Sunday, July 8, 2012




Moroccan-born French writer Jacob Cohen has released a book that reveals how the Israeli Secret Services Mossad manipulates ordinary Jews in France and recruits them as covert agents. This is the first such book in French language. And Cohen says, he has already been attacked just before his book release.

Jacob Cohen’s latest book is about how the Israeli secret service Mossad recruits in France.

Just released in French, it is called God Won’t Return to Bethlehem.

This is the first time that such a book which deeply investigates the presence of Israel in France has been released in French.

His book contains a word not widely known in France: Sayanim, a Hebrew term for covert agents working for Mossad, the Israeli secret services.

Jacob Cohen is a Jew himself and has family members living in occupied territories.

He says, this has helped him to know the Israeli apparatus inside out. And over the years, led him to become strongly anti-Zionist.

Jacob Cohen has already been attacked for his books.

A night before the book release, the venue was tagged with a graffiti.

Jacob Cohen knows his fame has also earned him enemies.

Yet he says, he’s not afraid, and plans to write a third book.


Cuanto mas conocemos sobre Israel
mas miedo nos dá.
Israel es el Estado mas montado sobre Mentiras
que ningún otro Estado del mundo.

las Legiones Imperiales Destacadas en Medio Oriente,
conocidas por el 'neohabla' orwelliano de Israel,
han alcanzado un nivel de manipulacion,
propaganda y distorsion de la realidad
sin parangon en la historia de la humanidad.

Jacob Cohen, en su libro "Dios no pasará mas por Belen",
axiomatiza --una vez mas-- esta situacion
del estado judio: un inconmensurable y terrorista
Apartheid que coincide totalmente
con la opinion que el gran historidor Arnold Toynbee
tenia de ello y de sus amos, el imperium yanqui.
En 1969, declaró:

"Estados Unidos e Israel deben ser hoy los dos estados soberanos mas peligrosos entre los ciento veinticinco en que esta repartida la superficie terrestre d este planeta"

Hoy en dia, entre los 190 paises existentes en la Tierra,
la pareja sigue manteiendo el mismo record.
Tal vez por eso Dios no pasará más por Belen.