"Nosotros los Americanos somos por destino
mas que por elección los vigilantes
de las paredes de la libertad en el mundo"
J. F. Kennedy
"Nuestro derecho a la direccion espiritual del planeta"
Robert Kennedy
El título de este 'post', desafortunadamente, no es una exaltación emocional ni una radicalización doctrinaria:
es un hecho objetivo taponado por los bien montados y comprados medios de incomunicación de la dictadura burguesa.
Es grave.
"Los vigilantes de las paredes de la libertad en el mundo" del presente IV Reich quieren llevar a cabo con éxito la nueva Operación Barbarossa en la que el III Reich de Hitler fracasó: conquistar Rusia.
El público tiene que ser consciente de éste momento historico. Hay que parar a ésta Gangstercracia Imperial antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
Aquí está la evidencia.
America is on a “Hot War Footing”: House Legislation Paves the Way for War with Russia?
We are not dealing with a “Cold War”. None of the safeguards of the Cold War era prevail.
There has been a breakdown in East-West diplomacy coupled with extensive war propaganda. In turn the United Nations has turned a blind eye to extensive war crimes committed by the Western military alliance.
The adoption of a major piece of legislation by the US House of Representatives on December 4th (H. Res. 758) would provide (pending a vote in the Senate) a de facto green light to the US president and commander in chief to initiate –without congressional approval– a process of military confrontation with Russia !!!
Global security is at stake. This historic vote –which potentially could affect the lives of hundreds of millions of people Worldwide– has received virtually no media coverage. A total media blackout prevails !!!
The World is at a dangerous crossroads. Moscow has responded to US-NATO threats. Its borders are threatened.
On December 3, the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation announced the inauguration of a new military-political entity which would take over in the case of war.
Russia is launching a new national defense facility, which is meant to monitor threats to national security in peacetime, but would take control of the entire country in case of war. (RT, December 3, 2014)Timeline of War Preparations
In May 2014, the Russian Aggression Prevention Act (RAPA) was introduced in the US Senate (S 2277), calling for the militarization of Eastern Europe and the Baltic States and the stationing of US and NATO troops on Russia’s doorstep:
S.2277 – Russian Aggression Prevention Act of 2014 directs the President to: (1) implement a plan for increasing U.S. and NATO support for the armed forces of Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia, and other NATO member-states; and (2) direct the U.S. Permanent Representative to NATO to seek consideration for permanently basing NATO forces in such countries.
Directs the President to submit a plan to Congress for accelerating NATO and European missile defense efforts.
While The S 2277 resolution was sent to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for review, its essential premises are already in the process of being implemented. In mid-July, NATO’s Europe commander General Philip Breedlove in consultation with the Pentagon and Britain’s Ministry of Defence, called for:
“stockpiling a base in Poland with enough weapons, ammunition and other supplies to support a rapid deployment of thousands of troops against Russia”.(RT, July 24, 2014).
According to General Breedlove, NATO needs “pre-positioned supplies, pre-positioned capabilities and a basing area ready to rapidly accept follow-on forces”:
“He plans to recommend placing supplies — weapons, ammunition and ration packs — at the headquarters to enable a sudden influx of thousands of Nato troops” (Times, August 22, 2014, emphasis added)Breedlove’s “Blitzkrieg scenario” –which could potentially lead to military escalation– was reaffirmed at the September NATO Summit in Wales. A so-called NATO action plan directed against the Russian Federation was decided upon. The Wales Summit had given the “green light”.
Barely a month later, in October, US-NATO military drills were held in the Baltic States. In early November, a second round of drills was held in both the Baltic States and Eastern Europe.
As part of this broader endeavour, NATO’s Iron Sword 2014 military exercises –involving the participation of nine member countries of the Atlantic Alliance– were launched in Lithuania in early November:
”US tanks rolled in to Lithuania earlier this month is a show of force to Russia that it’s not welcome in the region.”The military exercises were explicitly directed against Russia. According to Moscow, they consisted in “increasing operation readiness” as well the transfer of NATO “military infrastructure to the Russian borders”.
