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Lo que no queda nada claro es qué "gentes normales" tendrían que selecionar a las "gentes normales" que nos tendrían que gobernar. |
La ponerologia política --pp-- ya esta en marcha.
Y a nivel galopante.
Y es de esperar que,
dado que libera a la clase explotadora
de su estigma opresor y la convierte
por magica prestidigitacion en componente de una
"ciencia de la naturaleza del mal ajustada a propositos politicos"
--segun su propia definicion--,
se convierta asi en la ideal cobertura 'epistemologica'
que esperaban los burgueses para esconderse
tras la bata blanca de la clinica
de la naturaleza del mal.
¿De qué clase de "mal" se nos habla aqui
en una sociedad dividida en clases sociales
donde, obviamete, lo que ganan unos
--el "bien" para ellos--
siempre es a costa e la explotación de los otros
--el "mal" de éstos--?
En esta axiomatica ecuacion,
esa ciencia de la naturaleza dependera siempre
de donde esten situados los hombres y las mujeres
en la jerarquica piramide economica,
en que bando de los que hacen o padecen
la historia esten ubicados por sus circunstancias.
Entonces, hablar de la naturaleza del mal,
primero, es un abstraccismo pesudoetico
que carece totalmente de real y concreto significado;
segundo, es una especie de 'delirium tremens' maniqueista
donde el "malo" acarrea una idiosincracia
ajustada a propositos politicos,
cuando, en realidad, lo que acarrea
es la perpetua defensa de sus intereses de clase
a costa de la clase social que oprime.
Veamos lo que nos dice la omnipresente internet sobre el polaco Andrew M Lobaczewski, su fundador.
Veamos quien es éste Loba:
Andrew M. Lobaczewski nació en 1921 y creció en una finca rural de una hermosa zona montañosa de Polonia. Bajo la ocupación nazi, trabajó en la granja como apicultor, mas tarde ingreso en el Ejército Nacional como soldado, una organización clandestina de resistencia polaca. Después de la invasión soviética de Polonia, la finca de la familia fue confiscada y sus propietarios expulsados de su vieja casa y de sus tierras. Trabajando duro para ganarse la vida, estudió psicología en la Universidad Yagiello-nian en Cracovia. Las condiciones bajo el sistema comunista hicieron dirigir su atención a las cuestiones de la psicopatología, especialmente en el concreto papel de las personas psicopáticas en tal sistema de gobierno. Él no fue el primer investigador que siguió un camino similar. El trabajo fue comenzado por un acuerdo secreto de científicos de la generación anterior, trabajo que fue censurado poco después por las autoridades de la seguridad Roja. Lobaczewski seria el que mas tarde se convirtió en llevar a cabo con exito tal obra y escribirla. Trabajando en la seccion mental de un hospital general, el autor mejoró sus habilidades en el diagnóstico clínico y la psicoterapia. Por último, cuando las autoridades politicas empezaron a sospechar que podria llegar a saber demasiado sobre en la cuestión de la naturaleza patológica del sistema, se vio obligado a salir de Polonia y emigrar en 1977 a los Estados Unidos. En los E.U. se envolvio en la actividad de estudiar las largas zarpas de la desviación Roja --the long paws of the Red diversion-- A pesar de sus momentos muy difíciles, el trabajo fue escrito y presentado en Nueva York en 1984. Todos los intentos de publicar su libro fracasaron por aquel entonces.
Un rico terrateniente que es expropiado por la Union Sovietica y que despues se dedica a indagar en la "patologia" del comunismo, de sus expropiadores. Es obligado al exilio y marcha a los E. U., y aqui se envolvió en la actividad de estudiar las largas zarpas de la desviación Roja --the long paws of the Red diversion--
Veamos ahora una interviu con tal personaje llevada a cabo por Signs of the Times. He aqui unos extractos de la misma:
In 2005, Lobaczewski sent a copy of his manuscript to the editors of sott.net and on 19 November 2005, a team of SOTT editors in Eastern Europe conducted our first interview with him in Rzeszow, Poland. What follows is an English translation of that interview. Unfortunately, although he was committed to the task until his last moments, he was unable to complete the volume he had hoped to write before his death.
Q: You attribute manifestations of evil in the world to psychopaths. They are in the greater part guilty of evil, but the question is, do you think that there is somewhere a deeper source of the evil?
