Nunca pudimos pensar que se atreviesen a tanto.
Nunca pudimos imaginar que la desfachatez y el descaro
pudíeran alcanzar límites tan altos.
Pero éste es el 'transparente' cristal que habitamos.
"Mundi habitatores" de espejos opacos.
Lo que el III Reich Capitalista bajo Hitler
no logró realizar con su "Turbiedad"
lo ha conseguido la "Transparencia Internacional"
lo ha conseguido la "Transparencia Internacional"
del presente IV Reich Imperial
“Transparency International, a
lobbying association and CIA
correspondent funded by
governments and corporations,
especially American ones, that are
experts in the matter (of corruption
and bribe paying). These include
Lockheed, Boeing, IBM, General
Motors, Exxon, General Electric and
Texaco. The only objective of the
anti-corruption campaigns taken up
by international organisations (World
Bank, IMF, OECD) is the "good
governance" of a financial crime
that is now an integral part of market
globalisation under the leadership of
the American democracy, the
most corrupt on the planet.”