Paul Robson – was denied his freedom to leave and persecuted to death after he declined to declare the Soviet Union as evil.

The circumstances reveal the absolute command of the Enemy construction by which Robson and countless other distinguished Americans were ruined.

This all happened after Russia’s winning the war in Europe against the Nazis at the cost of 26 million lives, while known very rich Americans helped to build and weaponize Hitler’s war state, and never punished for it.

In contrast, the allies Soviet Union was declared the Enemy right after Roosevelt’s death. His chosen ‘peace- president’ successor was falsely accused as a ‘communist’. The world had been at last in peace after Nazi surrender, but not the pro-Nazi American backers at the top of the money-war party led by David Rockefeller since.

His prodigy Leo Strauss and Henry Kissinger have provided the rationales. US covert agents have ever since been seeking to destroy Russia in any form of sovereign economic independence and strategic power, and succeeded till Putin.

The surprising fact is the total contradiction between the a-priori US assumption that it has a right to have its propaganda and agents at work over any borders up to Russia and beyond, but an equally fixed a-priori assumption that no other country has any right to circulate even true information about US politics within it.

This is clear not only from the accusations against Russia’s interference in the election of Trump as US President, but from public debates from 1991 on within the US.

They argue whether or not and how many US troops should stay in Iraq after eco-genocidal bombing of its public life infrastructures. Or whether to bomb Syria again to give a message to Putin not to eliminate US assets there.

On the other hand, an extended and still raging denunciation of Russia’s alleged “aggression against the US” and “interference in US elections” for Russia accessing, without proof and imputed to Putin, a DNC e-mail whose truth no-one questions.

How can there be such extremist imbalance of moral and rational understanding which so completely erases others’ human rights up to war on their society’s very life bases and children, while absolutizing the rights of US and ally bombers to do all of this, and debate only whether it will work if they go on doing it?

The US national anthem itself expresses the chosen-people’s right to kill others with no basis except that it is US doing it. The open logical spaces of this war hymn can include any nation or force as Enemy against it.

The lines generically prescribe rocketing the Enemy to shed its blood. The compulsory song for all citizens to sing indicates no fault of the Enemy except being so designated. No benefit for anyone is indicated but that “the US flag is still there”.

Yet everyone in the US must put his hand over his heart when the anthem is sung before any public event: most fiercely before the sabbath NFL Games in which the largest, fastest and most powerful violence of body against body collide with each other in accordance with detailed war-room plans. ‘The long bomb’, ‘sacking’ and ‘slashing up the center’ are favorite operations of the stadium-war spectacle.

On Superbowl days of the Superpower’s favorite entertainment,  army jets scream overhead to give US military signature to the meaning.

The Chosen People

In the world political context of today, the war party of the US includes all the media of record, all politicians not being condemned, and most people in allied states.

The cheerleading of the now declared ‘new Cold War’ being created by “Putin’s attack on America’s election” is heard on every mainstream media days before the Trump Inauguration – for, allegedly, finding and distributing true information of the DNC establishment’s own subversion of the election of its presidential candidate.

If we read back to the first ‘chosen people’, which US ‘exceptionalism’ carries on, with “God’s blessing America’ for all its wars, we find an unmistakeable through-line of meaning: the Enemy structure of identity justifies eco-genocidal wars as Good against Evil and as led by God.

We find too that nothing of the society attacked is left behind, and this too as God’s will.  We see too that the US in either form controls vast new territory and power with no limit on the annihilation of others’ communities, children and natural environments.

When we turn to the normative cornerstone of Western civilization, we find that total destruction  of men, women and chidren and systems of life support is specifically commanded by the Almighty of Judaic-Christian tradition.

Thus to His voice is attributed the still believed intention to “take “the whole land of Canaan to own in perpetuity” (Genesis 17:21) and, in, explicit prohibition of any “pact with them” to “exterminate” all of the  inhabitants, “Amorites, Hittite, Perizzites, Cannanites Hivites and Jebusite” (Exodus 23:24) (Understanding War, Science for Peace, 1989)

But the guiding thread of meaning is assumed without being seen. The Enemy society is constructed as the hate object to mass-kill and erase from the world.

One way or another, the eco-genocidal right continues on in modified form. A lead individual is demonized by corporate states and media to justify attack on entire societies’ shared life support systems. No collective psychopathology is penetrated. No eco-genocide is allowed to be seen even as in a word.

