Wednesday, August 19, 2020


Hombre, está bien, pero no entendemos 
cómo es posible que se haya olvidado 
el Rostro del JEFE de todos esos Rostros. 
(¿Será porque la Historia la escriben los Jefes)

Ramón Sender lo llamaba el Paquete Ferrolano.
León Felipe lo llamaba el Sapo Iscaríote.
El Papa lo llamaba Amadísimo Hermano.

Nosotros lo llamamos 
--quedándonos cortos--, 
el Carnicero del Pueblo Español,
el TERRORISTA más Teratológico y Depravado
que, desde Atapuerca --Homo Antecessor--,
haya pasado por las tierras de nuestra patria

Cuenta Antonio Bahamonde, Delegado de Propaganda de Queipo de Llano hasta Enero, 1938, en su libro, 'Un Año con Queipo de Llano,' que cuándo el capitan Criado, delegado gubernamental del Orden Público en Sevilla, que estaba siempre borracho como una cuba, firmaba las sentencias de muerte en uno de sus asiduos club nocturnos, decía que, "puesto en el tobogán, le daba lo mismo firmar cien sentencias que trescientas"

He oído decir -escribe Bahamonde-, que cuándo alguíen le preguntaba sobre el por qué firmaba tantas sentencias de muerte, respondía:


Se quedó corto.
que han pasado 84 años
(¡84 años!)
y seguimos sin movernos,
históricamente TRAUMATIZADOS,
católicamente resignados
al máximum e indigno Coitus Per Anum 
que un pueblo puede soportar:
que otro Jefe -entre otros más-,
éste de Falange, José Antonio,
en la Basílica de Cuelgamuros
en su Altar Principal.

En un Altar Principal que sigue ocupando
la cúpula y la gloria de todos los asesinos
de, como decía Federíco,
Por eso el cuello se lo cortaron a él.

¿Pasa ESTO en otro lugar?


Pintado por mi mujer, Laurelle Cidoncha


Introducimos --de nuevo; la situación está que arde-- en ésta bitacora de barco varado a Igor Nikulin porque muchos ya comienzan a ver que tras esta pande-mia y pande-tuya hay gato encerrado (gato encerrado que, al paso que van las cosas, muy bien podría ser un tigre de 400 kilos) 

Hay gato encerrado tras muchas jaulas; una de ellas es el hecho de que durante esta pande-mia no se hayan levantado voces contra los laboratorios de guerra bactereológica que, por cierto, son toalmente ilegales, prohibidos por la Ley Internacional, la Carta de la ONU y demás Convenciones sobre "crimenes de guerra". Y siguen ahí con su horrenda espada de Damocles sobre la Humanidad. ¿Como es posible que nos hagan cumplir La Ley mientras este mismo status quo sigue SIN CUMPLIR LA LEY QUE PROHIBE TERMINANTEMENTE LA GUERRA BATEREOLOGICA y, por lo tanto, los laboratorios militares dónde se producen las municiones con las que se hacen esas ilegales guerras? ¿O no somos todos iguales ante la Ley?. Si, gato encerrado...muchos felinos que urgentemente necesitan ser explicados. 


Russian Biologist and Former U.N. Expert Igor Nikulin: Coronavirus Is a Biological Weapon Used by Global Government to Reduce the World's Population by 90%

#7855 | 03:49
Source: Russia Today TV (Russia)

Russian biologist Igor Nikulin, who was presented as a former member of the U.N. Commission on Biological and Chemical Weapons, said in a February 27, 2020 interview on Russia Today's Arabic-language channel that he believes it is no coincidence that the coronavirus has had the effect it has in China, Iran, and certain European countries. He said that coronavirus was carefully selected to affect countries that rival the United States and that it is a conspiracy by the "global government," which he said consists of 200 families that control over $400 trillion, that own the media outlets and Hollywood, that control the minds of humanity, and that want to decrease the world's population by 90%. He suggested that it may be possible that coronavirus is a targeted biological weapon, like he said Ebola and the bird flu were, that infects some people and not others, and he said that the U.S. government may be testing a pathogenic agent it began developing in 1999. Nikulin also said that this is a warning to the non-English-speaking world that it must submit to the laws that are imposed upon it.

Igor Nikulin: "I believe that it is no coincidence [that China was infected with coronavirus]. I believe that this virus was selected very carefully, in order to reach countries that are considered to be America's rivals, such as China, Iran, and some EU countries including Italy. Many people think that there are pro-Russian tendencies in those countries, and this is why we see more infected people in those countries. I don't think that this is a mere coincidence. This is a scheme by the world's elites..."

Interviewer: "The global government..."

