Tuesday, April 25, 2017


“And he was eating his cake.
And he was silent.”

La presidencia del Imperium regida por el billonario Donald Trump está trayendo todo el gran y brillante espectáculo de la vistosa fachada que representa el capitalismo que, además de ser "el genocida más respetado de mundo", como decía Ernesto Guevara, bajo el Reality Show del obelísco del citado personaje se ha convertido en un Show of Reality, ahora ya aceptado porque ha sido regado con sangre y chocolate en cualquier Palazzo dónde se reuna la crema y nata de éste gran aquelarre que, increíblemente, pasa desapercibido como si fuese un indetectable escaparate.

Cynical and diabolical?  The plush dinner event with China’s president Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago on the evening of April 6 was carefully planned to coincide with Trump’s missile strikes against Syria.

Xi and Trump were accompanied by their wives; guests, family members and high-level officials from both countries were in attendance at the Palm Beach Mar-a Lago “replicate” of Rome’s Palazzo Chigi 16th Century dining room.

Later that evening on Thursday April 6, it was dessert time:  The Donald was at the dinner table eating a delicious chocolate cake together with Xi Jinping, while also ordering Tomahawk missile strikes against Syria, in the presence of China’s president and his entourage:
“I was sitting at the table. We had finished dinner. We’re now having dessert. And we had the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that you’ve ever seen and President Xi was enjoying it,” (TV interview Fox News, see below)
Precedent in the conduct of US foreign policy? Trump ran it as a “war and chocolate” reality show: A shift in the mode of decision-making pertaining to US aggression?

The dinner event was also part of “publications relations” operation with the intent to boost a “pro-American sentiment” by president Xi Jinping and the PRC delegation.

Trump’s order to strike Syria had been carefully timed to coincide with the final “dessert stage” of the official dinner event with president Xi:
“And I was given the message from the generals that the ships are locked and loaded. [ready to go]
What do you do? And we made a determination to do it.  So the missiles were on the way.”
… “And I said: ‘Mr President, let me explain something to you …this is during dessert… we’ve just fired 59 missiles – all of which hit by the way, unbelievable, from, you know hundreds of miles away, all of which hit, it’s so incredible, it’s brilliant, it’s genius, our technology is better than anybody’s by a factor of five …”
“So what happens is, I said [to Xi] we’ve just launched 59 missiles heading to Iraq, [sic] …

The 59 missiles had been launched, “heading to Iraq” according to Trump, …

Oops, he rectifies:  “heading towards Syria”, got his countries mixed up. 
“I didn’t want him to finish his dessert and go home … and then they say: ‘You know the guy you just had dinner with just attacked [Syria].’”

And then Trump invites the Chinese president to finish his dessert.

“And he was eating his cake.
And he was silent.”