Thursday, July 27, 2023


"Time loss its power 
when remembrance 
redeems the past"
Herbert Marcuse

(El -paso del- tiempo pierde su -borrador- poder
cuándo el recuerdo redime el pasado -del olvido-)

"The pass is never dead;
it's no even past"
William Faulkner

(El pasado nunca esta muerto;
ni siquiera es pasado)

"El pensamiento del hombre
es su nostalgia"
Albert Camus


La permanencia de la impernanencia,
ese árbol gordo 
que señaló la dirección 
de dónde una vez vivimos,
de niños, de jovenes,
cuando el azul y el blanco
teñian el cielo 
del mundo dónde aparecimos;
mientras los hombres
rompían los sueños
que otros habían erigido
con sus vidas,
con sus ya olvidados

(Voces de ellos aún nos llegan
a través de campos mórficos
que aún laten en el espacio)

la permanencia de la impermanencia
se encargó de destruir
todo lo que había sucedido

(Fue cuándo lloraron los pájaros
que en jaulas habíamos atado
y en ellas murieron ser liberados)

El árbol gordo tenía un hueco
dónde todos los años venía un mochuelo
a levantar su nido.
En verano, por las noches,
como si nos quisiera decir algo
que nunca entendimos,
cantaba presagios
de llantos escondidos.

A mi me daba miedo 
aquel pájaro
porque tenía la sensación
de que quería decirnos algo
oculto, aciago, prohibido.

En la Huerta Mena se sembraban
garbanzos, cebada, 
maiz, trigo,
pan, comida,
que traían esperanzas
en aquellos tiempos
dónde se morían 
todas las amapolas
y se disecaban los vivos

Y en sus campos
corría nuestra niñez
como gorrioncillo, libre, perdido,
y el aire, la luna, las nubes y el sol,
de todo ello eran testigos,
y hablaban con nosotros,
y en la nímbica de la infancia
que recogía sus arcanos sonidos,
nos protegían para no saber
que estaba pasando
al otro lado del río...

Aquel mundo era eterno,
sin fín, 
sin límites,
sin contornos,
sin postigos,
como si siempre
fuese a perdurar 
y nada ni nadie
pudiese detener
el inexorable pulso
de sus caminos,
pero bajo aquella 
solidificada eternidad
presentíamos que algo ocurría,
se taponaba,
y que no podía ser oído
en el silencio de lo omitido,
en rostros que se ocultaban 
los unos a los otros
para seguir vivos

Y aquel árbol gordo con su nido,
con su misterioso mochuelo,
a la entrada de la Huerta Mena
--gran cancela de hierro
que aseguraba lo poseído--
siempre nos dejaban pasar
para preservar
en nuestras alas infantiles
los vuelos que habían caído...

la permanencia de la impermanencia,
llegó con sus vientos y máquinas
a derribarlo todo
y a reescribir lo que habíamos
visto y sentido.

Porque la criatura humana,
para sobrevivir,
para existir,
psicopatología de la normalidad,
a todo se acostumbra y se adapta 
como se acopla el peso del cuerpo
a la fuerza de gravedad.

(La Gravedad.
Todo era gravedad.
Pero la infancia lo disuelve todo
para poder ser,
para poder flotar,
para ser murmullo de fuentes,
como dijo el poeta
al otro lado
de la realidad)

cuándo visitamos la milenaria 
y tartésica Onuba
y a los bloques de gentes 
amarradas a bloques de pisos,
ya la memoria truncada
por la IMPUNIDAD de lo cometido (*),
lloramos como el buho
que tenía en el árbol gordo su nido...


Se van a cumplir 87 años:
"Espero del proverbial patriotismo 
y cordura del vecindario".

A mi me daba miedo 
aquel pájaro
porque tenía la sensación
de que quería decirnos algo
oculto, prohibido, aciago.

Mejor con música.
"La música amansa las fieras", decía mi vieja.


 "We pharmaceutical companies have to use the media blitz to get to the real issue: what we're interested in: getting investors to respond because if they see big profits at the end of the process they are going to invest... And as long as we keep people convinced, like frightened children, that we do everything for their good, for public health... we will all be fine

July 25, 2023 |

Will the Largest Organized Mass

 Murder in World History Escape


Paul Craig Roberts

The accumulated evidence is overwhelming that Covid was an orchestrated pandemic. 

Intentional use of the faulty PCR test, intentional false reporting of Covid deaths as a result of World Health Organization guidelines and financial incentives to hospitals to report all deaths as Covid deaths, and prohibited treatment by known cures together produced a high level of fear that drove the masses to accept the Covid “vaccination” that generated huge monetary gains for Big Pharma and associated shills such as Anthony Fauci and massive inroads on civil liberty by governments.

Hardly anyone died from Covid itself.  They died from lack of treatment.  The protocol was that if you became infected and if you worsened after a week, go to the hospital where you were put on ventilators, an incorrect treatment that usually was deadly.  

Doctors who saved the lives of their patients with Ivermectin and HCQ were punished.  Corporate doctors were fired, and those in private practice suffered attacks on their medical licenses by authorities, resulting in loss of license to practice medicine.  Highly distinguished medical scientists who blew the whistle on this death-maximizing approach were demonized, and every effort was made to silence them and to destroy them professionally.

The greatest number of deaths, which continue day by day, is from the Vax. Everywhere every day sports stars and entertainers who served as advertisements for the safety of the Covid “vaccine” are suddenly dropping dead. The corrupt medical establishment turns a blind eye.

The lockdowns, the masks, the “vaccine” did extraordinary harm to people and benefitted no one except Big Pharma’s profits and government’s agenda to weaken civil liberty.

All of this is known, and there has been no accountability.  A program of mass murder and injury to the world population is being ignored.  

Medical authorities are still recommending the Death Jab, even for babies.  This guarantees that a second and a third round of death and injury is coming from more orchestrated pandemics.  Bill Gates has promised as much. Such gullible populations can expect no less.

Why is this murderous plot against humanity being ignored?  Thousands of medical scientists and doctors are not ignoring it, but the media continues to accuse the leading experts in the world of spreading “misinformation.”  Efforts continue to be made to silence science and suppress information.  Universities and medical schools themselves are part of the effort to prevent the truth from being acknowledged.

Another part of the problem is that many of those who were deceived and who so adamantly defended the Vax, lockdowns, and masks to family and friends are too embarrassed to admit their mistake.  

They are too fragile to say:  I made a mistake and have destroyed the health of my child and killed my mother.  The authorities know the weaknesses of people and use their weaknesses to protect and to further the authorities’ agendas.

The insouciance, gullibility, and weakness of the majority of the population is inconsistent with the continuation of civil liberty.  Totalitarianism is setting in, and it is being tolerated by the masses and joyfully welcomed by Democrats and the Left-wing. 

Below are more reports of evidence that the Covid “pandemic” was a mass, murderous deception.

The World Health Organization Caused Deaths to be Incorrectly Recorded as “Covid Deaths” in order to Create Fear in Behalf of the Official Narrative


They are bought and paid for by Big Pharma 

Many People Fully Vaccinated for COVID Are Now Going Blind 

Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid 

Dr. Naomi Wolf Uncovers Pfizer’s Depopulation Agenda, as Evidenced by Its Own Documents 


The Road Ahead: Building a

 Worldwide Movement Against

 “Corona Tyranny”

Chapter XV of "The Worldwide Corona Crisis
Global: Coup d'Etat Against Humanity"

The Road Ahead: Building a Worldwide Movement Against “Corona Tyranny” - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