Igor Nikulin: "Right. The global government is the correct term. At least that is what they call themselves. No one elected them but this is how they see themselves. These 200 families have $40 trillion, and they consider themselves to be the most important people on Earth. They own most of the media outlets. They are the ones making the Hollywood movies – for example, they make movies about pandemics. These families control the minds of humanity, and claim that humanity must be reduced to one-tenth of the current population."
Interviewer: "Is it really possible to produce biological weapons that target a specific nation or ethnic group, and that may infect them but not others? There were reports that the Israelis were thinking about producing – or have actually produced – some sort of biological weapon that kills Palestinians but does not harm other Israelis. Is it true? Is it possible?"

Igor Nikulin: "People talk about this. I know that a few years ago, there was a strange epidemic in Madagascar. It was not in Africa. It was a pneumonic plague, which is a horrible thing. This epidemic killed only the locals, while it did not harm European tourists, and not even the yellow race. There is also, of course, weapons such as Ebola, Avian Influenza, and the coronavirus that is currently infecting mostly Chinese and other Asian peoples. Such weapons exist. In 1999, the Americans started a project... The head of the CIA at the time, George Tenet, and President Clinton said that they would produce pathogenic agents that would affect certain races but not others. Twenty years have passed and the time for field experiments has come. It seems that plant Earth has been turned into a testing ground. I'll go even further and say that the Anglo-Saxon countries have issued a biological warning to all non-English speaking countries: 'Either you live according to the laws we impose on you, or you will not live on this planet. Either we kill you fast or we kill you slowly.' This is the main problem of modern world policy."

Russian Expert: “We Cannot Rule Out Man Made Origin of these Infections”

Interviewer: in recent years dangerous for humans coronaviruses appear more and more often. What does this have to do with anything?

Nikulin: With these coronaviruses, the situation is really very strange. Until 2000, none of them “jumped on a person.” They have been living next to humans for millions of years, but always only on some animals parasitized. For example, on camels, as in the case of [MERS]. Or on bats, birds, anyone, but this infection did not pass on to a person. And there are already 8 deadly viruses in 20 years. It’s obviously too much.

Interviewer: So we can’t rule out the man-made origin of these infections?

Nikulin: If it was the first outbreak, you’d think it was a natural mutation. But it is hardly natural, because every few years such incidents are repeated. It’s atypical pneumonia, it’s avian flu, it’s swine flu, it’s something else.

Interviewer: Some experts note that the time of the outbreak in China seems to be chosen specifically to cause maximum harm. Just on the eve of the New Year on the Eastern calendar, when in China mass internal migration for the holidays, as well as events with the participation of a large number of people. And the place seemed to be specially [selected]. Historically and geographically, all roads in China lead to Wuhan. It is the largest transport hub, the largest international airport. Through it [planes] fly to the States, Australia, Japan, the Middle East, Paris, London, Moscow. Besides these coincidences, what can prove the artificial origin of the virus?”

Nikulin: Just deciphering the genome. Its results may show if it is a virus of natural origin, or laboratory, when some recombinant “piece” is inserted into the gene . . . there are modern computer programs [that] allow you to read all this, decipher and compare with the samples available in databases.

Interviewer: Is it possible that the new coronavirus only affects people of Chinese nationality? So it’s set on certain features of the human gene?

Nikulin: If it turns out that this is indeed the case, then such a natural mutation cannot be accurate. It’s mathematical proof that it’s an artificially created virus.

Interviewer: In which labs can it appear?

Nikulin: I can only assume. But look: China, like Russia, is surrounded by American research biolaboratories. They are in different countries along the perimeter of China’s borders – in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Taiwan, Philippines, South Korea, Japan. They were in Indonesia, but they closed them. And wherever there are these American biolaboratories, or near them, there are outbreaks of new diseases, often unknown. Threats to the local population are simply ignored by Americans. The main thing is that it was away from the territory of the United States.

Interviewer: How many foreign biolaboratories do the U.S. have?

Nikulin: It’s 400.

Interviewer: They are overseen by the Pentagon?

Nikulin: Of course. It’s all funded from the Pentagon budget. Therefore, it is not necessary to say that peaceful humanitarian research is being carried out there. Do you think the Pentagon’s money is being spent on peaceful research? No one is allowed in. These are military labs. When more than a hundred people died in Georgia near such a laboratory within one month, do you think someone was allowed to go there? No one was allowed into the American laboratory at all.
Those countries that consider themselves victims of bioterrorism should investigate all these cases and bring them up for international discussion. For example, to the UN Security Council. To raise the issue of the activities of American biolaboratories outside the United States. We have to do something. Because a lot of people are already suffering from it. And in general, it is necessary to strengthen the biosecurity of the country.

Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He can be contacted at: He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.