In response to NATO deployments on Russia’s borders, the Russian Federation also conducted in early November extensive war games in the sea of Barent. The Russian drills consisted in testing “its entire nuclear triad consisting of strategic bombers; submarines” and the “silo-based Topol-M intercontinental ballistic missile launched from Plesetsk in Arkhangelsk Oblast” on November 1st.
The US House of Representatives H.Res. 758 Resolution
On 18 November, a major resolution H. Res. 758 was introduced in the House of Representatives. Its main thrust consists in portraying Russia as an “Aggressor Nation”, which has invaded Ukraine and calling for military action directed against Russia:
You can watch Rep. Kinzinger’s floor speech on the legislation
H.RES.758 —
Whereas upon entering office in 2009, President Barack Obama announced his intention to `reset’ relations with the Russian Federation, which was described by former United States Ambassador… (Introduced in House – IH)
2d Session
H. RES. 758
Strongly condemning the actions of the Russian Federation, under President Vladimir Putin, which has carried out a policy of aggression against neighboring countries aimed at political and economic domination.
H. Res. 758 not only accuses Russia of having invaded Ukraine, it also invokes article 5 of the Washington Treaty, namely NATO’s doctrine of collective security.
An attack on one member of the Atlantic alliance is an attack on all members of the Alliance.The underlying narrative is supported by a string of baseless accusations directed against the Russian Federation. It accuses Russia of having invaded Ukraine. It states without evidence that Russia was behind the downing of Malaysian Airlines MH17, it accuses Russia of military aggression.
Ironically, it also accuses the Russian Federation of having imposed economic sanctions not only on Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova but also on several unnamed member states of the European Union. The resolution accuses the Russian Federation of having used “the supply of energy for political and economic coercion.”
In essence, House Resolution 758 were it to become law would provide a de facto green light to the President of the United States to declare war on the Russian Federation, without the formal permission of the US Congress. (!!!)
In this regard, it could be interpreted as “mildly unconstitutional” in that it contravenes the substance of Article 1, Section 8, of the US Constitution which vests in the Congress “the Power to declare war…”
The resolution urges the President of the United States in consultation with the US Congress to
“conduct a review of the force posture, readiness, and responsibilities of the United States Armed Forces and the forces of other members of NATO to determine if the contributions and actions of each is sufficient to meet the obligations of collective self defence under article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty and to specify the measures needed to remedy any deficiencies” .What the above paragraph suggests is that the US is contemplating the use of NATO’s collective security doctrine under article 5 with a views to triggering a process of military confrontation with the Russian Federation.
The structure of military alliances is of crucial significance. Article 5 is a convenient mechanism imposed by the US on Western Europe. It forces NATO member states, most of which are members of the European Union, to act wage war on Washington’s behalf (!!!)
Moreover, a referendum on Ukraine’s membership in NATO is contemplated. In case Ukraine becomes a member of NATO and/or redefines its security agreement with NATO, article 5 could be invoked as a justification to wage a NATO sponsored war on Russia.
“Fast Legislation”
The speed at which this legislation was adopted is unusual in US Congressional history. House resolution 758 was introduced on November 18th, it was rushed off to the Foreign Affairs Committee and rushed back to the plenary of the House for debate and adoption.
Two weeks (16 days) after it was first introduced by Rep. Kinzinger (Illinois) on November 18, it was adopted by 411-10 in an almost unanimous vote on the morning of December 4th.
Members of Congress are puppets. Their vote is controlled by Washington’s lobby groups. For the defence contractors, Wall Street and the Texas oil giants, “war is good for business”.
In the words of Dennis Kucinich in an open letter published on December 2:
The resolution demands Russia to be
isolated … In other words, ‘let’s get
ready for war with Russia.’
