Richar Pipes, "Spending them into bankruptcy". |
C. D. Jackson, "To Halt Communism...." |
General Charles Douglas (C. D.) Jackson (March 16, 1902 – September 18, 1964) was a United States government propagandist and senior executive of Time Inc. As an expert on psychological warfare he served in the Office of Strategic Services in World War II and later as Special Assistant to the President in the Eisenhower administration.
During the Second World War Jackson served as special assistant to the Ambassador to Turkey before joining the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in 1943. The following year he was appointed Deputy Chief at the Psychological Warfare Division at Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF).
Paul Weyrich, "to indoctrinate ideologically"
Reagan: "Full court press..."
Franz Six, "A secret army inside Soviet Union"
West Hawaii Today,
Friday, May 1, 1992
Fall of socialism was the result of social manipulation
The so-called "fall of communism" in the Soviet Union (S.U.) has been one of the most important historical turning point of this century; and at the same time it has been also the most incredible social manipulation, what the 'newspeak' call: "historical engineering."
After the triumph of the Soviet people over the slave capitalist state of the Tsar, international capitalism trembled to death. "The security of .the United States" (U.S.) was therefore "in danger."
Woodrow Wilson "and his allies saw their actions in a defensive rather than in an offensive context" when they invaded the S.U. after the Bolshevik revolution.
When President Wilson called for the intervention the New York Times responded by urging that "We drive the Bolshevik! out of Petrograd and Moscow."
It took three quarters of a century to drive them from all the country. The "defensive context" was prolonged, after the failure of the invasion, with the Wilson Red Scare in which was demolished labor unions, dissidents, independent politics, free thought and free speech, on the principle that the state is entitled to prevent improper thought and its expression.
As Attorney General Palmer said: "Information showed that communism in this country was an organization of thousands of...filthy aliens."
It continues with the incorporation of Nazi war criminals into the U.S. intelligence apparatus. The most important of the Nazi-U.S. alliance was the Gehlen organization.
Reinhard Gehlen was the head of Nazi military intelligence on the Eastern Front. Among those eagerly snapped up by U.S. intelligence were Franz Six and his subordinates, Emil Augsburg, Horst Mahnke and Stanislaw Stankievich (who worked for Radio Free Europe until his retirement), all of them prominent Nazi gangsters who had been involved in horrifying massacres of Jews and others on the Eastern front.
Six was charged with the responsibility for developing a "secret army" under U.S. auspices in order to be parachuted inio the S.U. to make contact with forces left behind there bv the Nazis.
In 1949, the CIA initiated a three-year program to establish a network of active resistance movements behind Soviet lines, and U.S. aircraft stripped of identifying marks dropped CIA-trained Ukrainian operatives to join a partisan army, formerly encouraged by Hitler.
These "defensive" policies was called the "rollback strategy" and was made official in 1950 in National Security Council (NSC) 68, as intended to "foster the seeds of destruction within the Soviet system" and make possible to "negotiate a settlement with the S.U. or successor state or states." This "settlement" would come 40 years later under Yeltsin 'open doors' policies.
In February 1951 the main apostle of the 'cold war,' C.D. Jackson, was named the president of the "National Committee for a Free Europe" (NCFE); its battle slogan: "To Halt Communism and Save Freedom."
For success it was necessary for psychological warfare to appear to be independent from the government, to seem to represent "the spontaneous convictions of millions of freedom loving individuals."
Jackson was the leading "balloonatic," and was delighted by the success of this operation that worked for years with constant danger to the civil aviation of the socialist nations.
The first balloons was released on Aug. 19, 1951: 11,000 balloons carried 13 million leaflets to fortify "the spiritual resistance" until "the day of liberation."
In March 1954, the U.S. entered the most Draconian subversion policies. NSC 5412 determined that: "In the interest of the world peace and U.S. national security, the overt foreign activities of the U.S. should be supplemented with covert operations."
All "covert operations" were to be executed so that "U.S. responsibility for them is not evident...and if uncovered the U.S. can plausibly disclaim any responsibility for them."
This new strategy was a crystal clear attempt to destroy the socialist nations and any rational movement opposed to the imperialist plunders. NSC 5412 ended all pretension about territorial integrity, national sovereignty and international law.