A: Dear Madam, psychopathological factors - different psychopathological factors, for there are many - constantly and permanently contribute to the genesis of evil. If in this... if one was doing a chemical synthesis, all ingredients must be present. If the pathological factor is missing, then the synthesis of evil ceases to function. If moral weaknesses of man were missing, and man strictly stands on the foundation of rigid morality, the result is the same. If a man is very wise and understands a lot in this subject, then in the same way he resists the evil. In other words, in the synthesis of evil the psychopathological factor is not the main one, but it is the eternal one.
A: Dear Madam, psychopathological factors - different psychopathological factors, for there are many - constantly and permanently contribute to the genesis of evil. If in this... if one was doing a chemical synthesis, all ingredients must be present. If the pathological factor is missing, then the synthesis of evil ceases to function. If moral weaknesses of man were missing, and man strictly stands on the foundation of rigid morality, the result is the same. If a man is very wise and understands a lot in this subject, then in the same way he resists the evil. In other words, in the synthesis of evil the psychopathological factor is not the main one, but it is the eternal one.
Q: Are you of the opinion that psychopaths themselves are the evil, or is there some other factor?
A: No, one cannot say that only psychopaths are the evil. They are the initiating factor. But not only psychopaths, because Polish psychiatry has for a long time clearly distinguished characteropathy and psychopathy. Characteropathy appears when damage in the brain tissue occurs and such a person possesses defects of character caused by the fact that something in the brain does not work as it should, or there is a tissue loss, as in the case of Stalin (missing tissue in areas 10A and B), and psychopathy is hereditary. In the imposed psychiatry of the Communist era, which lasts in Poland until this day, these concepts are completely mixed, so that one could not... and then it is not possible to properly explain anything with diagnosis. [Various disorders are included in one overarching category like "antisocial personality disorder".] We consider only such a condition being psychopathy, which has a hereditary foundation. Or alternatively something which is a result of some chromosomal anomalies, but the latter ones are rather rare.
A: No, one cannot say that only psychopaths are the evil. They are the initiating factor. But not only psychopaths, because Polish psychiatry has for a long time clearly distinguished characteropathy and psychopathy. Characteropathy appears when damage in the brain tissue occurs and such a person possesses defects of character caused by the fact that something in the brain does not work as it should, or there is a tissue loss, as in the case of Stalin (missing tissue in areas 10A and B), and psychopathy is hereditary. In the imposed psychiatry of the Communist era, which lasts in Poland until this day, these concepts are completely mixed, so that one could not... and then it is not possible to properly explain anything with diagnosis. [Various disorders are included in one overarching category like "antisocial personality disorder".] We consider only such a condition being psychopathy, which has a hereditary foundation. Or alternatively something which is a result of some chromosomal anomalies, but the latter ones are rather rare.
Q: So, how does transferring of psychopathy through genetics relate to it?
A: It means that respective forms of psychopathy are transferred in different ways and I personally propose certain hypotheses with respect to inheritance of psychopathy, but very cautious ones. That means that in my experience, I have not seen a case where the mother was entirely normal, the father was a psychopath, and the son was a psychopath, too.
Q: Not this way? So, how?
A: It is inherited via mother, the same as Daltonism or hemophilia. One is inheriting it via the mother. This is the case as far as the essential psychopathy is concerned. Schizoidia is probably inherited autosomally, through non-sex chromosomes, not via chromosomes X and Y, but via certain series of autosomal chromosomes. Therefore, the inheriting process differs. Finally, psychiatrists of the past mention the asthenic psychopathy as the most numerous. It is generally a broad category full of somewhat different conditions, difficult to differentiate, because these are results of fetal deprivation, therefore, it can be hereditary in nature or not. So, researching exactly the biological properties of psychopathy, the genetic properties of psychopathy, is very much needed in order to understand exactly this aspect of genesis of evil.
Q: Well, this genetic anomaly appeared from somewhere...
A: Well, this is already only philosophy. What was earlier, when it was created? Do mutations occur in modern times? Certainly, it happens in modern times that the gene falls out, "checks itself out", and the son of a famous psychopath is a normal person and gravitates towards the world of normal men, and he, let's say, revolts against the party until he finally lands behind bars with others like me.
Q: And can one manage to overcome psychopathy alone, for example, when one is afflicted with it?
A: Dear Madam, well, can one manage to overcome it? No. This is a para-Homo sapiens. He feels otherwise, thinks otherwise and he cannot overcome himself... For example, in case of characteropathy, psychotherapy and the good will of the patient may help a great deal.
Q: Whereas not in the case of psychopathy.
A: In case of characteropathy, the first thing that the psychotherapist does is to make the patient realize that the condition is not hereditary. This immediately helps the patient somewhat. That his children do not inherit the condition, that he did not inherit the condition from his parents...