This is exactly the type of sabre rattling which led to the initiation and escalation of the Cold War. It is time we demanded that the US employ diplomacy, not more military expenditures, in the quest for international order.Media Blackout
One would expect that this historic decision would has been the object of extensive news coverage. In fact what happened was a total news blackout.
The nation’s media failed to provide coverage of the debate in House of Representatives and the adoption of H Res 758 on December 4.
The mainstream media had been instructed not to cover the Congressional decision. (!!!)
Nobody dared to raise its dramatic implications. its impacts on “global security”. ”World War III is not front page news.” (!!!)
And without mainstream news concerning US-NATO war preparations, the broader public remains unaware of the importance of the Congressional decision. .
In Annex to this article is the google news feed for H. Rep. 758 (7pm ET prior to the publication of this article). We suggest that readers check the news feed on online search engines as well as print media.
Spread the word !
Reverse the tide of war !
Break the mainstream media blackout !
Russia Has Western Enemies, Not Partners — Paul Craig Roberts
Russia Has Western Enemies, Not Partners — Paul Craig Roberts
The US House of Representatives has joined Hillary Clinton, Obama, the neoconservatives, Washington’s vassals, and the American and European presstitutes in demonizing Russia and President Putin.
The House resolution against Russia is a packet of lies, but that did not stop the resolution from passing by a vote of 411 for and 10 against.
The entire world should take note that the American people are capable of electing only ten intelligent representatives. Ten people out of 435 is 2 percent. And yet Washington declares itself to be the “exceptional,” “indispensable” country empowered to exercise hegemony over the world!
No one should be surprised to see Washington, its presstitutes and European vassal states using the same propagandistic lies against Russia and Putin as were used against Iraq and Saddam Hussein, Libya and Gaddafi, Syria and Assad, Afghanistan and the Taliban, and Iran.
Washington is fearful of the rise of Russia and China, of the leadership demonstrated by Vladimir Putin, of the formation of new organizations independent of Washington, such as the BRICS. While the George W. Bush regime was sidetracked by its “six week, $70 billion war,” which turned out to be, so far, a multi-trillion dollar 13-year losing operation, Putin kicked out some of the American agents who were contaminating Russian sovereignty and rebuilt the country.
When Putin blocked the planned US invasions of Syria and Iran, Washington decided that something had to be done about Putin and Russia. Washington had spent $5 billion dollars buying Ukrainian politicians and funding fifth column NGOs.
With Putin distracted with the Olympics, Washington struck, overthrew the elected Ukrainian government and installed its puppets.
The puppets set about antagonizing Ukraine’s Russian population in provinces that formerly were part of Russia but were attached to Ukraine by Soviet leaders when Russia and Ukraine were the same country. Russians threatened with death and the banning of their language naturally did not want to be victims of Washington’s puppet government in Kiev. Crimea voted to reunite with Russia from whence it came, and so did the eastern and southern provinces.
Washington and its the vassals and presstitutes lied and described these acts of self-determination as Russian invasion and annexation. Russia is falsely accused of having troops occupying the breakaway provinces.
The purpose of Washington’s false accusations is to destabilize Russia and the country’s government.
Washington has many avenues by which to destabilize Russia. Washington has the US funded NGOs, the foreign owned Russian media, and the House Resolution calls for Washington to expand propaganda broadcasting into Russia in the Russian language. Washington has cultivated oligarchs, business interests and Russian politicians who see their economic and political interests aligned with the West.
There are deluded Russian youths who think freedom resides in the West and others represented by such as Pussy Riot who prefer the West’s amoralism or immoralism to the Christian culture that the Russian government supports.
If Washington fails to destabilize Russia or to have Putin assassinated, frustration could result in more reckless behavior that could lead to military conflict. The House Resolution calls on Obama to arm Ukraine with US weapons so that Ukraine can conquer the separatist provinces and take back Crimea.
There are constant calls from NATO itself for more military forces on Russia’s borders, and NATO war games are conducted near Russia’s borders. Washington wants to include the former Russian provinces of Georgia and Ukraine in NATO, something that Russia cannot accept.