US Freedom of War against the Other as Supreme Value

Freedom in America means to liberate the individual to follow his self-maximizing purpose as freedom and happiness. Ronald Reagan interpreted this as the “freedom to get rich”.  All US enemies and wars since 1945 have been launched against those opposing the implementation of this ultimate value.

The ultimate Good of the US and the Enemy as Evil to be rid of are two sides of one ultimate moral program. It is universal, overriding and obligatory to follow.

The US and its Enemy thus define each other. The US is born in war on this basis. Britain’s 1763 Royal Proclamation prohibits any settler actions to “molest” and “disturb” the first peoples West from the Appalachians.

It also rejects any “pretexts whatever” or ‘fraudulent purchase”  in “all the lands” that the first nations inhabit and from which the colonists “must forthwith remove themselves” .

Very rarely is this ground of the US Revolution recognised. Yet US history follows in many such takings or invasions of other societies’ lands under false pretexts ever since.

For example, it is seen as a “clear and present danger” to the US war state for any organized community to change the private-money rules of the game. It could be in the US ‘backyard’ of Latin America, or reach all the way to the Philippines, Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan.

Other nations across in general are threatened and warred upon by the US dark state in many ways, and all work to take or destroy their natural and built resources (as with Iraq and Libya’s oil and gold, and now Ukraine’s and even Russia’s).

Throughout, US identity lies in its own system of private capitalist market exchange and profit, and the Enemy is opposition to global expansion of it everywhere.

Ever greater extremes of rich-over-poor and loot-the-planet and public purse do not lead to any change that stops them, including the Trump agenda.

From US Independence against First Nations’ Rights, the US is ordered by money value, private property and profit in everything that can be so extracted, priced and sold. There is no collective right that limits, redirects or cancels this right by obligation to the life commons of all.

All ‘free trade’ treaty commands of ‘globalization’ since 1988 spell out this logic of value in volumes of detail in which only private transnational corporate rights exist. All ‘Cold War’ actions before them have been to enforce this privatization-for-profit system. “There is no alternative”.

All US armed-force interventions and pervasive media propaganda against other regimes follow this inner logic one way or another.  

That it has proven to be eco-genocidal in effects does not stop the wars and treaties for further globalization of it. The Trump presidency may steer it back to home lands.

Thinking through Putin

As soon as Vladmir Putin rose to lead Russia from hollowed-out basket case to geopolitical independence, he was a marked man.

His repudiation and pursuit of the oligarch crooks who parked their privatized oil fortunes outside Russia were glorified as oppressed fighters for freedom and their double agent killed was a martyr.

More impressively, social programs like pensions have been instituted again for the looted people, and the fanatic jihadi aggressors financed and directed from abroad since the late 1980’s in Afghanistan to Syria have been bombed back.

Putin and Russia, once poodled, thus became the Enemy again. Putin even although an anti–communist was incarnate evil, a KGB agent still, a brutal dictator, a murderer with no evidence in front of the Kremlin, and so on. The US money and war party has gone on auto-repeat of US killing as Good and Putin/Russia as Evil .

“The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming”, was into the ruling group-mind even as NATO forces rolled through the former USSR up to Russia’s borders calling it the world’s major aggressor as The US-led West positioned armies, tanks and missiles on its doorstep.

It is not unlike the Nazis going through Poland and the Ukraine to ‘save lives’ before killing 26 million Russian people and destroying its life infrastructures, – the litmus test again of who is right and wrong.
The US-orchestration of the sniper-murderous coup of Ukraine’s elected government in 2013 was enforced on the ground by neo-Nazis still glorifying Ukraine’s Nazi collaborators, and calling for “extermination of the Russians” with US-supported leaders at the front.

‘Ethnic cleansing’ attacks on Russia speakers went into high gear. The US and Canada silenced any attempt to recognise the neo-Nazi threat, far worse than anything in Western Europe where it is properly denounced.  Schizoid morality rules.

“Communists” in Ukraine were and remain still the enemy to be slaughtered and forbidden to stand for election or speak.

The full pogrom was in process until the majority of Russian-speaking citizens in East Ukraine rose up against the mass-murderous coup state which Canada’s envoy and local MP’s refuse to discuss. As always, the narrative of the US “leader of Free World” justifies all.

