Tuesday, May 1, 2012


1 de Mayo

Fecha histórica que ayuda
a conocer 'quíen es quíen'. 

En todos los paises del mundo
hoy es el Dia del Trabajador.

En todos los países del mundo...

excepto en uno:
en los Estados Unidos de Norteamerica.

Hoy, aqui, las gentes acuden
a sus trabajos como un día más
de la semana. Increíble

El país del IN GOD WE TRUST,
¿Por què?
Muy fácil:
"Por su hedor a comunismo".

Por eso la fecha fue trasladada,
limpiada y desinfectada,
--para que su virus 

no contamine a la población--
al primer Lunes de Septiembre 

bajo el nombre de "Labor Day".

Y la ironía y el sarcasmo, y el insulto,
no podrían ser mayores 

si tenemos en cuenta
de que la fiesta por antonomasia 
del movimiento obrero mundial
esta basada en un acontecimiento histórico 
de la clase trabajadora que paso, 
agarrénse bien:
¡En los propios Estados Unidos!.
¡En Chicago!

(Manifestacion por la consecución de la jornada laboral de ocho horas, que tuvo su origen en la huelga iniciada el 1 de mayo de 1886, y contra la cual la policia cargo con muertos y heridos)

Esto representa la aberracion, 

la distorsión,
la estafa,
y la manipulación mas colosal 

y alevosa de los tiempos modernos: 
que el entero orbe celebre 
la conmemoracion de un dia 
tan transcendental para la clase obrera 
como es el Primero de Mayo, 
y que, precisamente, 
en el mismo pais dónde ocurrieron 
los acontecimientos...
¡sea la unica nacion del planeta 
cuya clase dominante se niegue 
a reconocer la transcendentalidad 
de esta fecha en la que, precisamente,  
la sangre heroica 
de los trabajadores norteamericanos, 
luchando por la jornada laboral de ocho horas, 
regó el suelo de Haymarket en Chicago.

¡Qué verguenza!

Y, al mismo tiempo,
todo ello dá una imagen bien clara de que, 

al igual que el Fascimo patrio bajo Franco, 
"Por la Gracia de Dios",
tituló éste dia "San Jose Obrero"
para aseptizarlo e higienizarlo 

de toda connotacion politica de clase, 
el fascismo del Imperium,
siguiendo ese mismo parámetro,

bajo su "In God We Trust",
ha ido aún mas lejos al negarlo, 

al ignorarlo, y transbordarlo 
--para neutralizarlo--
a meses lejos de ésta fecha (1)

De San José Obrero del fascismo español
y de la Negación Oficial de éste día 

por el fascismo yanqui con su "Labor Day",
hemos pasado a presenciar 
en Venezolana de Televisión 
el triunfal desfile del pueblo venezolano
en la mas genuína manifestacion 

del Primero de Mayo, 
dónde celebran en las calles 
sus conquistas laborales
--la nueva Ley Orgánica del Trabajo--
bajo la Revolucion Socialista Bolivariana
...mientras que en Europa y en los USAdores
la clase obrera cada día se hunde mas y mas

en la pobreza, la marginacion y la desesperación.

(En término de W. Reich, la grandiosa y esperanzadora "bio-energia" colectiva que reina hoy en día en el pueblo venezolano, su contagiosa 'electricidad' solidaria y de conciencia de sus auténticos intereses, dentro del marco de la genuina Democracia, tiene acoquinada a la cofradía burguesa internacional, para la cual no hay cosa peor en el mundo que la justicia social que se obtiene mediante una real Democracia, porque ésta solo es válida cuando sale elegido uno e sus representantes.

Recordemos a Arbenz, Bosch, Sukarno, Salvador Allende, etc, etc...y los innumerables golpes de estado que lleva en su cuenta el imperio --en representación de esa cofradía-- contra las verdaderas Democracias de los pueblos del mundo.

Es por eso que Hugo Chavez Frías es el "Emmanuel Goldstein, el Enemigo del Pueblo --en la novela "1984" de Orwell-- de hoy en día para la 'comunidad internacional', y todos los dias, sus medios de 'comunicacion', le dedican su 'hora del odio' contra él.

No hay que tener un titulo universitario en psicologia de masas para entenderlo, claro:
Venezuela es en la actualidad la mas Grande Democracia del Mundo...pero tiene un pecado mortal imperdonable: los burgueses no ha salido elegidos en ella. "Ora pro nobis")
Esta fecha histórica,
aparte de su obvia e inmanente semántica,
ayuda a conocer 'quíen es quíen' en el mundo.