Washington is placing the world on the path to Armageddon, as Professor Michel Chossudovsky makes clear in “Towards A World War III Scenario” (Global Research, 2012).
The Russian government downplays the dangers and continues to speak of “our Western partners,” with whom the Russian government hopes to work things out. The Russian government and the Russian people–indeed all the peoples of the earth–should understand that Russia has no partners in the West. Russia only has enemies.
Washington has made it completely clear that Russia can be part of the West only as a vassal state and not as a sovereign country with its own interests and an independent policy.
Washington’s demand for hegemony does not permit the existence of other sovereign countries sufficiently strong to resist Washington’s will.
As the ideology of hegemony has a powerful hold on Washington and is institutionalized in the neoconservative control of critical government offices and media, war is the almost certain outcome.
Washington’s puppet rulers of Europe are the enablers of the neoconservative war-mongers. In all of Europe there is not a government independent of Washington. Pawns like Merkel, Cameron, and Hollande are selling out human life.
Russian government officials, such as Putin and Lavrov, address the facts, but to Washington and its European vassals facts are not important. What is important is to destabilize Russia. The conflict that Washington has brought to Russia cannot be addressed on a factual basis.
Washington knew that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction and no al Qaeda connections. Washington knew Assad did not use chemical weapons. Washington knew that Gaddafi was being set up with lies. Washington knows that Iran has no nuclear weapons. What was important to Washington was not the truth but the overthrow of these governments.
While the Russian government was preoccupied with the olympics, Washington struck in Ukraine, installing a puppet government. It is likely the case that the only solution that can make the festering problem of Ukraine go away is the reincorporation of Ukraine in Russia.
Arrogance and hubris usually result in overreach, and overreach could break up Washington’s empire. But Washington doesn’t think so. Just as Washington put its NGOs into the streets of Kiev in what is called the Maiden protests, Washington has put its NGOs in the streets of Hong Kong, hoping that the protests or riots will spread to other Chinese cities.
Russia and China are far too open to the West than is good for them. Tsar Nicholas II did not expect his government to be overthrown, but Kerensky did overthrow Nicholas’ government in the February Revolution only to be overthrown by Lenin in the October Revolution. The Chinese don’t expect to be overthrown, but neither did Viktor Yanukovych.
Political life is full of ambitious persons and agendas. Putin faces these ambitions in Russia. Washington knows that Russia cannot be turned into a vassal state as long as Putin is in office. Therefore, the demonization of Putin and plots against him will continue.
The House resolution against Russia is a packet of lies, but that did not stop the resolution from passing by a vote of 411 for and 10 against.
The entire world should take note that the American people are capable of electing only ten intelligent representatives. Ten people out of 435 is 2 percent. And yet Washington declares itself to be the “exceptional,” “indispensable” country empowered to exercise hegemony over the world!
No one should be surprised to see Washington, its presstitutes and European vassal states using the same propagandistic lies against Russia and Putin as were used against Iraq and Saddam Hussein, Libya and Gaddafi, Syria and Assad, Afghanistan and the Taliban, and Iran.
Washington is fearful of the rise of Russia and China, of the leadership demonstrated by Vladimir Putin, of the formation of new organizations independent of Washington, such as the BRICS. While the George W. Bush regime was sidetracked by its “six week, $70 billion war,” which turned out to be, so far, a multi-trillion dollar 13-year losing operation, Putin kicked out some of the American agents who were contaminating Russian sovereignty and rebuilt the country.
When Putin blocked the planned US invasions of Syria and Iran, Washington decided that something had to be done about Putin and Russia. Washington had spent $5 billion dollars buying Ukrainian politicians and funding fifth column NGOs.
With Putin distracted with the Olympics, Washington struck, overthrew the elected Ukrainian government and installed its puppets.
