Monday, December 14, 2009

LA CONFERENCIA DE COPENHAGUE: "Ne Quid Res Privata Detrimenti"

                                            Trapped between police vehicles and police dogs,

                                          hundreds of arrested demonstrators were made to sit
                                       legs apart and in single file on the freezing streets for hours.

For Daring To Resist Establishment Science: 1000 arrested in Copenhagen

SOTT Editors
Sat, 12 Dec 2009 16:21 EST

The Copenhagen Conference:
"Ne Quid Res Privata Detrimenti"
By: manuel cidoncha-hinestrosa

There is a confusion (manufactured, of course) that the Copenhagen Conference is being done
to "reduce carbon dioxide emissions",
to "save the habitat",
to "reduce global warming" ... but it is not true:

The Copenhagen Conference is being held so that the level of capitalist profits do not deteriorate, or, as the leaders of the Iperium Romanum said:
"Ne quid res privata detrimenti"
'That the private state receives no detriment'.

This is the true nature of the meeting of the capitalist countries in Copenhagen.

And this will be better understood with a parable of the dairy cow:
Once there was a cow that every day gave twenty gallons of milk until the pastures, where the ruminant was eating, began to disappear due to the tremendous amount of grass eaten by the animal and the disproportionate growth of the herbs. Then the cow owners convened an emergency meeting, in Copenhagen, to see how they could continue to maintain the profits of those twenty gallons daily of milk...and the care and strengthening of the grass went into the agenda for discussions only, only as a means and as a tool to continue the increased economic benefits of the milk that the cow was producing.

This is the Copenhagen Conference, where if you get some useful results, which we doubt, they will be for, as the leaders of the Imperium Romanum said:
"Ne quid res privata detrimenti"
'That the private state receives no detriment'.

There are hotly debated and they are very worried about the gains, earnings, profits and wealth of the oligarchs and the investors of big money, which is the only dynamic and the divine force behind the destructive and insane regime that today is eating away and destroying us for the privileges of the Millionaire Club and the elites of the upper classes which all are swimming in wealth.

In summary: the Copenhagen Conference is not about the Health of the Planet and the well being of humanity (which are increasingly being exploited and dehumanized more and more): It Is About Profits, but, of course, because the health of the latter depends on the health of the former, both are inter-related and are mixed in the reciprocity of cause-effect-cause.

The Planet, Humanity, Life in general, the raw materials of our Earth (the "pasture" of the cow of the parabola), are just tools that the Copenhagen Conference need to protect inasmuch as they are the means by which the plutocracy sustains and nourishes its benefits and fortunes:
their "res privata"

Added: Mon, 14 Dec 2009 02:42 EST