From now on there would no be frontiers and barriers to stop U.S. plutocracy. By 1960 the CIA had 15,000 agents in all corners of the planet...
...Cutting the branches of the tree of Social Justice in Iran, Guatemala, Brazil, Congo, R. Dominicama, Indonesia, Chile, Grenada, Nicaragua. order to strangle one day the trunk: Russia: "the source of all problems in the world."
On Sept. 15, 1970, in a meeting of the NSC to set a plan to overthrow Allende's democracy in Chile it is known that the operation was centered in one essential point: "to make Chile's economy scream."
The same plan was going to be applied to S.U. in the next decade with the same success.
In March 1981, Richard Pipes, a senior member of the NSC in charge of Soviet affairs declared:
"Soviet leaders would have to choose between peacefully changing their Communist system in the direction followed by the West or go to war."
In the reality, what was tinkling under Pipes's cryptology was nothing else than to try to alarm S.U. and force them to increase their military expenses at the cost of the social needs..."spending them into bankruptcy."
In May 1982 an official of the White House had a press conference; in the cable that Helen Thomas, correspondent of UPI, wrote it was implicit the epicenter of the issue:
"A Senior House official said that Reagan approved an eight-page NSC document that undertakes a campaign aimed at internal reform in the S.U. He affirmed that it could be called a 'full court press' against the S.U."
In the same month, and like in a gigantic puzzle in which all the loose pieces start to compound a comprehensive figure, W. Clark, the adviser of Reagan in the NSC, declared: "We must force our principal adversary, the S.U., to bear the brunt of its economic shortcomings."
It was clear by now that the economy of Russia was going to "scream" until death" (Like in Chile).
One needs to do nothing else that to read the documents of the "National Endowment for Democracy" (NED), the "Free Congress Foundation" (FCF). the RAND Corporation, the Department of State and the "U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy," to have an idea of the magnitude of the U.S. aggression against the Soviet people.
The FCF, for instance, founded by Paul Weyrich in 1974 as a cover of the CIA, is a known organization linked to international terrorism and with a fascist base.
In 1989, Weyrich and four of his associates went to S.U. and East Europe to indoctrinate ideologically its ultra-rightwing leaders (today in power) in "electoral and political techniques."
The FCF had declared with pride: "We have trained Yeltsin and his group in their efforts to take control of the Russian Republic."
Weyrich stated upon his return that his visit to Moscow was "the most incredible experience of our lives." The people of the S.U., today, also are having an "incredible experience," but in this case of hunger, humiliation and despair: the three blessings of the "Free Market."
The people of the S.U. have been mortally deceived by U.S. oligarchy through a Russian bourgeoisie class of traitors and lackeys at the service of the Millionaires Club that rules, owns and ruing the Earth and humanity under the "democracy" of their personal greed.
With the speed of light, before the deceived people had sufficient time to react, they have raised the salary of the Army and the police forces, and, by the astronomical increase of indispensable foods, the masses have been reduced to expend all their energies in survival in detriment — among others basic necessities — of the political consciousness that they need in this essential momentum of their history — our history. And also they are going to dismantle the nuclear arsenal and sell it to 'Wall Street' in a package including the entire country.
These kind of changes at such speed does not have
any precedent in human history.
It has been a well-documented flagrant,
piratical assault by the United States of America,
not only against the Soviet people,
but against mankind,
whose only alternative for survival
in this endangered planet
is people before profits:
the diametrical opposite to capitalism.
Viewpoint articles represent the views of individuals in our community and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the newspaper.
En "Killing Hope" de William Blum se relata, precisa y sucíntamente, el asalto de la Plutocracia norteamericana contra las esperanzas del mundo, si por esperanzas se entienden régimenes que trataron de distribuir las riquezas entre la población bajo patrones de justicia social que chocaron frontalmente contra los intereses de las multinacionales del Imperium yanqui y sufrieron las consecuencias de manera brutal y sangrienta.
