Hoy se sabe, por innumerables y fidedignos testigos, registros y evidencias empíricas,
más allá de toda duda,
que Objetos Volantes No Identificados
se han aproximado a silos de almacenamiento
de misiles intercontinentales y bases militares dónde se prueban las armas nucleares
Muchos hombres y mujeres que han brindado servicio en los silos militares de los EE. UU. afirman que los extraterrestres son reales y parecen no querer que nosotros contemos con armas nucleares. Robert Hastings, un cineasta documentalista, ha entrevistado a más de 160 veteranos militares y civiles que han informado visitas repetidas de aeronaves no identificadas que han intervenido con operaciones de misiles nucleares. Este fenómeno no está limitado a los EE. UU., según revelan documentos publicados recientemente sobre el hecho de que los rusos también han enfrentado los mismos problemas con OVNIS que desactivaban su arsenal nuclear.
Otra vez he caido cautivado por el libro de Robert Hastings. Otra vez lo he vuelto a leer, sobre todo las partes que la primera vez pase un tanto por alto. Son 600 paginas.
Tengo que confesar que es el libro --en terminos de impactante-- que mas impresion me ha causado de todos los que he leído.
(No tengo noticias de que el libro se encuentre en español)
Es una extraordinaria, exahustiva, objetiva y contundente investigacion de mas de tres decadas sobre la aparicion de OVNI's sobre plantas militares de armemento nuclear, incluso, en ciertos casos, interfiriendo con el funcionamiento de los misiles atomicos. (¡)
Usando documentos desclasificados de la Fuerza Area, el Departamento de Estado, el Ejercito, el FBI, la CIA, y algunas otras dependencias del Estado, y mas de cien intervius a testigos presenciales de tales apariciones de OVNI's, con las correspondientes impresiones que tales objetos misteriosos en el Radar dejaron, Hastings ha creado un tremendo y perturbador libro que levanta fundamentales cuestiones y nos hace PENSAR...hasta desbaratar todos los esquemas logicos-humanos del mundo que habitamos.
He vuelto a releer el libro y, mas que la primera vez, me he quedao comopletamente "turulato" de que, siendo el tema tan transcendental, se pueda seguir manteniendo en tal catumbico estado.
Seguramente porque la seguridad de poderosos Estados en la Tierra se esta tocando. Maxime teniendo en cuenta la clase de material militar que aqui se trata, como son las muy secretas armas nucleares que forman parte del tabu que nunca tocamos.
Y si a ello se le suma, lo mas importante en este caso: Objetos Misteriosos de afuera de nuestro mundo humano...Todos estos ingredientes conjuntados explican que poquisimos sepan lo que realmente esta pasando.
Por ello es como un deber --un deber 'oblicuano'-- de tratar de sacar a la luz lo que podria llegar a ser el acontecimiento mas condicionante en toda la historia del ser humano. La razon es bastante obvia.
About Robert HastingsRobert L. Hastings was born May 6, 1950, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, at Sandia Base, where atomic weapons were engineered. His father, Robert E. Hastings, was career U.S. Air Force, retiring in 1967 with the rank of Senior Master Sergeant. In 1966–67, the Hastings …
Damos una lista de parte de los casos documentados y estudiados:
UFO Buzzes ICBM Launch Capsule at Minot AFB
UFO Buzzes ICBM Launch Capsule at Minot AFB • I have spent 39 years investigating the UFO-Nukes Connection. During that period, a number of former or retired U.S. Air Force officers have confirmed their involvement in incidents where UFOs had hovered over their Minuteman missile launch …
Yet Another Nuclear Missile Launch Officer Talks about UFOs at F.E. Warren AFB
Yet Another Nuclear Missile Launch Officer Talks about UFOs at F.E. Warren AFB • Declassified documents and military witness testimony confirm that UFOs have repeatedly monitored nuclear missile sites at various U.S. Air Force bases since the early 1960s. • F.E. Warren AFB, in Cheyenne, …
Huge UFO Sighted Near Nuclear Missiles During October 2010 Launch System Disruption • On October 23, 2010, F.E. Warren Air Force Base, in Cheyenne, Wyoming, temporarily lost the ability to communicate with 50 of its Minuteman III nuclear missiles. The five Missile Alert Facilities …
UFOs Are Stalking and Intercepting Dummy Nuclear Warheads During Test Flights
UFOs Are Stalking and Intercepting Dummy Nuclear Warheads During Test Flights • Thousands of declassified U.S. government documents and hundreds of military veterans have confirmed the reality of ongoing UFO activity at American nuclear weapons sites. Seven of those veterans participated in …
Telephonic Interviews with Colonel Walter Figel (USAF Ret)
Telephonic Interviews with Colonel Walter Figel (USAF Ret) • Interview with Colonel Walter Figel, Oct. 20, 2008 This is my first taped interview with Col. Walt Figel, occurring on October 20, 2008. Figel confirms that he had received a report from a security guard about a "large, round" UFO …
Echo Flight UFO Incident Not Unique
Echo Flight UFO Incident Not Unique • On September 27, 2010, seven U.S. Air Force veterans took part in a press conference in Washington D.C. during which they discussed dramatic UFO incursions at nuclear weapons facilities in the 1960s and '70s. CNN streamed the event live—see below … • …
The Echo Flight ICBM Incident
The Echo Flight ICBM Incident • On March 16, 1967, ten Minuteman I nuclear missiles operated by Malmstrom Air Force Base's Echo Flight suddenly malfunctioned, one after the other, just as a "large, round object" was reported hovering above one of them—according to retired USAF Col. Walter …
The UFO Debate: Oberg vs. Kean
The UFO Debate: Oberg vs. Kean • What You Should Know about James Oberg's Track Record UFO "skeptic" James Oberg is currently challenging the validity of the material found in journalist Leslie Kean's excellent new book, UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go on the Record. …
The March 22, 1950 FBI Memo on Crashed Flying Saucers
The March 22, 1950 FBI Memo on Crashed Flying Saucers • In the wake of the recent, widespread, but misguided publicity surrounding the FBI memorandum written by Special Agent-in-Charge Guy Hottel—which recounted the alleged recovery of three "flying saucers" in New Mexico—numerous articles …
Reporter Duped by UFO Debunkers
Reporter Duped by UFO Debunkers • On August 11, 2008, I sat down with Albuquerque Journal reporter John Fleck to discuss my extensive research on nuclear weapons-related UFO activity and the publication of my 600-page book, UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites. …
Deep Denial or Disinformation?
