"Hay que trabajar, trabajar...Trabajar y ayudar al que lo merece. Trabajar aunque a veces piense uno que realiza un esfuerzo inútil. Trabajar como una forma de protesta. Porque el impulso de uno sería gritar todos los días al despertar en un mundo lleno de injusticias y miserias de todo orden: ¡Protesto! ¡Protesto! ¡Protesto!" (federico garcia lorca)
Monday, January 30, 2023
"The atomic scientists say it is 90 seconds before Midnight. I think it is one nano-second.We have reached the point where all it takes is one false alarm of incoming missiles"
For more than two decades US presidential administrations have been increasing the likelihood of nuclear war with Russia.
It began with Bill Clinton violating the word of the US government not to move NATO to Russia’s border.Successive US presidents since have undone all the trust-building agreements achieved during the 20th century Cold War.The provocations of Russia since the US overthrow of the Ukrainian government in 2014 have completely destroyed Russia’s trust of Washington.
The atomic scientists say it is 90 seconds before Midnight. I think it is one nano-second.We have reached the point where all it takes is one false alarm of incoming missiles.
You can see the triumph of evil in the deployment of weapons that if used will destroy life on Earth. The prospect of their use has risen dramatically in the 21st century. Democrat Hillary Clinton declared the President of Russia to be “the new Hitler.” Republican Senator Lindsey Graham called for President Putin’s assassination. Instead of keeping to President Putin’s Minsk Agreement to maintain peace in Ukraine, Washington used it to deceive President Putin while building a Ukrainian army with which to attack the Donbass republics.
Instead of working with President Putin to create a mutual security pact, Washington provoked and widened the conflict in Ukraine in order to further enlarge NATO by bringing in Finland and Sweden, thus multiplying NATO’s presence on Russia’s border.
The US and NATO are now so heavily involved in the Ukraine conflict that the question is what does Washington do when the reinforced Russians overrun Ukraine’s defenses? Do US and NATO soldiers rush to Ukraine’s rescue?
Only incompetent, irresponsible, and totally stupid, indeed, totally evil, US and European governments would think their prestige in Ukraine justifies nuclear war.
If the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, CIA, and US politicians had the least bit of intelligence they would understand that in today’s climate of preemptive nuclear strikes, nuclear weapons jeopardize America’s existence.
They do not protect us.
The notion that Russia or China want to rule us is insane. It is the US that has the expansionist ideology and agenda of world hegemony.
The Russian and Chinese governments have their own problems and do not want those of a morally bankrupt country like the US where men marry men and women marry women and “doctors” mutilate the genitals of youngsters in order to transgender them.
During the 20th century Cold War warning times were longer and the doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction could be regarded as deterring nuclear attack.
Today the hypersonic speeds of the Russian missiles and ability to unpredictably change trajectory in flight has changed the emphasis to preemptive strike.
It only takes one false warning to initiate nuclear Armageddon as there is no time to determine if the warning is false.
Everyone needs to understand that once Washington followed by Russia changed their war doctrines from no first use of nuclear weapons to preemptive attack, nuclear weapons ceased to be a deterrent.
The doctrine of preemptive attack guarantees their use if there is a single false alarm. The American war planners responsible for this change should be immediately arrested, tried for crimes against humanity, and the doctrine repudiated.
What we should be witnessing throughout the West is a campaign to destroy all nuclear weapons. The weapons do not protect us. They weapons endanger us.
To have weapons deployed that can only achieve your own total destruction is insane.
During the Cold War there were those who thought “better Red than dead.” Today the expansionist Communist ideology is dead. It is the American neoconservatives who control US foreign policy who have the expansionist agenda of US hegemony.
It is insanity for the neoconservatives to believe that the US can exercise hegemony over Russia and China.
If we want to survive, we must immediately stop being insane.
Steven Starr explains that nuclear war means planetary death:
Have you seen the video? Is it real or a bad dream? This is the product of the most "intelligent" creature on the planet, and in this case, what kind of "intelligence" is this? Has this being, this creature, been the product of natural evolution or the culmination of a strange and teratological phylogeny? What are we, what kind of evolutionary RARENESS has been able to produce this monkey-dress that is capable of discovering the secret of matter, nuclear fusion, to self-destruct and erase itself from the face of the Earth? "Know thyself", is inscribed in the oracle of Delphi... Now we understand why the TABU for us is ourselves...
Habeis visto el vídeo? Es real o un mal sueño? Esto es producto de la criatura mas "inteligente" del Planeta, y en este caso, qué clase de "inteligencia" es esta? Este ser, esta criatura, ha sido producto de una evolución natural o el colofón de una estraña y teratológica filogenia? Qué somos, qué clase de RAREZA evolutiva ha podido producir este mono-vestido que es capaz de descubrir el secreto de la materia, la fusión nuclear, para auto-destruirse y borrarse de la faz de la Tierra? "Conócete a ti mismo", está inscrito en el oráculo de Delfos...Ahora entendemos porque el TABU para nosotros somos nosotros mismos...
This post, of course, is not intended to be alarmist or cause any riot or emotional anxiety in anyone: it only tries to raise awareness about it, and for that, naturally, we have to know the effects, the consequences, the implications of this catastrophic apocalyptic madness that we can never, ever let it happen. Fear?. Yes, fear, the awareness of a danger, is obtained by fear of that danger, it is the conditioned reflex of fear that causes the rejection of the monstrosity of the indescribable damage that the realization of that danger represents, and, at the same time, in a contradictory dialectical vice versa, it is the same danger, the same sword of Damocles under which we live, the one that creates what Engels called: "the unconsciousness of those concerned", of the sufferers of History who, in order to survive, have to abstract from the annoying awareness of reality, and that's why we have to take advantage of these historical moments in which a nuclear war -that danger- is closer than ever to replace that deep-rooted unconsciousness with urgent awareness about it, as Paul Craig Roberts says:"what we should be witnessing throughout the West is a campaign to destroy all nuclear weapons. The weapons do not protect us. They weapons endanger us. To have weapons deployed that can only achieve you r own total destruction is insane" NOW OR NEVER!
Este post, por supuesto, no pretende ser alarmista ni provocar ningún alboroto o angustia emocional en nadie: sólo pretende concienciar al respecto, y para eso, naturalmente, tenemos que conocer los efectos, las consecuencias, las implicaciones de esta catastrófica locura apocalíptica que nunca, nunca, podemos dejar que suceda. ¿Miedo?. Sí, el miedo, la conciencia de un peligro, se obtiene por el miedo a ese peligro, es el reflejo condicionado del miedo que provoca el rechazo de la monstruosidad del daño indescriptible que representa la realización de ese peligro, y, al mismo tiempo , en una dialéctica contradictoria al revés, es el mismo peligro, la misma espada de Damocles bajo la que vivimos, la que crea lo que Engels llamó: "la inconsciencia de los afectados", de los que sufren la Historiaque, para sobrevivir, tienen que abstraerse de la molesta conciencia de la realidad, y por eso mismo que hay que aprovechar estos momentos históricos en los que una guerra nuclear -ese peligro- está más cerca que nunca para sustituir esa arraigada inconsciencia por una urgente conciencia de ella, como dice Paul Craig Roberts: "lo que deberíamos estar presenciando en todo Occidente es una campaña para destruir todas las armas nucleares. Las armas no nos protegen. Las armas nos ponen en peligro. Tener armas desplegadas que solo pueden alcanzar tu propia destrucción total es una locura" ¡AHORA O NUNCA!