The puppets set about antagonizing Ukraine’s Russian population in provinces that formerly were part of Russia but were attached to Ukraine by Soviet leaders when Russia and Ukraine were the same country. Russians threatened with death and the banning of their language naturally did not want to be victims of Washington’s puppet government in Kiev. Crimea voted to reunite with Russia from whence it came, and so did the eastern and southern provinces.
Washington and its the vassals and presstitutes lied and described these acts of self-determination as Russian invasion and annexation. Russia is falsely accused of having troops occupying the breakaway provinces.
The purpose of Washington’s false accusations is to destabilize Russia and the country’s government.
Washington has many avenues by which to destabilize Russia. Washington has the US funded NGOs, the foreign owned Russian media, and the House Resolution calls for Washington to expand propaganda broadcasting into Russia in the Russian language. Washington has cultivated oligarchs, business interests and Russian politicians who see their economic and political interests aligned with the West.
There are deluded Russian youths who think freedom resides in the West and others represented by such as Pussy Riot who prefer the West’s amoralism or immoralism to the Christian culture that the Russian government supports.
If Washington fails to destabilize Russia or to have Putin assassinated, frustration could result in more reckless behavior that could lead to military conflict. The House Resolution calls on Obama to arm Ukraine with US weapons so that Ukraine can conquer the separatist provinces and take back Crimea.
There are constant calls from NATO itself for more military forces on Russia’s borders, and NATO war games are conducted near Russia’s borders. Washington wants to include the former Russian provinces of Georgia and Ukraine in NATO, something that Russia cannot accept.
Washington is placing the world on the path to Armageddon, as Professor Michel Chossudovsky makes clear in “Towards A World War III Scenario” (Global Research, 2012).
The Russian government downplays the dangers and continues to speak of “our Western partners,” with whom the Russian government hopes to work things out. The Russian government and the Russian people–indeed all the peoples of the earth–should understand that Russia has no partners in the West. Russia only has enemies.
Washington has made it completely clear that Russia can be part of the West only as a vassal state and not as a sovereign country with its own interests and an independent policy.
Washington’s demand for hegemony does not permit the existence of other sovereign countries sufficiently strong to resist Washington’s will.
As the ideology of hegemony has a powerful hold on Washington and is institutionalized in the neoconservative control of critical government offices and media, war is the almost certain outcome.
Washington’s puppet rulers of Europe are the enablers of the neoconservative war-mongers. In all of Europe there is not a government independent of Washington. Pawns like Merkel, Cameron, and Hollande are selling out human life.
Russian government officials, such as Putin and Lavrov, address the facts, but to Washington and its European vassals facts are not important. What is important is to destabilize Russia. The conflict that Washington has brought to Russia cannot be addressed on a factual basis.
Washington knew that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction and no al Qaeda connections. Washington knew Assad did not use chemical weapons. Washington knew that Gaddafi was being set up with lies. Washington knows that Iran has no nuclear weapons. What was important to Washington was not the truth but the overthrow of these governments.
While the Russian government was preoccupied with the olympics, Washington struck in Ukraine, installing a puppet government. It is likely the case that the only solution that can make the festering problem of Ukraine go away is the reincorporation of Ukraine in Russia.
Arrogance and hubris usually result in overreach, and overreach could break up Washington’s empire. But Washington doesn’t think so. Just as Washington put its NGOs into the streets of Kiev in what is called the Maiden protests, Washington has put its NGOs in the streets of Hong Kong, hoping that the protests or riots will spread to other Chinese cities.
Russia and China are far too open to the West than is good for them. Tsar Nicholas II did not expect his government to be overthrown, but Kerensky did overthrow Nicholas’ government in the February Revolution only to be overthrown by Lenin in the October Revolution. The Chinese don’t expect to be overthrown, but neither did Viktor Yanukovych.
Political life is full of ambitious persons and agendas. Putin faces these ambitions in Russia. Washington knows that Russia cannot be turned into a vassal state as long as Putin is in office. Therefore, the demonization of Putin and plots against him will continue.