Deep Denial or Disinformation? • The highly-classified Big Sur UFO Incident—according to the former/retired U.S. Air Force officers who publicly revealed it—involved the inadvertent telescopic filming of a UFO that had suddenly appeared near a dummy nuclear warhead in flight. Both men say …
New Revelations
New Revelations • On November 18, 2012, I was invited to appear on the Coast to Coast AM radio show, to discuss my research relating to UFO incursions at nuclear weapons facilities, as confirmed in declassified documents and the testimony of U.S. military veterans. Since 1973, I have …
UFO Spin in the UK, part 2
UFO Spin in the UK, part 2 • A few days ago, I posted a short article titled "UFO-Spin in the UK" in which I questioned British journalism professor Dr. David Clarke's opinion on the significance of recent UFO document releases by his government. Clarke believes that this voluntary action …
Like a Diamond in the Sky
Like a Diamond in the Sky • The following report is extraordinary. The source is highly credible and the importance of the incident is self-evident. Simply put, this case is among the most fascinating I have encountered during my decades of research into nuclear weapons-related UFO …
UFO Spin in the UK
UFO Spin in the UK • The British Government is declassifying UFO documents. But do they tell the whole story?Last week, amid much media fanfare, the British government declassified another batch of UFO-related documents—the sixth such release in recent years—in response to ongoing public …
The UFOs-Nukes Connection Press Conference
The UFOs-Nukes Connection Press Conference • Worldwide media coverage relating to the press conference on UFOs and Nukes, held at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. on September 27, 2010, has been absolutely amazing. Sponsored by former U.S. Air Force Captain Robert Salas and …
U.S. Air Force Fighters Chased UFOs at Malmstrom AFB in the 1960s and '70s
U.S. Air Force Fighters Chased UFOs at Malmstrom AFB in the 1960s and '70s • My father, USAF Senior Master Sergeant Robert E. Hastings, was stationed at Malmstrom AFB, Montana in 1966–67 and worked in the SAGE (Semi-Automatic Ground Environment) building which housed the base's …
Recent Russian Newspaper Article Discusses UFO Incidents at Soviet and American Nuclear Weapons Sites
Recent Russian Newspaper Article Discusses UFO Incidents at Soviet and American Nuclear Weapons Sites • Persons familiar with my work know that I investigate nuclear weapons-related UFO activity. Over the past 37 years, I have interviewed more than 120 former or retired U.S. military …
The Echo/Oscar Witch Hunt • James T. Carlson is on a mission to educate and enlighten "credulous" Americans who accept the reality of UFOs. (No matter how many lies it takes to get the job done.) • Hundreds of declassified U.S. government documents, routinely released or accessed via the …
Beams of Light
Beams of Light • One of the most spectacular UFO cases of all time involved a series of incidents at two neighboring Anglo/American air bases in Suffolk, England, in December 1980. The bases, RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge, were separated by a small forest. Consequently, the multiple UFO …
UFO sightings at ICBM sites and Nuclear Weapons Storage Areas
UFO sightings at ICBM sites and Nuclear Weapons Storage Areas • Although the vast majority of Americans are completely unaware of its existence, the UFO/Nukes Connection is now remarkably well-documented. Air Force, FBI, and CIA files declassified via the Freedom of Information Act …
UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites
UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites • UFOs and NukesExtraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites Everyone knows about the reported recovery of a crashed alien spaceship near Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947. However, most people are unaware that, at the …
Lecture Information
Lecture Information • Lecture Information"UFOs: The Secret Story" is a 60-minute lecture concerning the U.S. government's covert response to the UFO phenomenon and is based on hundreds of U.S. Air Force, FBI and CIA documents declassified via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), as well …
UFOs and Nuclear Weapons
UFOs and Nuclear Weapons • About UFOs and Nuclear Weapons Although most people are completely unaware of its existence, the UFO-Nukes Connection is now remarkably well-documented. U.S. Air Force, FBI, and CIA files declassified via the Freedom of Information Act establish a convincing, …
http://sisifocansado.blogspot.com/2013/01/los-ovnis-y-las-armas-nucle ares-ufos.html
http://sisifocansado.blogspot.com/2013/01/los-ovnis-y-las-armas-nucle ares-ufos.html