Thursday, October 6, 2016



"In contrast to Germany (of Hitler), the U.S.A. had a constitution which was democratic...And its ruling class managed, particularly during the imperialist era, to have the democratic forms so effectively preserved that, by democratically legal means, it achieved a Dictatorship of Monopoly Capitalism at least as firm as that which Hitler set up with his tyrannic procedures...AND THIS SO-CALLED DEMOCRACY COULD, IN SUBSTANCE, REALIZE EVERYTHING SOUGHT BY HITLER WITHOUT NEEDING TO BREAK WITH DEMOCRACY FORMALLY".

("The Destruction of Reason",
Gyórgy Lukács.
Epilogue, p. 770.
The Merlin Press, London)
     Lo que está ocurriendo en Siria es gravísimo.
El barbarismo de la agresión imperialista carece de precedentes...que ya es decir ("Barbarism in Words and Deeds. Barbarism of U.S. Imperial Wars is Unmatched", James Petras), hasta tal punto que en lo único que se equivocó Lukács --en la acotación de arriba-- fue en que el IV Reich norteamericano, para realizar todo lo que Hitler (III Reich) visualizó, hace tiempo, mucho tiempo, que rompió formalmente con la democracia, no de otra forma puede estar llevando a cabo en Medio Oriente --y en otras partes del planeta-- su Project for The New American Century, PNAC, especialmente en Siria, convertida en sangrienta frontera del imperial dónde el ejercito proxy de terroristas contratados ex professo para genocidar al pueblo sirio y derrocar a su legítimo gobierno es apertrechado con toda clase de armamentos ante los cerrados ojos de la ONU y de la llamada 'comunidad internacional', todos cómplices del horroroso crimen de lesa humanidad que ésta teniendo lugar. Y aquí esta la axiomática prueba de ésta escandolasa verdad dicha y expuesta por el Federal Business Opportunities (FBO), nada menos y nada más:
According to Jane’s Defence Weekly, quoting documents released by the U.S. Government’s Federal Business Opportunities (FBO), the US –as part of its “counterterrorism campaign”– has provided Syrian rebels [aka moderate Al Qaeda] with large amounts of weapons and ammunition. 

The US and its allies (including Turkey and Saudi Arabia) have relied on the illicit trade in light weaponry produced in Eastern Europe, the Balkans, China, etc. for delivery to rebel groups inside Syria, including ISIS-Daesh and Al Nusra. 

In turn, operating out of the occupied Golan Heights, Israel’s IDF has provided weapons, ammunition, logistical support to Al Qaeda rebels operating in Southern Syria. 

While Washington’s Middle East allies undertake shady transactions in a buoyant market for light weapons, a significant part of these illicit weapons shipments is nonetheless directly commissioned by the US government. 

These shipments of weapons are not conducted through internationally approved weapons transfers. While they are the result of  a Pentagon (or US government) procurement, they are not recorded as “official” military aid.

They use private traders and shipping companies within the realm of a thriving illicit trade in light weapons. 

Based on the examination of a single December 2015 Pentagon sponsored shipment of more than 990 tons, one can reasonably conclude that the amounts of light weapons in the hands of  ”opposition” rebels inside Syria is substantial and exceedingly large.  

Background: U.S. Weapons Supply Routes “Via Third Countries”

Although the bulk of the weapons and ammunition supplied to the Syrian rebels (including the FSA, Al Qaeda affiliated entities and ISIS-Daesh) are channelled by Turkey and Saudi Arabia, the US is also involved in the routine delivery (originating from third countries) of light weapons to the rebels including anti-tank and rocket launchers.

America’s weapons shipments to Syria’s rebels are commissioned by the Pentagon (and/or a US government agency) through several intermediaries via private weapons trading and shipping companies from the Black Sea port city of Constanta.

None of these weapons under this de facto (unofficial) “US military aid” program are “Made in the USA”.

These light weapons purchased in Eastern Europe and the Balkans in the illicit market are relatively inexpensive.

Moreover, Washington’s decision not to send US made weaponry to the rebels is meant to uphold the camouflage.