Aunque, ni que decir tiene, los trabajadores que vinieron al Imperium en busca de una parte del pastel que le robaron en sus propios pasies, unidos al ala digna del pueblo norteamericano, celebran en las calles de las grandes urbes, éste 1 de Mayo, las efemerides y reinvincanciones del día.


At last count, the U.S. has 5.2 millionaire households, 
and somewhere around three million individual millionaires. That is by far the largest number for any country in the world. And the individuals represent about 1% of the population.
Despite the stalled economy, America's wealthiest are worth a combined $1.53 trillion.

El precio --entre otros muchísimos más-- es éste:

#1The percentage of Americans that own homes is dropping rapidly. According to Gallup, the current level of homeownership in the United States is the lowest that Gallup has ever measured.

#2 Home prices in the U.S. continue to fall like a rock as well. They have declined for six months in a row and are now down a total of 35 percent from the peak of the housing bubble. The last time that home prices in the United States were this low was back in 2002.

#3 Last year, an astounding 53 percent of all U.S. college graduates under the age of 25 were either unemployed or underemployed.

#4 Back in 2007, about 10 percent of all unemployed Americans had been out of work for 52 weeks or longer. Today, that number is above 30 percent.

#5 When Barack Obama first became president, the number of "long-term unemployed workers" in the United States was 2.6 million. Today, it is 5.3 million.

#6 The average duration of unemployment in the United States is about three times as long as it was back in the year 2000.

#7 Despite what the mainstream media would have us to believe, the truth is that the percentage of working age Americans that are employed is not increasing. Back in March 2010, 58.5 percent of all working age Americans were employed. In March 2011, 58.5 percent of all working age Americans were employed. In March 2012, 58.5 percent of all working age Americans were employed. So how can Barack Obama and the mainstream media claim that the employment situation in the United States is getting better? The employment rate is still essentially exactly where it was when the last recession supposedly ended.

#8 Back in 1950, more than 80 percent of all men in the United States had jobs. Today, less than 65 percent of all men in the United States have jobs.

#9 In 1962, 28 percent of all jobs in America were manufacturing jobs. In 2011, only 9 percent of all jobs in America were manufacturing jobs.

#10 In some areas of Detroit, Michigan you can buy a three bedroom home for just $500.

#11 According to one recent survey, approximately one-third of all Americans are not paying their bills on time at this point.

#12 Since Barack Obama entered the White House, the price of gasoline has risen by more than 100 percent.

#13 The student loan debt bubble continues to expand at a very frightening pace. Recently it was announced that total student loan debt in the United States has passed the one trillion dollar mark.

#14 Incredibly, one out of every four jobs in the United States pays $10 an hour or less at this point.

#15 Household incomes all over the United States continue to fall. After adjusting for inflation, median household income in America has declined by 7.8 percent since December 2007.

#16 Over the past several decades, government dependence has risen to unprecedented heights in the United States. The following is how I described the explosive growth of social welfare benefits in one recent article....

Back in 1960, social welfare benefits made up approximately 10 percent of all salaries and wages. In the year 2000, social welfare benefits made up approximately 21 percent of all salaries and wages. Today, social welfare benefits make up approximately 35 percent of all salaries and wages.
#17 In November 2008, 30.8 million Americans were on food stamps. Today, more than 46 million Americans are on food stamps.

#18 Right now, more than 25 percent of all American children are on food stamps.

#19 According to the U.S. Census Bureau, today 49 percent of all Americans live in a home that receives some form of benefits from the federal government.

#20 Over the next 75 years, Medicare is facing unfunded liabilities of more than 38 trillion dollars. That comes to $328,404 for each and every household in the United States.

#21 During the first quarter of 2012, U.S. public debt rose by 359.1 billion dollars. U.S. GDP only rose by 142.4 billion dollars.

#22 At this point, the U.S. national debt is rising by more than 2 million dollars every single minute.

#23 The U.S. national debt has risen by more than 5 trillion dollars since the day that Barack Obama first took office. In a little more than 3 years Obama has added more to the national debt than the first 41 presidents combined.

#24 The Federal Reserve bought up approximately 61 percent of all government debt issued by the U.S. Treasury Department during 2011.

#25 The Federal Reserve continues to systematically destroy the value of the U.S. dollar. Since 1970, the U.S. dollar has lost more than 83 percent of its value.