Sunday, November 26, 2017



Fidel Castro Ruz

His Legacy Will Live Forever 


as A Revolutionary 


In all major regions of the World, 

Fidel Castro has been a source of inspiration 

in the relentless struggle against colonial

 domination and US imperialism

One year ago, November 25, 2016,
Fidel Castro Ruz, 
leader of the Cuban Revolution,
 has passed. 
His legacy will live forever. 

The Cuban Revolution constitutes a fundamental landmark in the history of humanity, which challenges the legitimacy of global capitalism.
In all major regions of the World, the Cuban revolution has been a source of inspiration in the relentless struggle against colonial domination and US imperialism.
Fidel Castro was the embodiment of these struggles against global capitalism, committed to a World of Peace, a World of truth, where people join hands,  a World of understanding, a World of tolerance and respect.
Fidel Castro was “a man of tremendous integrity, with an acute mind and sense of humor, committed in the minute detail of his speech to social progress and the advancement of humankind, conscious of the dangers of the US led war and the Worldwide crisis, with exceptional skills of analysis and understanding of his fellow human beings, with a true sprit of internationalism and a tremendous knowledge of history, economics and geopolitics.” (quoted from my 2o10 introduction)
Fidel’s passing occurs at a time of crisis and upheaval of the World capitalist system.  
The World is at a critical crossroads. At this juncture of our history, most progressive movements towards socialism have been destroyed and defeated through US led wars, military interventions, destabilization campaigns, coups d’etats.
The socialist project in Cuba prevails despite the US economic blockade, CIA intelligence ops and dirty politics.
Let us be under no illusions. 
Washington’s intent is not only to destroy and undermine the Cuban Revolution but also to erase the history of socialism.
Fidel Lives.
The battle against war and neoliberalism nonetheless prevails. 
For the concurrent demise of neoliberalism and militarization which destroy 
people’s lives.

For the outright criminalization 
of America’s imperial wars.
For a World of Social Justice with a true “responsibility to protect” 
our fellow human beings,
Long Live Fidel Castro!
From Right to Left: Fidel Castro Ruz,
Dalia Soto del Valle,
Michel Chossudovsky.
A Toast for World Peace.