Saturday, January 3, 2015


Depende de a quíen haya
que dejar adentro o afuera
del Diabólico plan trazado.
Ahora está Rusia, Venezuela...
y cualquiera que se interponga...
"por el camino verde, camino verde,

que va a la ermita,
desde que tú te fuistes
lloran de penas las margaritas"

The National Endowment for Democracy (NED)
is a "private", "nonprofit foundation"
dedicated to "the growth and strengthening
of democratic institutions around the world".
Each year, with "funding from the US Congress",
NED supports more than "1,000 projects
of non-governmental groups abroad"
who are working for "democratic goals"
in more than 90 countries que no quieren ir...
"por el camino verde, camino verde,
que va a la ermita,
desde que tú te fuistes
lloran de penas las margaritas"

Exploring the possibility
of a "Russian Maidan"
(Explorando la Posibilidad
de un "Maidan ruso")
Alexey Navalny was a Yale World Fellow, and in his profile it states:

Navalny spearheads legal challenges on behalf of minority shareholders in large Russian companies, including Gazprom, Bank VTB, Sberbank, Rosneft, Transneft, and Surgutneftegaz, through the Union of Minority Shareholders. He has successfully forced companies to disclose more information to their shareholders and has sued individual managers at several major corporations for allegedly corrupt practices. Navalny is also co-founder of the Democratic Alternative movement and was vice-chairman of the Moscow branch of the political party YABLOKO. In 2010, he launched RosPil, a public project funded by unprecedented fundraising in Russia. In 2011, Navalny started RosYama, which combats fraud in the road construction sector.

they support operating in Russia:

DA!: Mariya Gaydar, daughter of former Prime Minister Yegor Gaydar, leads DA! (Democratic Alternative). She is ardent in her promotion of democracy, but realistic about the obstacles she faces. Gaydar said that DA! is focused on non-partisan activities designed to raise political awareness. She has received funding from the National Endowment for Democracy, a fact she does not publicize for fear of appearing compromised by an American connection
Moscow Group of Assistance in the Implementation of the Helsinki Accords $50,000
To draw greater attention to the issue of freedom of assembly in Russia and to the "Strategy 31" movement, which seeks to protect this fundamental right. The organization will train a network of regional activists and coordinate their activities through mini-seminars and field visits, and conduct an information cam­paign through press conferences, posters, and educational handouts pertaining to freedom of assembly, to be distributed to the general public by regional partners.

The multiple deletions across NED's networks of Russian "activists" it is heavily funding and directing is yet another sign of imminent subversion, in hopes that links cannot be provided fast enough as the unrest unfolds to undermine the legitimacy of the otherwise US-engineered subversion.

Yashin's People's Freedom Party is lined not only with NED-funded "youth," but also lined with career politicians and businessmen collaborating with foreign-interests. Among them is
Vladimir Ryzhkov a member of the NED-funded, Washington-based World Movement for Democracy (whose profile has also been recently deleted). There is also Boris Nemtsov whose adviser, Vladimir Kara-Murza (of Solidarnost) took part in a September 14, 2011 NED-sponsored event titled, "Elections in Russia: Polling and Perspectives."

Revealed is a political front entirely created by the US State Department to pose as the aspirations of the Russian people while in reality a creation and perpetuation of the aspirations of Wall Street and Washington.

Under the unrest this front creates may be a heavily armed front consisting of ultra-right Neo-Nazis as observed in Ukraine, heavily armed sectarian terrorists backed by Saudi Arabia, or both. 
One method that would have some possibility of success would be to ratchet up covert regime change efforts in the hope that Tehran would retaliate overtly, or even semi-overtly, which could then be portrayed as an unprovoked act of Iranian aggression.
One of the hardest tasks in fomenting a revolution, or even just unrest, is finding the right local partners.
...students and other groups need covert backing for their demonstrations. They need fax machines. They need internet access, funds to duplicate materials, and funds to keep vigilantes from beating them up. Beyond this, U.S.-backed media outlets could highlight regime shortcomings and make otherwise obscure critics more prominent. The United States already supports Persian-language satellite television (Voice of america Persian) and radio (radio Farda) that bring unfiltered news to Iranians (in recent years, these have taken the lion's share of overt U.S. funding for promoting democracy in Iran). U.S. economic pressure (and perhaps military pressure as well) can discredit the regime, making the population hungry for a rival leadership.
Some who favor fomenting regime change in Iran argue that it is utopian to hold out hope for a velvet revolution; instead, they contend that the United States should turn to Iranian opposition groups that already exist, that already have demonstrated a desire to fight the regime, and who appear willing to accept U.S. assistance. The hope behind this course of action is that these various opposition groups could transform themselves into more potent movements that might be able to overturn the regime.
Tony Cartalucci, Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine "New Eastern Outlook".

Simplemente diabólico
...y con muchas preguntas que hacer.

Supongamos el escenario en viceversa:
Rusia da un golpe de estado en México,
en la frontera de los USA,
y, con la necesaria logística y financiación,
con toda una infraestructura operacional de profesionales
en desestabilizar y derrocar gobiernos,
empieza a trabajar dentro de los USA
para desbancar las bases políticas norteamericanas:
y la pregunta:

¿Se quedaría cruzado  de brazos el gobierno yanqui?
Claro que no.
¿Cómo se puede entender que Rusia permita
lo que está pasando intra muros?
¿Cómo se puede entender que Rusia,
viéndo nítidamente el Caballo de Troya
que el enemigo ha logrado introducer en su patria
no actúe de una manera distinta a como lo  hace?
¿Cómo Putin no denuncia  ante el mundo,
en la ONU, en conferencias de prensa,
a VIVA VOCE, la  diabólica injerencia
del imperialismo en los asuntos internos  de Rusia?

¿Qué pasa  aqui?
Simplemente diabólico.