NASA - Researchers Detail How A Distant Black Hole Devoured A Star
Wed, 31 Aug 2011 11:33 CDT
On March 28, 2011, NASA's Swift detected intense X-ray flares thought to be caused by a black hole devouring a star. In one model, illustrated here, a sun-like star on an eccentric orbit plunges too close to its galaxy's central black hole. About half of the star's mass feeds an accretion disk around the black hole, which in turn powers a particle jet that beams radiation toward Earth
Two studies appearing in the Aug. 25 issue of the journal Nature provide new insights into a cosmic accident that has been streaming X-rays toward Earth since late March. NASA's Swift satellite first alerted astronomers to intense and unusual high-energy flares from the new source in the constellation Draco.
"Incredibly, this source is still producing X-rays and may remain bright enough for Swift to observe into next year," said David Burrows, professor of astronomy at Penn State University and lead scientist for the mission's X-Ray Telescope instrument. "It behaves unlike anything we've seen before."
Astronomers soon realized the source, known as Swift J1644+57, was the result of a truly extraordinary event -- the awakening of a distant galaxy's dormant black hole as it shredded and consumed a star. The galaxy is so far away, it took the light from the event approximately 3.9 billion years to reach Earth.
El pasado hecho presente.
Pasaron 3.900.000.000 años,
tres mil novecientos millones de años,
hasta que la luz del acontecimiento
de la absorción
de una Estrella por un Agujero Negro
llegó a la Tierra:
se pudo ver, observar y analizar,
lo que ocurrió entónces.
La materia prima de la metáfora implícita es incalculable.
Y es algo que los cosmologos experimentan continuamente.
Y es algo que siempre experimento:
constantemente me llegan,
a mi presente,
"luces de mi pasado"
donde mi Agujero Negro
se come uno de mis Soles
de antaño.
Ya me van quedando pocos Soles,
Su Majestad,
pocas Estrellas con la que alumbrar
el Universo que configuró mis pasos.
El canibalismo de mis Agujeros Negros
aumenta sin cesar.
Pronto, muy pronto,
no me quedará nada con lo que aluzar.
Por ello me he quedado mirando
el 'video' de la NASA
y he sentido mi realidad:
una luz que navega,
se descompone y se disipa,
ante un poderoso campo de gravedad,
la muerte,
y es devorada por la espiral,
sin Tiempo ya,
del Gran Agujero Ancestral.
La muerte es, simplemente,
Salir de la Ecuación
donde Tiempo y el Espacio
Infinitamente Largo
es igual al Tiempo y el Espacio
Infinitamente Corto.