Monday, December 14, 2009

The Axiomatic And Latest Evidence Of Ufo's

Best of the Web Video:
Astronaut Gordon Cooper's UFO Encounters

Nila Sagadevan
Sun, 13 Dec 2009 11:41 EST

In this short interview, legendary test pilot and astronaut Colonel Gordon Cooper recounts his experience of UFOs during his career.

Given the ultra-rigorous requirements of the times, and the horrendous batteries of tests to which men like Cooper were subjected during their selection process, Col. Cooper (along with his six colleagues) was deemed a man amongst men -- certainly, the crème de la' crème amongst aviators in America.

Cooper, a superb fighter pilot (brilliant on F-104Gs), flew the longest spaceflight of the Mercury project; he was the first American to sleep in orbit; and the last American to launch alone into Earth orbit and conduct an entire solo orbital mission

The problem was that he was also a man who refused to tow the party line, and -- unlike his more 'compliant' colleagues -- a chap who always insisted on telling it like it was, and damn the orders. (continued...)

The interview with Cooper leaves us with the choice of determining whether Col. Cooper was:

a) A nutjob;
b) a poor lout suffering from "cognitive dissonance";
c) a government disinformationist programmed to thoroughly obfuscate and discredit the (escalating) public awareness relating to ETVs; or,
d) a consummately skilled aviator/astronaut speaking the truth about his personal experiences.
You decide.

But do keep this in mind: If Cooper were lying, would not such a legendary over-achiever of this caliber - one who unflinchingly gave his heart and soul to this country-- have more to lose than gain through these sorts of 'ridiculous' utterances? Here's a human being who, based upon his extraordinary achievements, could have sailed into the records of human history as an uber-hero; he certainly didn't need any of *this *kind of baggage.

I've had the singular privilege of meeting, briefly, with 'Gordo' over a dozen years ago (truly a high-point in my life). My personal opinion? Colonel Gordon Cooper was neither delusional, deranged, nor a disinformationsist. Nor was he suffering from 'cognitive dissonance'.


Reader Comments

The Axiomatic And Latest Evidence Of Ufo's
By: manuel cidoncha-hinestrosa

The axiomatic and latest evidence of UFOs,
shows, clearly, that we are a very rare kind of clothing anthropoid.
The axiomatic and latest evidence of UFOs,
shows, that the sick human EGO refuses to admit,
in despite all the enormous and incontrovertible evidence that we possess,
that there is a creature more intelligent than us,
that knows more than us,
that is visiting this Planet.

How can that be, if we have been created in the image of God, that there exists other creatures more advanced,
more “divine” than us?

We are the ‘kings of the Creation’,
no one can be above us,
and those whom possess more wisdom than us,
never we are going to recognize them;
even if we see them billions of times in our Earth’s atmosphere and in land…we are always going to look ‘the other way’, no matter how many ‘Gordon Coopers’ are telling us that they are real and they are here.

Why all the governments of the world are doing this?
Very simple:
Because our lives on Earth are based on LIES,
because most of the history of humanity has been based on cannibalism (physical, social, and mental); because most of human history (except for some 'primitive' societies) is characterized by the fact that a small minority has exploited and robbed the majority, and in order to establish that, these minorities have generally used force. But force is not sufficient and, eventually, the majority had to accept voluntarily their own enslavement, and this is only possible if their minds are filled with all sorts of lies and fictions to justify and explain, for legitimation, the domain of the fraud that the oppressors in power had imposed on the rest.
the whole History of Man has been 'relocated' to mask, sublimate and justify all sorts of atrocities and slavery, and without the correspondent omissions and misinterpretations about it, such 'mission' would have been impossible, and this is why the Government Controls Lies are aimed to camouflage the exploitation of man by man under the mask of ‘something natural’.

Without such LIES everything would have collapsed a long time ago; and such ‘status quo’ needed to be maintained so that tomorrow all the slaves, without any sort of perturbation,
would wake up from their beds and go, docilely,
to give the product of their works to their master. This is, sociologically, apart from the sick psychological human Ego, what needed to be perpetuated in the Planet…at whatever cost.

And, obviously, if they dare to recognize UFOs,
if they admit, officially, that creatures from another universe are visiting the Earth regularly…and the possibility to enter into contact with them is anchored, there would be the potentiality that all these LIES would fall apart.

And this is why, obviously, in spite of our hypocritical ‘official curiosity’ about life in other parts of the Cosmos, governments all over the world have the same response in front of those creatures from outer space.
How, how it is possible?
How is possible to mute this transcendental event?
Something is wrong here.
Something is very wrong here that nobody wants to touch.

What the so-called phenomena of the UFO is teaching us, more than to be aware of that, logically, we are not alone in the Universe, is what kind of being is, in reality, the being called ‘homo sapiens’, what kind of creature we are that, although we have in the reach of our hands the greatest opportunity in all history to mobilize all our efforts, energies, technology, and mind in the direction to recognize, OFFICIALLY, that beings from another Universe are visiting us…instead of that…we pretend that nothing is happening.

How it is possible?
How is possible that creatures that call themselves 'rational being' are acting in this way?
How is possible that in the island of Puerto Rico had been built and installed very expensive radio-stations to capture radio waves from the distant space to know if there is intelligent life in other parts of the cosmos...and when they visit us in our Planet we look 'to the other way' and laugh and make fun of those who say that they have seen them?

Really, what is happening here?
We think that it is very sick and very disturbing.

Because it is the axiomatic evidence of:
First, that the socio-economic-political ‘status quo’ of Mankind on Earth, which is based on LIES, could not take a chance to tremble all of its ‘Vatican Cities’ and ‘White Houses’ on Earth at the encounter with a superior Mind from another part of the Cosmos.
Second: that, as a dialectical consequence, (or effect) of that, the disease of human Ego is never going to admit, to recognize, a more advanced creature than us, in mind and spirit, that does need all the subterfuges and LIES that we need here, on Earth, to maintain and perpetuate this cannibalistic system based on the destruction of Nature and in the exploitation of man by man.
Third: the fact that we are being visited by beings from the Universe, and the ‘controllers of the planet’ react to it in the way that they do…is the super-evidence that everything in this society is A BIG LIE under our collective sickness.

That Astronaut Cooper went with a letter about it to the UN and nothing, absolutely nothing happened…that says everything there is to know about it!.

In the words of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche:
"Man is a sickness in the surface of the Earth"
And in the way that the owners of Planet Earth are responding to the visit by beings from other parts of the Cosmos, test positive the assertion of the famous German philosopher.

Added: Mon, 14 Dec 2009 01:54 EST