No doubt, what Washington wants is to ensure that US and/or Western made weapons are not found in the hands of terrorists. As we recall, the White House narrative at the outset of the war in 2011 was: “humanitarian aid” to the rebels, coupled with “some military gear….[but no weapons]” (BBC, October 10, 2015)

US military aid to the rebels channeled (unofficially) through the illicit market, is routine and ongoing.

In December 2015, a major US sponsored shipment of a staggering 995 tons of weapons was conducted in blatant violation of the ceasefire.

According to Jane’s Defence Weekly, the U.S.   “is providing [the weapons] to Syrian rebel groups as part of a programme that continues despite the widely respected ceasefire in that country [in December 2015].”

According to Jane, the shipments of weapons on behalf of the US are entrusted to private weapons traders and shipping companies:
“The FBO has released two solicitations in recent months [early 2015] looking for shipping companies to transport explosive material from Eastern Europe to the Jordanian port of Aqaba on behalf of the US Navy’s Military Sealift Command.” ( April 2016)

The shipments of weapons purchased and funded by the US are carefully coordinated, with deliveries to rebels in the North and South of Syria respectively.

The weapons are shipped out of the Romanian Black Sea port of Constanta (December 2015):
1) First, to the Turkish Eastern Mediterranean facility of Agalar-Limani near Tasucu in support of rebels in Northern Syria, to be smuggled into Syria with the support of the Turkish authorities. (half the shipment unloaded)
2) The remainder of the shipment to the Jordanian Red Sea port of Aqaba (for rebels in Southern Syria) via the Suez canal. From Aqaba, the weapons would be smuggled into Syria through the Southern Syria-Jordanian border.
According to Jane, the cargo of light weaponry included AK-47 rifles, PKM general-purpose machine guns, DShK heavy machine guns, RPG-7 rocket launchers, and 9K111M Faktoria anti-tank guided weapon (ATGW) systems. It is worth noting that a large share of the RPG rocket launchers were slated for delivery to Northern Syria (see table below).

Also of significance, the Black Sea route to Syria has also been used to ship Ukrainian weapons to Al Qaeda and ISIS Daesh.
Sputnik, June 5, 2016
994 Tons of Weapons in a Single shipment, Courtesy of Uncle Sam

The following table provides information on the breakdown of the weapons shipment for December 2015 documented by Jane Defense Weekly.

Bear in mind the numbers pertain to a single shipment in December 2015, expressed in kilos (kg).
The amounts are substantial:

The 7.62 x 39 mm refers to ammunition for an AK47. Namely the shipment of 134 tons of ammunition.

The PG 7 VM (2 kg) and PV7 VT (3.3 kg) are anti-tank grenades (which suggests that more than 25,000 PG 7VM units were included in the shipment, and more than 60,000 PG 7VT.)

The total shipment to Aqaba and Agalar is of the order of 994 tons of “humanitarian” R2P light weapons for the “Moderates” in Syria. (in a single shipment out of Romania) among numerous comparable shipments by sea as well as by air. 
PG 7VM Anti-tank
Source Jane’s Defense Weekly

This trade in light weapons is transacted through private companies on contract to the US government’s Federal Business Opportunities (FBO), a commercial trading entity acting on behalf of the US Navy MSC:
Stages 1,2 and 3:

1) The Pentagon (or the relevant government agency) instructs the US Navy MSC with details and specifications of the light weapons to be purchased and shipped to Syria’s “freedom fighters” via Turkey and Jordan. The ports of delivery are specified. The final destination of the weapons is not mentioned.
2) The Navy’s MSC places the order with the FBO.
3) The FBO in turn transacts with private companies for the procurement and shipping of the weapons and “explosive materials” out of Constanta, Romania.


According to Jane’s report:
”The FBO has released two solicitations in recent months looking for shipping companies to transport explosive material from Eastern Europe to the Jordanian port of Aqaba on behalf of the US Navy’s Military Sealift Command.”  (emphasis added)

Released on 3 November 2015, the first solicitation sought a contractor to ship 81 containers of cargo that included explosive material from Constanta in Romania to Aqaba.

