Thursday, July 4, 2013



Hoy, en la Boca del Imperium,
todo el mundo se siente Independiente,
independiente para, de ésta forma sibilina,
conmemorar la Dependencia
del Mundo alredeor de ellos.
 Hasta a los muertos, los cadáveres
de los impunes holocaustos
que han hecho en los pueblos del mundo (A),
los invitan a salir
para que festejen globalmente
éste acontecimiento dónde los "Founding Fathers",
una vez aniquilada y sometida la población nativa,
una vez asegurada la Plusvalía 
de sus esclavos importados,
se levantaron contra las medidas arancenlarias
 de Inglaterra.
 Es un acontecimiento dónde, esencialmente,
se festeja la colocación de la 'piedra piedra'
en la construcción del Edificio Imperial
que fabricaría el Día de la Dependencia del Orbe
alrededor de éste Edificio.
 Por eso es el Día de la Gran Estafa
que iría a arruinar los sueños de la Humanidad.
El Día en que los pueblos del Mundo
fueron Engañados y perdieron su Independencia.

"[American leaders] are perhaps not so much immoral as they are amoral. It's not that they take pleasure in causing so much death and suffering. It's that they just don't care ... the same that could be said about a sociopath. As long as the death and suffering advance the agenda of the empire, as long as the right people and the right corporations gain wealth and power and privilege and prestige, as long as the death and suffering aren't happening to them or people close to them ... then they just don't care about it happening to other people, including the American soldiers whom they throw into wars and who come home-the ones who make it back alive-with Agent Orange or Gulf War Syndrome eating away at their bodies. American leaders would not be in the positions they hold if they were bothered by such things."

William Blum. Killing Hope