Michael Parenti, en su libro "The Sword and the Dollar", derriba todas las manipulaciones e "historical engineering" de los Gangsters norteamericanos:
"...I also observed that there is a real Soviet threat, the one that has existed since the first days of the Bolshevik Revolution, when a new system emerged that used the land, labor, markets, and resources of society in ways that might signal the end of capitalism. This system needed to be destroyed or contained not because of its alleged "totalitarian" features but because of its socialist agenda. The containment of socialism remains to this day the basis of most US interventions throughout the world.
But why has nothing been said on these pages about Soviet imperialism in such places as Eastern Europe and the Middle East? The answer should be clear enough: is imperialism is a system of economic expropriation, then it is hard to described the Soviet as "imperialistic". They own not an acre of land, no a fatactory or oil well in the Middie East or Eastern Europe. Moscow's trade and aid relations with other socialis countries are decidedly favorable to those countries, contrary to the imperoalistic pattern in which wealth flows from the clients states to the dominan nation. Indeed, living standards in much of Eastern i Europe are higher than in the USSR. The contrast between US and Soviet "imperialisms" shows up in the vast differences in economic conditions between the Soviet "client states" of Eastern Europe and the US client states of the Third World, as measured by overall health and education standards, job opportunities, conditions of labor, and availability of human services..."
"Some writers, who might agree with the above view that the Soviets have not been imperialistic (as the word is normally defined), and maintained that the Soviets are nevertheless "hegemonic" in dealings with Eastern Europe, as evinced by their military actions to suppress uprisings in Hungary in 1956 and in Czechoslovakia in 1968. The Soviets certainly have a record of intervining en Europe, a region that repeatedly has been an avenue of invasion and mortal threat to them. But it is one thing to criticize them for hegemonic behavior in not allowing hostile anticommunist regimes to reemerge on their borders and even for committing repressive acts and undemocratic abuses at home and in Eastern Europe, but something else to treat this as evidence that the Kremlin is bent on world conquest.
Nor should this hegemony be exaggerated. For years the mainstream press has told us that the "captive nations" of Eastern Europe were puppet regimes of the Kremlin. Yet Rumania has refused to go along with the USSR on a number of important foreign policy issues. Nor has such recalcitrance prevented Moscow from having friendly and equitable relations with Bucharest. In 1987, the East German, Czechoslovakian, Hungarian, and Rumanian governments were resistant to Gorbachev's glasnost proposals and in some instances even refused to publicize his views in their own media—an odd way for puppets to act. It was reported on National Public Radio (March 8, 1987) that Poland was totally supportive of the Gorbachev reforms not because Warsaw hoped to travel the same road but becaus it already had—a view that clashed with the usual image of a thoroughly repressed Poland."
"...At this point opponents might argue: 'This book offers nothing more than a conspiracy theory about 'global capitalism.' It argues that we are ruled by an all-knowing monolithic capitalist elite that commits no errors of judgment and suffers no confusions. This elite is supposedly all-powerful and immune to considerations beyond its own class interests. Such a view of an aggrandizing single-minded global capitalism is nothing more than a mirror image of the Right's conspiracy theory about and implacably aggrandizing monolitic global Communism' "
(Pag. 193-195)
El caso de Afganistan dejará todas las dudas despejadas:
"US officals have made much of the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan. Even some peace advocates in the United States have likened it to the US intervention in Vietnam and Nicaragua. One big difference is that the US intervenes to prevent fundamental changes in the social relations and class structures of Third World countries, while the Soviets intervened in Afghanistan to support the forces that were promoting such changes, meeting a fierce resistance from Islamic reactionaries, feudal landowners, tribespeople, and opium growers, a resistance richly supported with hundreds of millions of dollars in US aid and weapons.
The Soviets intervened to save a faltering revolution in Afghanistan, supporting the side that worked for land reform, literacy, and an end to the wretched oppression of women, workers, and tenant farmers . As of early 1988, Moscow sought to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan and end the bloody stalemate. The Soviets called for a nonsocialist, multiparty coalition government that would provide a major role for the rebels.
One nation's intervention into another nation is not inherently evil. If the Allied forces had intervened in Germany in 1933 and wiped out Hitler and his Nazis before they started World War II—even over the protests of a majority of Germans—it would not have been such a bad thing. The French intervened in support of the American Revolution, sending supplies and troops, yet probably no American thinks ill of them for doing so. There are many different roads to revolution. To their credit, the Cubans intervened in Angola to defend a revolution that was being threatened by reactionary forces from Zaire and South Africa. Interventions should be supported or opposed, depending on
whether they support progressive or reactionary social foces..."