The solicitation was subsequently updated with a detailed packing list that showed the cargo had a total weight of 994 tonnes, a little under half of which was to be unloaded at Agalar, a military pier near the Turkish town of Tasucu, the other half at Aqaba. (Jane’s op cit)
The US Navy’s Military Sealift Command’s (MSC) mission is  to “Operate the ships which sustain our warfighting forces and deliver specialized maritime services in support of national security objectives in peace and war.” (MSC misión)

Weapons Shipments by America’s Allies in the Middle East 

The Jane Defence Weekly report pertains to shipments initiated by the Pentagon through a third country. It does not address the broader and much larger flow of military equipment and weaponry to Al Qaeda and the Islamic State, commissioned by America’s allies in the Middle East (e.g Turkey, Saudi Arabia). These light weapons are also purchased from third countries  ( i.e. Eastern Europe, Balkans) through private traders:
[In 2012] representatives of the Free Syrian Army made contact with weapons dealers in Eastern Europe and the Black Sea region, hoping to procure weapons that would then be smuggled across the Turkish-Syrian border. The Syrian rebels also reached out to [al Qaeda] militia groups in Libya for assistance. The Libyan groups have proven to be a particularly important source of weapons for the Syrian insurgents. …

Efforts by Libyan brokers to supply the rebels have coincided with, and perhaps been tied to, efforts by Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan to arm the rebels. …   Global initiative against Transnational Crimes (2013 Study)
According to Deutsche Welle, exports of weapons from third countries (eg. Romania) to Syria are also dispatched by air via Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey and the UAE:  ”…the munitions, including Kalashnikov AK-47 assault rifles, machine guns, grenades as well as anti-tank guns, are initially off-loaded in Saudi airbases and ports before smugglers dispatch them to Syrian militants.” (quoted by Press TV, August 8, 2016, emphasis added)
“International norms governing the control of exports of military technology and equipment are brazenly flouted, the report said, and a considerable amount of munitions exported from Bulgaria to the aforementioned countries only bear the sign “unknown consignment.”
Such weapons have previously ended up in the hands of such terrorist groups as Daesh, which Saudi Arabia is widely believed to be supporting.
Earlier reports had already exposed that arms were purportedly being trucked into Syria under Turkish military escort, and transferred to militant leaders at prearranged rendezvous.” (Press TV, August 8, 2016)
Concluding Remarks

The United States and its allies use arms trafficking –i.e. the unregulated illicit trade in light weapons through private traders including organized crime–, to channel large amounts of weapons and ammunition to the terrorists inside Syria. These shady transactions initiated in Washington are in derogation of international law and the treaties under UN auspices pertaining to the trade in small and light weaponry.

Pentagon procurement is directed –through various intermediaries– towards the illicit purchase of light weapons: In all probability, the budgets allocated by the Pentagon to financing these  purchases of weapons channeled towards Syria are not accounted for and/or categorized by the US Department of Defense as bona fide “US military aid”.

Meanwhile the UN has remained mum on the State sponsorship of the ilegal purchase and smuggling of weapons into Syria.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky


Barbarism in Words and Deeds. Barbarism of U.S. Imperial Wars is Unmatched

“What Russia is sponsoring and doing [in Syria] is not counter-terrorism it is barbarism” Samantha Power,
US Representative to the United Nations 
The US representative to the United Nations, Ambassador ‘Ranting Sam’ Samantha Power, accused the Russian and Syrian governments of ‘barbarism’, claiming Moscow or Damascus had attacked an unarmed United Nations humanitarian convoy delivering aid to civilians in Aleppo.  No evidence was presented. 

Rants and threats do not require facts or proof; they only require vehement emotional ejaculations and compliant mass propaganda organs.

‘Barbarians’, to be clear, evoke images of leaders and groups, which abjure all civilized norms and laws.  They only respond to armed force.

In the present context Power’s charges of barbarism against Russia and Syria was used to justify the US aerial bombardment of a Syrian army outpost, which killed and maimed almost 200 government troops engaged in combating ISIS terrorists and jihadi invaders.

In other words, accusing Syrian soldiers of ‘barbarism’ was Ambassador Power’s cynical way of dehumanizing the young victims of an earlier and deliberate US war crime.

Let’s analyze the appropriate context for the use and abuse of the language of ‘barbarism’ – and its rightful application.