Reverse Projections Rule the Great Game of Aggression

The established reverse operation of blame on the designated Enemy has ruled since. Putin has been since slandered in foaming at the mouth attacks led by the US-led media and NATO without evident exception of intelligence or human care.

Fake news media of the West – to reverse another reverse projection – have not reported that Putin stopped the Dombass region and its mainly Russian-speaking people from joining Russia as they polled strongly in favor. No evidence has ever appeared in public that the industrialized region’s revolt has been by Russian armaments rather than those captured from the US-led coup state.

The US-directed military bombing of villages and urban centers in the Eastern region have gone on daily with no US-led diplomats or media of record reporting it.

In the post-truth era, facts make no difference. Only accusations of the Enemy frame the old story line. Putin was stripped of legitimacy in all the Western media (despite 87% population approval by independent polls).

Russia has been ever more US-embargoed against UN law to cause recession (but no loss of support from Russian voters glad to have their leadership off its knees);. Putin has been ever more threatened by NATO command and armed forces advancing into Russia’s heartland.

But always in accord with the reverse projection operation, Russia and Putin are accused of what the US-led armed forces have been themselves doing many thousands of miles from the US and right on Russia’s Western borders on all sides.

As ever, the Evil of the Enemy of US justifies war on it on all levels available for private transnational corporate-profit globalization, here at the door of the world’s greatest natural resource basin.

This is why so much space is dedicated in the mainstream media to accusing Putin and Russia with little or no evidence, but only repetition.

The designated Enemy is Evil prior to fact.
We see by attention to undisputed historical facts that the legitimacy of Russia’s former Ukraine long desired by the West as a ‘sovereign state’ with ‘sacred borders’ defended by  ‘patriots’ and ‘the Free World’ is not what it seems.

It is all part of the US versus Evil Enemy construction to pry open more national resources to raid. Putin and Trump may as nationalist leaders agree.

In truth the democratically elected Ukraine government has been usurped into a violent-coup state won by storm-trooper leaders adoring Nazi regalia, all of this orchestrated by the US and supported by Canada even against UN resolution to outlaw the Nazi symbols, memorials and statues now springing up everywhere the coupsters can manage in the corrupt new state.

Yet even now US Democrat and Canada Liberal regimes enthuse in “liberating Ukraine” from the “Putin-Russia bully” in perfect reverse projection, with Canada just changing its Minister  of Foreign Affairs to carry out the big lie with “all the right connections”..

It is worth knowing that Ukraine is now indebted to the US-dominated IMF and the big private banks for which it is the collector and enforcer beyond any ability to pay. So Ukraine’s breadbasket of the continent and newly discovered oil-and-gas sources will now service big public debts enforced by the IMF, with all in diplomatic and press circles crying “Russia aggression”.

This arrangement was instituted as the first big move after the neo-Nazi coup repudiating Russia’s interest-free loans and financial assistance of tens of billions of dollars in Russia oil-and-gas energy support alone. But the dots are never joined if the US-Enemy, Good-Bad lenses blinker out the meaning. Trump could turn the tide here with the home truth.

Putin, the US, and Syria: Assad’s Alleged Gas-Attack on his own People

Another US Enemy, President Bashar Al Assad of Syria, is incarnate Evil to the US money-war party on the charge account that ‘he used chemical weapons’ and ‘gassed his own people’, a crime under international law, and ‘the red line’of President Obama.

Yet when the iconic investigative journalist Seymour Hersh tracked down the chemical weapons that were in fact found to be crudely made by non-Syrian jihadis, and he identified exactly how they were mocked up and used to generate a pretext for US bombing of Syria. But his painstaking research and publication went down the mind hole again.

This was not so when Hersh revealed the Mai Lai massacre, even if no US decision maker was punished.

At least the massacre was revealed. Here in Syria decades later, the media sound reason to ignore everything at once, and invalidate Hersh by insinuations. The media of record then continued with the NYT to tirelessly repeat the exposed falsehood as a given truth.

Since Putin has led the pacification of the war waged by the “mercenary” jihadis as well as sponsored he UN-led destruction of the unused chemical weapons of Assad by his permission, how can he remain the US Enemy?