(Pag. 188)
En "Killing Hope", William Blum nos detalla con toda precisión como la operación 'Barbarossa' del capitalismo del III Reich aleman bajo Hitler, fue continuada por el vencedor y su sucesor, el IV Reich yanqui y sus socios del capitalismo internacional, para terminar de una vez por todas con el 'Ogro del Comunismo'.
Pero ésta vez, lo que habían aprendido del fracaso del Fuhrer, lo pusieron en práctica para llevar a éxito lo que los Ricos habían soñado desde 1917 cuando la Revolución rusa puso de manifiesto que otro sistema diferente al capitalismo podía funcionar con éxito en el sentido igualitario y de la distribución de las riquezas impidiendo la creación de ricos y que estos, consecuentemente, se adueñaran del poder político al tener posesión del economico...¡¡¡ Y ésto no se podia permitir en absoluto..!!!
"To claim that the Soviets too are in the grip of a "military-industrial complex" again is to play fast with the facts in order to maintain a false appearance of balance. To be sure, there are bureaucrats in the USSR who defend their domains and generals who worry about their promotions, but there are no giant private defense contractors raking in hundreds of millions of dollars in personal profits each year, no Soviet "iron triangle" of corporations that ladle out generous campaign contributions to politicians, who vote huge sums to military officers, who award lucrative weapons contracts to corporations in return for top positions in those same corporations when they retire from the military."
(Michael Parenti, pag. 202)
Asi los Ricos se pusieron manos a la obra:
asesinar la esperanza del socialismo
en los pueblos: 'Killing Hope'
Asi nació 'Barbarossa II'. Esta vez no podian invadir la Union Sovietica como hizo el capitalismo aleman --habían aprendido--
Esta vez lo que harian es ir cortando poco a poco las ramas que iban creciendo alrededor del árbol Sovietico para poder llegar un dia a cortar su tronco:
"El Origen de Todo el Mal: Rusia" (OTM:R)
Blum nos detalla --en parte-- este largo proceso de ir dejando sin oxigeno al OTM:R.:
'Killing Hope' alrededor de la 'Hope' Central:
El Ogro del Comunismo, Rusia,
de dónde salia toda la sabia que mantenia
a los movimientos anti-colonialistas
de liberación de los paises del Tercer Mundo
y sus ansias de justicia social.
El cuadro es nítido, claro, sin ambiguedades.
Ni que decir tiene ésta tarea demandaba --porque no se podía presentar tal cual era--
un "historical engineering" que hiciera ver,
sin lugar a dudas,
que "el comunismo no funcionaba".
Lo que costo visualizar --y sigue costando-- es descifrar y tomar conciencia del "modus operandi" de la dictadura burguesa que siempre ha consistido, siempre, en cortarle las piernas a alguíen para después decir que no puede andar, un truco, que, con la Unión Sovíetica, y con muchas sociedades mas donde u.s.a.ron la misma cirujia imperial, les fue dando los resultados apetecidos sin ariesgar el ser descubiertos.
Y es que la Burguesia, en su larguísima trayectoria histórica, y con todos los medios a su disposición para apoderarse de los los mejores cerebros especializados en el "historical engineering" y en contratar a los lobos e hienas mejor profesionaizados del catafalco imperial, ha sido siempre ese 'maravilloso' cirujano que sabe que la mejor manera de colocarle a alguien el 'San Benito' de que no puede caminar es, naturalmente, cortarle de un solo tajo las extremidades del bipedismo a realizar.
Es por eso que Lenin, que sabía de éstas 'cirujias' mas que los mejores expertos de cualquier 'hospital', en carta a Máximo Gorki, fechada el 15 de Septiembre de 1919, le dice algo que nunca podemos olvidar:
"¡ Ay, ay, perecerá usted si no escapa de ese ambiente de intelectuales burgueses !.
¡ Le deseo de todo corazón que escape lo antes posible !"