El exfuncionario señala como rasgos distintivos de los ovnis su "maniobrabilidad extrema", su velocidad hipersónica sin estampido sónico de "7.000-8.000 millas por hora"
La existencia de objetos voladores no identificados que se valen de tecnología más avanzada que la nuestra ha sido demostrada "más allá de toda duda razonable", sostiene Luis Elizondo, exjefe del Programa de Identificación de Amenazas Aeroespaciales Avanzadas del Pentágono, en declaraciones al periódico The Telegraph.
"Empezamos a notar tendencias y similitudes entre los incidentes", comenta el exfuncionario, señalando como rasgos distintivos de los ovnis su "maniobrabilidad extrema", su velocidad hipersónica sin estampido sónico" y "velocidades de 7.000 mph- 8.000 mph [1.126 -1.287 km/h]". A menudo han aparecido cerca de instalaciones nucleares y centrales eléctricas, añade.
"Nunca ha habido muestras de hostilidad, pero dada su forma de maniobrar, como nunca nadie lo había hecho antes, debemos ser conscientes de que algo podría suceder", advierte el exfuncionario de Pentágono, que dejó su cargo por el carácter excesivamente secreto del programa.
Desde el Departamento de Defensa se afirma que el Programa de Identificación de Amenazas Aeroespaciales Avanzadas del Pentágono se cerró en 2012 después de cinco años, aunque personas cercanas al proyecto insisten en que existe a día de hoy y que en 2012 dejó de contar con la financiación del Pentágono, permaneciendo partes del programa en secreto. El Pentágono llevaba años financiando este programa en el marco del que se investigaban casos de avistamientos de ovnis, señala The New York Times.
El comentario de exjefe del Programa de Identificación de Amenazas Aeroespaciales Avanzadas del Pentágono surge a raíz de la reciente publicación de un video clasificado donde dos pilotos de la Armada de EE.UU. se encontraron cara a cara con un misterioso objeto volador en noviembre de 2004. Este episodio ha sido investigado en el marco del Programa de Identificación de Amenazas Aeroespaciales Avanzadas del Pentágono, informa The New York Times,
Elizondo, que dejó su cargo en el programa secreto del Pentágono el pasado mes de octubre, alerta a otras naciones de la necesidad de "ser conscientes" de la amenaza potencial de los ovnis.
"Creo que está bastante claro que no somos nosotros ni otros países, por lo que uno debe preguntarse de donde proceden", agrega el exfuncionario de Pentágono. "Odio utilizar el término 'OVNI', pero eso es lo que estamos observando", añade.
"Creo que está bastante claro que no somos nosotros ni otros países, por lo que uno debe preguntarse de donde proceden", agrega el exfuncionario de Pentágono. "Odio utilizar el término 'OVNI', pero eso es lo que estamos observando", añade.
"Empezamos a notar tendencias y similitudes entre los incidentes", comenta el exfuncionario, señalando como rasgos distintivos de los ovnis su "maniobrabilidad extrema", su velocidad hipersónica sin estampido sónico" y "velocidades de 7.000 mph- 8.000 mph [1.126 -1.287 km/h]". A menudo han aparecido cerca de instalaciones nucleares y centrales eléctricas, añade.
"Nunca ha habido muestras de hostilidad, pero dada su forma de maniobrar, como nunca nadie lo había hecho antes, debemos ser conscientes de que algo podría suceder", advierte el exfuncionario de Pentágono, que dejó su cargo por el carácter excesivamente secreto del programa.
Desde el Departamento de Defensa se afirma que el Programa de Identificación de Amenazas Aeroespaciales Avanzadas del Pentágono se cerró en 2012 después de cinco años, aunque personas cercanas al proyecto insisten en que existe a día de hoy y que en 2012 dejó de contar con la financiación del Pentágono, permaneciendo partes del programa en secreto. El Pentágono llevaba años financiando este programa en el marco del que se investigaban casos de avistamientos de ovnis, señala The New York Times.
El comentario de exjefe del Programa de Identificación de Amenazas Aeroespaciales Avanzadas del Pentágono surge a raíz de la reciente publicación de un video clasificado donde dos pilotos de la Armada de EE.UU. se encontraron cara a cara con un misterioso objeto volador en noviembre de 2004. Este episodio ha sido investigado en el marco del Programa de Identificación de Amenazas Aeroespaciales Avanzadas del Pentágono, informa The New York Times,
Aqui la información del NYT:
2 Navy Airmen and an Object That ‘Accelerated Like Nothing I’ve Ever Seen’
The following recounts an incident in 2004 that advocates of research into U.F.O.s have said is the kind of event worthy of more investigation, and that was studied by a Pentagon program that investigated U.F.O.s. Experts caution that earthly explanations often exist for such incidents, and that not knowing the explanation does not mean that the event has interstellar origins.