Barbarism:  the Deed

Over the past decade and a half,
the US and its allies have invadedoccupiedkilledwounded 
and dispossessed over ten million people,
in countries from Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Lebanon. 
Military and civilian officials have systematically destroyed entire economies, fostered ethno-religious wars, undermined ancient community and family ties and placed corrupt political puppets in power.

Promoted by the US, torture, arbitrary arrest and incarceration have become the norm creating lawless and chaotic societies, which had once been productive and stable.  The shredding of  social structures has provokes massive population flight, with millions of desperate refugees fleeing invasions, wars and total society breakdown. 

The result of these deliberate imperial policy decisions has been emptied cities and neighborhoods, broken families, destroyed lives and futures for many millions of young Arabs and Muslims.

As the human toll mounts and Western Europe is flooded with the results of US aggressive wars, the imperialists have sharpened their shrill rhetoric, labeling all of their adversaries and critics as ‘accomplices in war crimes’, and ‘barbarians’.

The greater and more sustained the policy of wanton imperial pillage, the more intense the frustration of its leaders over its ultimate failures, and the greater the recourse of its ‘diplomats’ to vituperative language.

Barbarism in Search of Barbarians:

The principal adversaries to US aggression, Russia, China and Iran, have not invaded any sovereign countries, nor have they provoked the desperate flight of millions of refugees. 

Russia was invited to aid its Syrian government ally confronting an invasion of terrorist mercenaries who are intent on dividing the country. 

Crimea peacefully re-joined Russia via elections.  Moscow rejected playing any military role in support of Western wars against Iraq, Yemen and Libya.  None of this rose to the level of US-EU barbarism.

In Asia, the West has invaded and devastated Viet Nam, the Philippines and Afghanistan.  Japan, now a US ally, had invaded China, Korea and Southeast Asia.  China for its part has not engaged in any imperial war of conquest for centuries.

Iran has not invaded any country in modern times.  On the contrary, Iraq invaded Tehran in the 1980’s with US support and waged a decade-long war which caused millions of casualties.

In truth, if waging wars, staging invasions, destroying whole societies and causing millions of deaths are the measure of barbarism, then the US, Europe and Japan have been clearly barbaric.

To claim otherwise and follow the ranting script of Ambassador Samantha Power is to enter into a tunnel of hallucinations where the language of liberal values embellishes truly barbarian acts.

The entire language of politics has been perverted and converted into an artifice of self-delusion. 

Terrorist militias are re-packaged as ‘rebels’ and ‘moderates’, spreading barbarism from the imperial Western center to the periphery. 

The deliberate spread of terrorism is itself a barbaric deed, which degrades the status of Western powers.


In ancient Greece, the barbarians were those outside of the empire who did not speak the language of civilization. 

They were savage invaders seeking to pillage the wealth and culture of the empire.  Today the barbarians emerge from inside the empire and spread outward. 

The imperial leaders have engaged in serial wars of destruction and pillage, even as their own societies and economies wallow in ignorance, misery, debt, addiction and criminality. 

Imperial barbarians devastate whole cultures, erasing the great historical legacy of ancient civilizations like Iraq and Syria, while imposing their culture of morons, drugs and electronic gadgets, which has already infantilized its own population.

The empire of barbarians is infested with moneychangers and corrupt speculators.  They have debased the entire legal system and legislative bodies. 

The public space has become a private latrine for the elite, closed to any real public discourse and debate.
Electoral spectacles, rather than reasoned debates, undermine republican principles.  Imperial conquerors, enmeshed in a military metaphysic, cannot reconstruct a devastated society into a productive colony, nor can they learn or benefit from the best and brightest among its captives, as Rome did with Greece, because it has sown such destruction and salted the very soil under the feet of its conquered peoples.
The barbarian-imperial world order is constantly at war with ‘others’ and can never assimilate and learn from the precious human treasures it has so wantonly destroyed. 

It rules by terror abroad and deceit at home.  As so crudely displayed by the imperial rants of Ambassador Samantha Power, its oratory at international forums reflect the hysteria of mediocre functionaries:  mindless barbarians raving among themselves in marbled echo chambers.

In the end, the imperial barbarians will be besieged by their own fleeing vassals and puppets. 

