Wednesday, September 21, 2016


International Business Times: “A report submitted to the United Nations Security Council by UN observers in the Golan Heights
over the past 18 months shows that Israeli Defence Forces (IDF)
have been in regular contact with Syrian rebels,
including Islamic State (ISIS) militants.”
Michael Oren, embajador de Israel en la ONU:
"Nuestro mensaje inicial sobre el tema de Siria
es que nosotros siempre hemos querido
el derrocamiento del presidente Assad
lo mismo que siemppre hemos preferido
a los 'bad guys' (los terroristas)
que no están apoyados por Iran
y no a los 'bad guys' apoyados por Iran"

El 'conflicto' en Siria no es una guerra en el sentido convencional de la palabra, tampoco "una guerra civil" ni en  su origen ni en su desarrollo:  es una típica guerra imperialista, una operación de cambio de régimen como en Libia y en Iraq --y en tantos sitios más-- dónde gobiernos desobedientes a los dictums del Proyect for the New American Century, PNAC, fueron borrados del mapa; salvo que éste atrevimiento  frente a las hienas y chacales de  la civilización occidental (Ernesto Guevara) --léase Washington-- el pueblo sirio lo esta pagando caro, muy caro, bajo un Crimen de Lesa Humanidad que sobre-pasa todo lo imaginado...

"El organizador y responsable de todo ello es el mismo país que ha derrocado mas de 50 gobiernos legitimos desde que termino la II Guerra Mundial. Nos estamos refiriendo, naturalmente, a los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica" 

"La guerra en Siria no comenzó cuando el gobierno de Bashar al Assad reprimió las protestas de la primavera del 2011. Esta versión de los hechos es totalmente manipulativa. La guerra comenzó en el 2009  cuando Assad rehusó el plan de Qatar de construir un gaseoducto hacia la Unión Europea via Siria. Como Robert F Kennedy Jr. explica en su artículo 'Syria: Another Pipeline War'

(Assad’s Death Warrant, Mike Whitne.
CounterPunch, 15 September)


--Syria: The Islamic State Terrorists (ISIS-ISIL-Daesh) are Supported by the US Air Force By South Front
Oct 21, 2015 ... “There is a strong cooperation between MOSSAD and ISIS top military commanders...Israeli advisors helping the Organization on laying out ...
Dec 15, 2015 ... We do, however, have more than minor proof of Israel's involvement with the ISIS movement, which includes transiting and recruiting jihadists ..
Israeli Intelligence chief : We do not want isis defeat in Syria. By GPD on June 17, 2016. herzi halevi The Zionist intelligence Chief, Major General Herzi Halevy, ...
May 4, 2016 ... “Had it not been for Israel's intelligence backup for the terrorists, the terrorist groups in Syria would have surely been destroyed around 2 to 3 ...
Mar 29, 2016 ... A Labour activist who claimed that Isis is controlled by the state of Israel insists he has not been suspended by the party despite reports saying ...
US-Israel Launch New Spy Satellite to Aid ISIS. By GPD on September 16, 2016. As usual, Sputnik misses the real story. 1045374803. On Tuesday, Israel ...
Sep 29, 2015 ... TEHRAN (FNA)- Informed sources said that after the Israeli army shelled the government-held areas in Golan Heights, militants of the Free ...
Sony Corporation, Israel, aid ISIS building missiles. By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor on July 27, 2016. ISIL Building Surface-to-Air Missiles Based through Israeli ...
Russian Leaflets Cite US and Israel as Real ISIS Backers. By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor on October 10, 2015. Offending Image Edited from YouTube at 6: 40AM ...
Dec 24, 2015 ... We have more than strong evidence, we can say “inexorable proof” that the US and Israel are commanding ISIS operations in Iraq. Those who ...
Jul 14, 2016 ... CIA supplies ISIS with an airforce with help from Khazarian Mafia, Ukraine, ... used to attack hospitals and refugee camps from inside Israel and Turkey. .... Posted by Ian Greenhalgh on July 14, 2016, With 12555 Reads Filed under WarZone. .... September 26 · Syrian War Report – September 19, 2016: ISIS ...
Sep 11, 2015 ... Syrian War Report – September 19, 2016: ISIS Obtains
Air Force... Israel Covers Fleeing ISIS Hoards with Air Attacks on Syria. By GPD on ...