The US Enemy remains Evil by definition. Putin is most of all attacked for his alleged “annexation of Crimea in violation of all international norms and laws”. This is the ultimate crime Putin is fixed to in auto-pilot media and politician blame across the ‘the free world’. “No-one can forget this’” they say.

Yet the facts that Crimea has been part of Russia since Catherine the Great, and was in the sights of the US-led neo-Nazi implemented Ukraine coup government for occupation again go down the memory hole. In fact, the next coup taking Crimea from Russia was stopped by Putin before it was launched. An on-the-spot over-90% referendum for re-joining Russia worked with no evidence of any force used.

This is Putin’s real offense, drawing the line on the moving US-led take into Russia. In fact Crimea had been traditional Russia territory since defeating the Ottoman Turks to keep its lone outlet onto the inland Black Sea.

So keeping the Enemy ball rolling, the US dark state supported Tatars, who opposed the re-Crimea re-integration into Russia, to sabotage in full view Crimea’s main source of electricity cheered on by the US-led military and media.

What about Putin’s ‘war criminal’ invasion of Ukraine? What about daily NATO-claimed ‘Russian troop movements’ and ‘aggressions against a sovereign state’?

That Ukraine and Kiev are originally the founding center of the Rus people in the seventh century, around the same time as Britons, is inconceivable to think through the ruling group-mind of the US-Enemy frame of mind.

That Ukraine was long a province of Russia before Nikita Khrushchev, a Ukrainian, made it an independent state is erased from the record and the frontal lobes.

That this was a ‘Soviet Union dictate by its supreme dictator’ is an unspeakable exposure of the established mental disorder. Trump could turn the tide here with the home truth.

Can President- Trump Lead Solution to the Collapsing Empire?

President-to-be Trump has a model to go on. A remission in the US private corporate occupation of the world for private profit occurred with Roosevelt’s New Deal. It emerged with the victorious war against Nazism, union legalization, high taxes on high incomes, and post-war industry growth on all planes. An implied ‘social contract’ between the working class and the  often pro-Nazi rich was formed.

Yet the Enemy card of “communism” was played to reverse the much better America that FDR led. As soon as the war was won with Russia sacrificing by far the most in collective defense, US  war on the USSR as the designated enemy began to be waged.

An unseen continuation of the Nazi project which had been supported by the US corporate giants and money men like the Bush family fortune connected back to the original US-led war against the 1917 Russian revolution.

FDR was now dead and Henry Wallace was publicly red-smeared by the Truman wing of the still money-controlled Democratic Party – an interesting parallel to the DNC’s undermining the candidacy of Bernie Sanders in 2016. But this too was forgotten by the DNC, the Clintons and  the political and media establishment.

They have kept insisting since the election loss that it was because of “Russia’s hacking aggression against US democracy”, not the e-mail that directly demonstrated this corrupt tactic of the DNB and the Clintons against the progressive Bernie Sanders.
This meaning has been erased from reference, a revealing confirmation of their systemic corruption.

Trump has overcome the auto-hate on Russia and Putin in the face of near-deadly opposition from the US political and covert-state machine. Yet in many ways, he specially embodies the life-blind freedom of America and the corporate rich.

He exudes enjoyment in ostentatious spending on and show of himself, an egomaniac and ugly American many say. His program for public infrastructure is privatization for profit.  He loves more oil and gas extraction that are proven mass polluters.

He promises more de-regulation without life-based criteria. He seems to deny system-caused climate destabilization, and seeks by implication to undo the Environmental Protection Agency as well as a universal healthcare insurance.

He hates Castro on cue despite – or perhaps because of Cuba’s having far better universal healthcare and education systems than the US.

Trump may be the paradigm of the US social and mental disorder. But hopeful signs are there.

Trump learned against his loud opinion that water-boarding torture was lawless and did not work. He has acknowledgd that climate-change science can change his mind on his doubts of it.

Most importantly, President-to-be Trump is adamant in opposition to “disastrous” foreign wars and regime changes, multi-national trade treaties disemploying workers in the US, ruinous money-hole US empire in general, and Big Pharma fleecing of the US public.


John McMurtry is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada whose work is translated from Latin America to Japan. He is the author of the three-volume Philosophy and World Problems published by UNESCO’s Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), and his most recent book is The Cancer Stage of Capitalism: from Crisis to Cure.

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