When they finally confront their own decay and internal dissolution they have to decide whether to engage in a last global conflagration or dismantle the imperial barbaric order and choose justice, law and civilization.
Prof. James Petras


La situación es de emergencia.
Alguien tendrá que enfrentarse,
tarde o temprano,
a éste demencial Ego
de los del "In God We Trust",
o, como le dijo, en 1912, 
el presidente yanqui, Taft, a México
cuando les robaban sus tierras del Norte:
Este es el LINGAM que asi le habla al mundo.
El que ahora habla por la boca
de Samantha Power

No lo olvidemos:
"Existe un Dios en Israel
que está al servicio de ese símbolo fálico."


Es indudable que en el modo de producción-consumición capitalista, cada industria centra sus ganancias en "solucionar" un problema específico, pero, como, paradójicamente, sin el problema no podría existir la "solución", en caso de que no exista el problema
se lo inventa. Asi nacen los grandes inventores
de la industria farmacéutica.
Ya llevan patentados muchísimos. 


 “Los laboratorios farmacéuticos se inventan enfermedades”

Joan-Ramon Laporte es jefe del servicio de farmacología del Hospital Vall d’Hebron. Es catedrático de farmacología en la UAB y dirige la Fundación Instituto Catalán de Farmacología.

«Los medicamentos son la tercera causa de muerte tras el infarto y el cáncer, según estudios hechos en EEUU. Cada año mueren 100.000 personas por errores de medicación, y 100.000 por efectos adversos».

«La implicación de los medicamentos en patologías comunes es muy importante. Los medicamentos producen enfermedades que no se distinguen de las otras. Te pueden producir un infarto de miocardio, o que te caigas y te rompas el fémur, o un ataque psicótico».

«Sólo en Cataluña hay entre 6.000 y 9.000 fracturas de cuello de fémur al año: entre el 13 y el 14% de ellas tiene que ver con el omeoprazol y medicamentos análogos. Dificulta la absorción del calcio y las personas que lo toman habitualmente desarrollan osteoporosis. Un 8,4% de las fracturas las producen medicamentos para dormir. Más de 300 tienen que ver con antidepresivos».

«La industria farmacéutica está medicalizándolo todo. Los laboratorios se inventan enfermedades, convierten la tristeza en depresión, la timidez en fobia social o el colesterol en una enfermedad. Los lobbys farmacéuticos promueven más mentiras que medicamentos. Dicen que son más eficaces de lo que realmente son».

«Aunque los permisos de comercialización los otorga la Agencia Europa del Medicamento, cada país puede decidir si financia un determinado medicamento. En España se financian todas las novedades. Por ejemplo, hay seis medicamentos anti-neoplásicos que Gran Bretaña ha rechazado financiar y que aquí se financian».

«Cuando un medicamento sale al mercado, es tan poco conocido, porque se ha estudiado tan poco, que no estamos seguros de que no pueda tener efectos indeseados graves».

«En España nos polimedicamos. Hace 15 años se daban entre 12 y 13 recetas por persona y año. Ahora, casi 20. Por lo menos la mitad de los medicamentos que tomamos son innecesarios. Hay gente que durante toda su vida toma medicación para dormir, sin embargo al cabo de tres o cuatro semanas el cuerpo ya lo ha asimilado y es tan eficaz como el placebo».

«Los laboratorios no dan acceso público a los ensayos clínicos. Tampoco se lo dan al sistema de salud. La Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios aprueba medicamentos sin ver los datos de cada uno de los pacientes que han participado en los ensayos».

«El tiempo que se tarda en retirar un medicamento porque produce efectos indeseados graves ha pasado de seis o siete años en 2004, a 12 o 14 años hoy en día. Cuesta mucho más retirarlos, y esto es por la creciente influencia de la industria sobre los sistemas de salud, tal como ha denunciado el Consejo de Europa».


medicamentos que matan
El autor del libro,PETER C. GOTZSCHE, demuestra con datos exhaustivos de qué modo la Farmafia corrompe a médicos, revistas y sociedades científicas, organizaciones de pacientes, gobiernos y agencias de medicamentos, para mejorar sus beneficios, aunque sea a costa de la muerte de sus “clientes”.
El libro es una valiente denuncia de la industria farmacéutica. La sobremedicación y las prácticas corruptas de un sector que olvidó la ética, para pensar sobre todo en los beneficios