Thursday, March 26, 2015


Seguimos a un flautista de Hamelín
creyéndo que es nuestro
propio pentagrama

De que manera tan nítida, burda e infantil,
nos dirige y manipula el 'status quo'
nuestras emociones, sentires,
intereses e inquietudes: 
pueden centrar la atención de las gentes
dónde les dé la gana,
dónde quieran y en qué quieran.
Y no tienen que mentir, no:
tan sólo omitir.
Tan sólo silenciar "ésto",
y remarcar "lo otro":
con la batuta de buenos directores,
los orquestados sentimientos
de las gentes: 
Vivimos The "Engineering of Consent"
(Edward Bernays)
mas pavoroso de la historia humana:
Avión accidentado en Francia,

Accidente de un avión Airbus A320 en Francia ... - El Mundo

Accidente de avión en Francia: Mueren 150 personas al ...

8 minutos duró caída violenta de avión en Francia ...

Colombiana viajaba en avión accidentado en Francia ...

Accidente aéreo en Francia: basileño se salvó de montar al ...

Localizan una de las cajas negras del avión accidentado en ...

Chilena figura entre las víctimas fatales de avión accidentado

Equipo sueco de fútbol casi sube a avión accidentado en ...

Tripulación de avión accidentado en Francia no lanzó ...

Francia: Primeras conclusiones de caja negra de avión - BBC

Francia no descarta terrorismo en accidente de avión alemán

Vertele - La TV se vuelca en la catástrofe del avión alemán...

Accidente aéreo de Germanwings, la última hora

EN DIRECTO | Accidente de avión procedente de Barcelona

(Nuestros sentimientos con los familiares de las víctimas)

 Avión derribado por Ucrania
con 300 personas a bordo
Evidence Is Now Conclusive: Two Ukrainian Government Fighter-Jets Shot Down Malaysian Airlines MH17. It was Not a ‘Buk’ Surface to Air Missile
Global Research, November 05, 2014
mh17 gros plan

This important article was first published in August 2014.  Its assessment is broadly correct.

We’ll go considerably farther than has yet been revealed by the professional intelligence community, to provide the actual evidence that conclusively shows that (and how) the Ukrainian Government shot down the Malaysian airliner, MH-17, on July 17th.

The latest report from the intelligence community was headlined on August 3rd by Robert Parry, “Flight 17 Shoot-Down Scenario Shifts,” and he revealed there that,
“Contrary to the Obama administration’s public claims blaming eastern Ukrainian rebels and Russia for the shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, some U.S. intelligence analysts have concluded that the rebels and Russia were likely not at fault and that it appears Ukrainian government forces were to blame, according to a source briefed on these findings. This judgment — at odds with what President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have expressed publicly — is based largely on the absence of U.S. government evidence that Russia supplied the rebels with a Buk anti-aircraft missile system that would be needed to hit a civilian jetliner flying at 33,000 feet, said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity.”
It’s actually based on lots more than that; it’s based not on an absence of evidence, but on positive proof that the Ukrainian Government shot the plane down, and even proving how it was done. You will see this proof, right here, laid out in detail, for the first time.
The reader-comments to my July 31st article, “First Examination of Malaysian MH-17 Cockpit Photo Shows Ukraine Government Shot that Plane Down,” provided links and leads to independent additional confirmatory evidence backing up that account, of retired Lufthansa pilot Peter Haisenko’s reconstruction of this event, to such an extent that, after exploring the matter further, I now feel confident enough to say that the evidence on this matter is, indeed, “conclusive,” that Haisenko is right.

Here is all of that evidence, which collectively convinces me that Haisenko’s conclusion there, is, indeed, the only one that can even possibly explain this wreckage:
“There have been two or three pieces of fuselage that have been really pockmarked with what almost looks like machine-gun fire, very very strong machine-gun fire.”
This remarkable statement comes not from Haisenko, but from one of the first OSCE investigators who arrived at the scene of the disaster.

Y éste fué un espantoso crimen.
Porque el avión fue derribado por Ucrania (USA)
El asesinato masivo de 300 seres humanos.
¿Y para ellos no se llenaron las páginas de 'Internet'?
¿Ningúna entrevista solidaria?
¿Con la paletada de tierra de la omisión calculada
enterramos 300 cadáveres y nadie dijo nada?
Nos dirigen como les dá la gana.
Seguímos a un flautista de Hamelín creyéndo
que es nuestro propio pentagrama.