"Frankly, I am tired of the debate whether Trump, the new Duce, has “sold out” or been compromised by the war faction in the United States.
I think it was clear from the beginning that he would be as destructive as the rest of their leaders.
Does it really matter any longer what leader is in charge of the United States?
Has there even been a president dedicated
to living in peace with the world
since that country was founded?
Not one.
It is long past time to ask why this or that American regime wants war here, there and everywhere.
The problem lies much deeper in the American psychology; for we can say that nations
have a psychology, a manner of general behaviour and thinking, arising from their history and culture.
I will leave that for political philosophers, sociologists and psychologists to examine but the existential fact is the world is faced with a threat
to its survival and that threat is
the United States of America"
I think it was clear from the beginning that he would be as destructive as the rest of their leaders.
Does it really matter any longer what leader is in charge of the United States?
Has there even been a president dedicated
to living in peace with the world
since that country was founded?
Not one.
It is long past time to ask why this or that American regime wants war here, there and everywhere.
The problem lies much deeper in the American psychology; for we can say that nations
have a psychology, a manner of general behaviour and thinking, arising from their history and culture.
I will leave that for political philosophers, sociologists and psychologists to examine but the existential fact is the world is faced with a threat
to its survival and that threat is
the United States of America"
Christopher Black