Cmdr. David Fravor and Lt. Cmdr. Jim Slaight were on a routine training mission 100 miles out into the Pacific when the radio in each of their F/A-18F Super Hornets crackled: An operations officer aboard the U.S.S. Princeton, a Navy cruiser, wanted to know if they were carrying weapons.
“Two CATM-9s,” Commander Fravor replied, referring to dummy missiles that could not be fired. He had not been expecting any hostile exchanges off the coast of San Diego that November afternoon in 2004.
Commander Fravor, in a recent interview with The New York Times, recalled what happened next. Some of it is captured in a video made public by officials with a Pentagon program that investigated U.F.O.s.
“Well, we’ve got a real-world vector for you,” the radio operator said, according to Commander Fravor. For two weeks, the operator said, the Princeton had been tracking mysterious aircraft. The objects appeared suddenly at 80,000 feet, and then hurtled toward the sea, eventually stopping at 20,000 feet and hovering. Then they either dropped out of radar range or shot straight back up.
The radio operator instructed Commander Fravor and Commander Slaight, who has given a similar account, to investigate.
The two fighter planes headed toward the objects. The Princeton alerted them as they closed in, but when they arrived at “merge plot” with the object — naval aviation parlance for being so close that the Princeton could not tell which were the objects and which were the fighter jets — neither Commander Fravor nor Commander Slaight could see anything at first. There was nothing on their radars, either.
Then, Commander Fravor looked down to the sea. It was calm that day, but the waves were breaking over something that was just below the surface. Whatever it was, it was big enough to cause the sea to churn.
Hovering 50 feet above the churn was an aircraft of some kind — whitish — that was around 40 feet long and oval in shape. The craft was jumping around erratically, staying over the wave disturbance but not moving in any specific direction, Commander Fravor said. The disturbance looked like frothy waves and foam, as if the water were boiling.
Video: U.S. Military Jets Encounter Unknown Object
Ver el dideo y el articulo del NYT en:
A video shows a 2004 encounter near San Diego between two Navy F/A-18F fighter jets and an unknown object. It was released by the Defense Department's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. By Courtesy of U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE on Publish Date December 16, 2017. Photo by U.S Department of Defense.
Commander Fravor began a circular descent to get a closer look, but as he got nearer the object began ascending toward him. It was almost as if it were coming to meet him halfway, he said.
Commander Fravor abandoned his slow circular descent and headed straight for the object.
But then the object peeled away. “It accelerated like nothing I’ve ever seen,” he said in the interview. He was, he said, “pretty weirded out."
The two fighter jets then conferred with the operations officer on the Princeton and were told to head to a rendezvous point 60 miles away, called the cap point, in aviation parlance.
They were en route and closing in when the Princeton radioed again. Radar had again picked up the strange aircraft.
“Sir, you won’t believe it,” the radio operator said, “but that thing is at your cap point".
“We were at least 40 miles away, and in less than a minute this thing was already at our cap point,” Commander Fravor, who has since retired from the Navy, said in the interview.
By the time the two fighter jets arrived at the rendezvous point, the the object had disappeared.
The fighter jets returned to the Nimitz, where everyone on the ship had learned of Commander Fravor’s encounter and was making fun of him.
Commander Fravor’s superiors did not investigate further and he went on with his career, deploying to the Persian Gulf to provide air support to ground troops during the Iraq war. But he does remember what he said that evening to a fellow pilot who asked him what he thought he had seen.
“I have no idea what I saw,” Commander Fravor replied to the pilot. “It had no plumes, wings or rotors and outran our F-18s.”
But, he added, “I want to fly one.”
A version of this article appears in print on December 17, 2017, on Page A27 of the New York edition with the headline: 2 Airmen and an Object That ‘Accelerated Like Nothing I’ve Ever Seen
Commander Fravor’s superiors did not investigate further and he went on with his career, deploying to the Persian Gulf to provide air support to ground troops during the Iraq war. But he does remember what he said that evening to a fellow pilot who asked him what he thought he had seen.
“I have no idea what I saw,” Commander Fravor replied to the pilot. “It had no plumes, wings or rotors and outran our F-18s.”
But, he added, “I want to fly one.”
A version of this article appears in print on December 17, 2017, on Page A27 of the New York edition with the headline: 2 Airmen and an Object That ‘Accelerated Like Nothing I’ve Ever Seen
El día que nos identifiquemos
a nosotros mismos,
que sepamos realmente qué somos,
el día que dejemos ser
para nosotros mismos
un Objeto Volante No Identificado,
ese día Identificaremos
a esos Objetos Volantes.
a esos Objetos Volantes.