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Los piratescos medios de desinformación burgueses, como de costumbre, tratan de tapar el sol con un dedo, pero no pueden, claro; y ese sol, en éste caso, es el evidentísimo hecho de que sin la intervención de Rusia --los "malos rusos"--, sus criminales terroristas hubiésen seguido masacrando y destruyendo al pueblo sirio hasta el apocalípsis final. Pero el heróico ejército sirio, SAA, en conjunción con Rusia, han llevado realmente a cabo lo que los fariseos del imperio siempre pregonan: War on Terrorism. Y por eso lo callan.
Read more: http://sputniknews.com/middleeast/20160215/1034807027/russia-syria-peace.html#ixzz40GhaHMXd |
Moscow has developed a plan that will bring an end to the brutal struggle which has cost hundreds of thousands of lives and displaced millions more in Syria; however, the West should ensure that Turkey won't undermine all efforts to resolve the crisis
No seamos tontos y pensemos por nosotros mismos:
¿Nos podemos imaginar al pueblo sirio,
o a cualquier otro pueblo en la región,
con la foto de Obama?
Para muestra un boton,
These terrorists apparently are agents of the US/UK/Israel illegal Wars of Aggression for empire (also here, here, here).
Immediate escalation of war on Syria might be our .01%’s desperate last move to avoid final defeat and arrests.
Global polling proves this end is near: the US is recognized as Earth’s greatest threat to peace; voted three times more dangerous than any other country.
The data confirm this recognition:
--Since WW2, Earth has had 248 armed conflicts. The US started 201 of them (81%).
--These US-started armed attacks have killed ~30 million and counting; 90% of these deaths are innocent children, the elderly and ordinary working civilian women and men.
--The US has war-murdered more than Hitler’s Nazis.
--US official reports now confirm all “reasons” the US told for current armed attacks were known to be false as they were told.
--These lie-started US wars are not even close to lawful.
--US wars and rhetoric for more wars continue a long history of lie-began US Wars of Aggression.
--The most decorated US Marine general in his day warned all Americans of this fact of lie-started wars for 1% plunder.
The categories of crime include:
--Wars of Aggression (the worst crime a nation can commit).
--Likely treason for lying to US military, ordering unlawful attack and invasions of foreign lands, and causing thousands of US military deaths.
--Crimes Against Humanity for ongoing intentional policy of poverty that’s killed over 400 million human beings just since 1995 (~75% children; more deaths than from all wars in Earth’s recorded history).
Such crimes OBVIOUSLY call for legal arrests of US “leaders” in government and corporate media (for “covering” those crimes with easily verified outrageous lies).
These crimes annually cost millions killed, billions harmed, and trillions looted, with recent history continuing literal centuries of US lie-began Wars of Aggression that involved your families in two horrific global wars for colonial empire.
An arrest lawfully stops a crime in commission. We do this to stop public harm now, and avoid further harm from more criminal acts.
If Americans do not demand arrests, millions more will be war-murdered; despite ongoing ridiculous Emperor’s New Clothes lies and crimes.