Monday, March 29, 2021



¿Lograremos algún día auto-extraernos la Piedra de la Locura? El problema es que un loco no se puede diagnosticar a sí mismo si no no sería loco. ¿Un demente extrayendole la Piedra de la Locura a otro demente? Imposible. Porque las explicaciones de Marx y Freud para interpretarnos a nosotros mismos se han quedado obsoletas. Hoy tenemos que recurrir al Bosco (o a Oscar Kiss Maerth) para arrojar luz sobre este Sapiens, Sapiens, supuestamente creado a imagen y semejanzaa de Dios. Debe ser un Dios loco, claro. Y nadie se atreve a hablar de ello porque, claro, un loco, un genuíno loco, es incapaz de ello. Nosotros lo podemos hacer porque son líneas que nos dictan nuestro vecinos del Cosmos y nos limitamos a inscribirlas en esta bitácora.

Will we ever be able to auto-extract the Stone of Madness from tourselves? The problem is that a madman cannot diagnose himself otherwise he would not be mad. A madman extracting the Stone of Madness from another madman? Impossible. The explanations of Marx and Freud to interpret ourselves have become obsolete. Today we have to turn to Bosco (or Oscar Kiss Maerth) to shed light on this Sapiens, Sapiens, supposedly created in the image and likeness of God. It must be a crazy God, of course. And nobody dares to talk about it because, of course, a madman, a genuinely madman, is incapable of it. We can do it because they are lines dictated by our neighbors in the Cosmos and we limit ourselves to inscribing them in this blog.


The Destabilizing Danger of

 Cyberattacks on Missile Systems

‘Left-of-launch’ attacks that aim to disable enemy missile systems may increase the chance of them being used, not least because the systems are so vulnerable.

Dr Patricia Lewis

Research Director, Conflict, Science & Transformation; Director, International Security Programme

Dr Beyza Unal

Deputy Director, International Security Programme 

After President Trump decided to halt a missile attack on Iran in response to the downing of a US drone, it was revealed that the US had conducted cyberattacks on Iranian weapons systems to prevent Iran launching missiles against US assets in the region.

This ‘left-of-launch’ strategy – the pre-emptive action to prevent an adversary launch missiles – has been part of the US missile defence strategy for some time now. President George W Bush asked the US military and intelligence community to infiltrate the supply chain of North Korean missiles. It was claimed that the US hacked the North Korean ballistic missile programme, causing a failed ballistic missile test, in 2012.

It was not clear then – or now – whether these ‘left-of-launch’ cyberattacks aimed at North Korea were successful as described or whether they were primarily a bluff. But that is somewhat irrelevant; the belief in the possibility and the understanding of the potential impact of such cyber capabilities undermines North Korean or Iranian confidence in their abilities to launch their missiles. In times of conflict, loss of confidence in weapons systems may lead to escalation.

In other words, the adversary may be left with no option but to take the chance to use these missiles or to lose them in a conflict setting. ‘Left of launch’ is a dangerous game. If it is based on a bluff, it could be called upon and lead to deterrence failure. If it is based on real action, then it could create an asymmetrical power struggle. If the attacker establishes false confidence in the power of a cyber weapon, then it might lead to false signalling and messaging.

This is the new normal. The cat-and-mouse game has to be taken seriously, not least because missile systems are so vulnerable.

There are several ways an offensive cyber operation against missile systems might work. These include exploiting missile designs, altering software or hardware, or creating clandestine pathways to the missile command and control systems.

They can also be attacked in space, targeting space assets and their link to strategic systems.

Most missile systems rely, at least in part, on digital information that comes from or via space-based or space-dependent assets such as: communication satellites; satellites that provide position, navigation and timing (PNT) information (for example GPS or Galileo); weather satellites to help predict flight paths, accurate targeting and launch conditions; and remote imagery satellites to assist with information and intelligence for the planning and targeting.

Missile launches themselves depend on 1) the command and control systems of the missiles, 2) the way in which information is transmitted to the missile launch facilities and 3) the way in which information is transmitted to the missiles themselves in flight. All these aspects rely on space technology.

In addition, the ground stations that transmit and receive data to and from satellites are also vulnerable to cyberattack – either through their known and unknown internet connectivity or through malicious use of flash drives that contain a deliberate cyber infection.

Non-space-based communications systems that use cable and ground-to-air-to-ground masts are likewise under threat from cyberattacks that find their way in via internet connectivity, proximity interference or memory sticks. Human error in introducing connectivity via phones, laptops and external drives, and in clicking on malicious links in sophisticated phishing lures, is common in facilitating inadvertent connectivity and malware infection.

All of these can create a military capacity able to interfere with missile launches. Malware might have been sitting on the missile command and control system for months or even years, remaining inactivated until a chosen time or by a trigger that sets in motion a disruption either to the launch or to the flight path of the missile. 

The country that launches the missile that either fails to launch or fails to reach the target may never know if this was the result of a design flaw, a common malfunction or a deliberate cyberattack.

States with these capabilities must exercise caution: cyber offence manoeuvres may prevent the launch of missile attacks against US assets in the Middle East or in the Pacific regions, but they may also interfere with US missile launches in the future

Even, as has recently been revealed, US cyber weapons targeting an adversary may blow back and inadvertently infect US systems.  Nobody is invulnerable.


Hoy tenemos que recurrir al Bosco (o a Oscar Kiss Maerth) para arrojar luz sobre este Sapiens, Sapiens, supuestamente creado a imagen y semejanzaa de Dios. Debe ser un Dios loco, claro. Y nadie se atreve a hablar de ello porque, claro, un loco, un genuíno loco, es incapaz de ello. Nosotros lo podemos hacer porque son líneas que nos dictan nuestro vecinos del Cosmos y nos limitamos a inscribirlas en esta bitácora.

...Por cierto, nuestros vecinos del Cosmos hace tiempo que nos vienen advirtiendo sobre esta MAD porque en varias localidades de silos subterráneos de misiles intercontinentales, por un determinado lapsus de tiempo, han desarticulado las computadoras que los hacen funcionar.

... By the way, our neighbors in the Cosmos have been warning us about this MAD for a long time because in several locations the underground silos of intercontinental missiles, for a certain period of time, they have dismantled the computers.

Hic et Nunc. Inter Nos.