Sunday, August 1, 2010


Michel Chossudovsky es hoy en dia la mente mas Brillante y Eticamente Denunciadora de la Demencia que ha adquirido la Dictadura del Capitalismo Internacional en manos de unas élites suicidas e imperturbables, que, de no guillotinarlas pronto, nos llevaran a la debacle de la historia humana . Su tremenda gnosis al respecto, en datos, informacion, historiografia, sinopsis expositiva y vision de la real rumbo semantico que lleva el 'Titanic' actual donde todos acojonante, profunda, y, a la vez, por sus axiologicos corolarios, escalofriante. Todo lo que escribe éste profesor canadiense de economía, debe ser leido, estudiado, asimilado y digerido hacia una praxis donde sus desenmascaramientos nos puedan llevar un día a aniquilar a esa enferma plutocracia planetaria...antes de que ella nos aniquile a todos nosotros: la carrera en la que estamos metido es la de tratar de parar este cataclismo colectivo...antes de que sea demasiado tarde.

"War and Globalisation", (2002) 
Michel Chossudovsky

"The September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon are the biggest frauds in American History".

"Manipulation of thought and public opinion is historically, the way masses of people are controlled with the least amount of effort. It was true in ancient times, it is true today. Machiavelli described the ways and means of accomplishing such control in great detail, and he was merely describing what he observed as the Standard Operating Procedure of his day. If anybody thinks things have changed, think again. And just as there were "clappers" planted in the audience of any play or political rally or other forum where masses of people gathered, so are "clappers" planted in our world in the form of the Mass Media and "professional debunkers", web trolls, fake polls, and so on. What this means, of course, is that WORK must be done to discover the TRUTH of any given situation. And that is, of course, what most people do NOT want to do.  As Bertrand Russell noted:

"Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth, more than ruin, more even than death....Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. Thought looks into the pit of hell and is not afraid. Thought is great and swift and free, the light of the world, and the chief glory of man."

In 1958, Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World in which he stated:

"The older dictators fell because they never could supply their subjects with enough bread, enough circuses, enough miracles and mysteries. Nor did they possess a really effective system of mind-manipulation.
Under a scientific dictator, education will really work - with the result that most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution. There seems to be no good reason why a thoroughly scientific dictatorship should ever be overthrown."

Now, to set the stage for our discussion, I want to repeat some shocking statements, cold, hard facts of life:

The War on Terrorism is a LIE.

The pretext to wage this war has been created and executed by the Bush Reich and their minions which are merely the puppets of the Secret Cabal (The Federal Reserve System -USA-, Council on Foreign Relations -USA-, Bilderberg Group, and Trilateral Commission, es decir: La Dictadura Capitalista de la "Comunidad Internacional"

The September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon are the biggest frauds in American History.
The Bush Reich and the Mass Media continue to manipulate public opinion, to make their Fraud appear to be an indelible truth.

The American People have been misled from the very beginning regarding the causes and consequences of the September 11 "attack on America."

The EVIDENCE, including MOUNTAINS OF OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS that get no Media play at all, confirms that the 9-11 event was part of the ongoing globalization plans of the Bush Reich, puppets of the Secret Cabal. The way they deal with this documentation is to pass laws to suppress it and to protect their illegitimate rule.

The 9-11 Terrorists did not act in a vacuum. They were instruments in a carefully planned intelligence operation supported by Pakistan's ISI, which owes its allegiance and existence to the CIA.

The purported 9-11 ringleader - Mohammed Atta - according to ABC news, was financed by "unnamed sources in Pakistan." According to Agence France Presse and the Times of India, an official Indian intelligence report informs us that the 9-11 attacks were funded by money wired to Mohammed Atta from Pakistan, by Ahmad Umar Sheikh, under orders from Pakistani intelligence chief General Mahmoud Ahmad. The report said: "The evidence we have supplied to the U.S. is of a much wider range and depth than just one piece of paper linking a rogue general to some misplaced act of terrorism.
What is more, Congressional documents confirm that members of the Senate and House of Representatives KNOW about the relationship of the current administration to international terrorism. They are fully cognizant of the links between the Bush gang and Osama. They know exactly that Osama was a pawn in the hands the Clinton administration, and now the Bush administration. They also KNOW that the "War Against Terrorism" is really a War against the American People by their own government. "

(Recomendamos la lectura de "War and Globalisation" y la de todos los libros y artículos de M. Ch. Sin éste conocimiento es imposible comprender la Historia actual)