Q: In other words, it is something one can manage.
A: Yes, and with this it is much easier for him to manage the condition. So...
Q: In other words, somebody afflicted with the psychopathy finds himself essentially in a situation with no exit?
A: Well, this is a story basically without a way out.
Q: Returning to the question, what specifically could have been done, in your opinion?
A: Sir, first of all one should have supplemented the knowledge in regard to these matters scientifically, with detailed studies and then popularized it. Some institution should have been created, which openly states that this person is like this [psychopathic]... and in general a law should have been introduced that only normal people govern and such a law should have been passed by the UN, so, there is something that can be done in this respect.
A: It means that respective forms of psychopathy are transferred in different ways and I personally propose certain hypotheses with respect to inheritance of psychopathy, but very cautious ones. That means that in my experience, I have not seen a case where the mother was entirely normal, the father was a psychopath, and the son was a psychopath, too.
Q: Not this way? So, how?
A: It is inherited via mother, the same as Daltonism or hemophilia. One is inheriting it via the mother. This is the case as far as the essential psychopathy is concerned. Schizoidia is probably inherited autosomally, through non-sex chromosomes, not via chromosomes X and Y, but via certain series of autosomal chromosomes. Therefore, the inheriting process differs. Finally, psychiatrists of the past mention the asthenic psychopathy as the most numerous. It is generally a broad category full of somewhat different conditions, difficult to differentiate, because these are results of fetal deprivation, therefore, it can be hereditary in nature or not. So, researching exactly the biological properties of psychopathy, the genetic properties of psychopathy, is very much needed in order to understand exactly this aspect of genesis of evil.
Q: Well, this genetic anomaly appeared from somewhere...
A: Well, this is already only philosophy. What was earlier, when it was created? Do mutations occur in modern times? Certainly, it happens in modern times that the gene falls out, "checks itself out", and the son of a famous psychopath is a normal person and gravitates towards the world of normal men, and he, let's say, revolts against the party until he finally lands behind bars with others like me.
Q: And can one manage to overcome psychopathy alone, for example, when one is afflicted with it?
A: Dear Madam, well, can one manage to overcome it? No. This is a para-Homo sapiens. He feels otherwise, thinks otherwise and he cannot overcome himself... For example, in case of characteropathy, psychotherapy and the good will of the patient may help a great deal.
Q: Whereas not in the case of psychopathy.
A: In case of characteropathy, the first thing that the psychotherapist does is to make the patient realize that the condition is not hereditary. This immediately helps the patient somewhat. That his children do not inherit the condition, that he did not inherit the condition from his parents...
Q: In other words, it is something one can manage.
A: Yes, and with this it is much easier for him to manage the condition. So...
Q: In other words, somebody afflicted with the psychopathy finds himself essentially in a situation with no exit?
A: Well, this is a story basically without a way out.
Q: Returning to the question, what specifically could have been done, in your opinion?
A: Sir, first of all one should have supplemented the knowledge in regard to these matters scientifically, with detailed studies and then popularized it. Some institution should have been created, which openly states that this person is like this [psychopathic]... and in general a law should have been introduced that only normal people govern and such a law should have been passed by the UN, so, there is something that can be done in this respect.
Tan solo vamos a comentar la ultima respuesta, pues creemos que en ella esta sintetizada todas las demas. Repitamosla pues no tiene desperdicio:
a law should have been introduced that only normal people govern and such a law should have been passed by the UN, so, there is something that can be done in this respect.
Parafraseandola: "una ley tiene que ser introducida donde se estipule que solo 'la gente normal' pueda gobernar, y esta ley tiene que ser pasada por la ONU, asi se podra hacer algo al respecto"
Automaticamente, cualquiera que pronuncie estas lineas pierde toda credibilidad analitica, sociologica, politica y psicologica; es un naufrago intelectual y gnoseologico a la deriva en los mares de la Historia. Y la razon es obvia.
Pero para nosotros una posible hipotesis hermeneutica es esta:
"una ley tiene que ser introducida donde se estipule que solo 'la gente normal' que no expropie fincas y casas de los terratenientes y de los ricos, pueda gobernar, y esta ley tiene que ser pasada por la ONU, asi se podra hacer algo al respecto para defender nuestros derechos"
Asi queda mas claro y se saca de todo ello el 'delirium tremen' de la "ponerologia politica" que se esta poniendo de moda y modo para que, una vez puesta en el poder a la "gente normal",
se saquen a esos "psicopatas", como Hugo Chavez, que estan rompiendo todas las clausulas de "normalidad" en la 'comunidad internacional'.