Vivimos en un mundo donde 'todo nos llega' al "data collector".
Y uno colecciona todos esos datos, los mete en el armario de los estómagos del rumiante, y después, en el adecuado momento, los rumia, les saca los posibles nutrientes y, de haber esos nutrientes, los pasa a la corriente sanguínea del almacen de su cortex cerebral.
Hay que tener mucho cuidado con saber separar lo subjetivo de lo objetivo, pero es el riesgo que implica el descifrar la realidad.
Uno de esos datos es el de preguntarnos qué encontraron realmente los astronautas norteamericanos en la Luna, porque, lo que si tiene coherencia y verosimilitud es el reflexionar sobre el hecho de preguntarnos el por qué, después de la primera pisada del hombre en la Luna, hace ya medio siglo, todo lo referente a la Luna quedó en el olvido porque nunca mas se realizó otra clase de similar expedición a nuestro satélite, y en lugar de ello se construyó una 'estacion espacial internacional' alrededor del planeta cuándo ya se tenía conquistado el 'salto a la Luna.
Por eso nos preguntamos sobre el particular.
Y siguiendo adelante con nuestro "cogito ergo sum" volvemos a caer en la misma aporía silogística de siempre que es universal porque es aplicable, como filosofia de la sospecha "paulricoeur-iana", a todos los aspectos de la ocultacion de las clases domiantes sobre el tema de nuestros misteriosos Visitantes del espacio exterior. Y es esta:
En el supuesto de que los astronautas norteamericanos hubiesen visto algo que "no estaba en el programa oficial"...¿lo hubiese hecho público la NASA?
La obvia respuesta a esa pregunta es: NO.
Y es siempre este NO el que levanta todas nuestras suspicacias y nos lleva a investigar, leer, documentarnos y reflexionar al respecto. Y ejerciendo ésta tarea hemos encontrado ésto:
translated by Maria Goussevaoriginal source
from UFOCaseBooks Website
Is there an "Alien Base" on the Moon?
More and more people are coming forward with stories that might prove this is true. Rumors say that there is an Alien Moon Base on the far side of the moon, the side we never see from Earth.
Did you ever wonder why the Moon landings stopped and why we have not tried to build a Moon Base?
Did you ever wonder why the Moon landings stopped and why we have not tried to build a Moon Base?
It does seem like a better and easier idea than a floating space station with no access to any raw materials or supplies.
According to the NASA Astronaut Neil Armstrong the aliens have a base on the Moon and told us in no uncertain terms to get off and stay off the Moon!
Sound far fetched?
Sound far fetched?
Milton Cooper, a Naval Intelligence Officer tells us that not only does the Alien Moon Base exist but the U.S. Naval Intelligence Community refers to the Alien Moon Base as "Luna," that there is a huge mining operation going on there, and that is where the aliens keep their huge mother ships while the trips to Earth are made in smaller "flying saucers".
Did Apollo 11 Encounter UFOs on the Moon?
from the Book "Above Top Secret"
by Timothy Good.
LUNA: The Alien base on the far side of the Moon. It was seen and filmed by the Apollo astronauts. A base, a mining operation using very large machines, and the very large alien craft described in sighting reports as mother ships exist there.
According to hitherto unconfirmed reports, both Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin saw UFOs shortly after their historic landing on the Moon in Apollo 11 on 21 July 1969.
I remember hearing one of the astronauts refer to a "light" in or on a carter during the television transmission, followed by a request from mission control for further information. Nothing more was heard.
According to a former NASA employee Otto Binder, unnamed radio hams with their own VHF receiving facilities that bypassed NASA's broadcasting outlets picked up the following exchange:NASA: What's there? Mission Control calling Apollo 11...
Apollo: These "Babies" are huge, Sir! Enormous! OH MY GOD! You wouldn't believe it! I'm telling you there are other spacecraft out there, lined up on the far side of the crater edge! They're on the Moon watching us!
In 1979, Maurice Chatelain, former chief of NASA Communications Systems confirmed that Armstrong had indeed reported seeing two UFOs on the rim of a crater."The encounter was common knowledge in NASA," he revealed, "but nobody has talked about it until now."Soviet scientists were allegedly the first to confirm the incident."According to our information, the encounter was reported immediately after the landing of the module," said Dr. Vladimir Azhazha, a physicist and Professor of Mathematics at Moscow University.
"Neil Armstrong relayed the message to Mission Control that two large, mysterious objects were watching them after having landed near the moon module. But his message was never heard by the public-because NASA censored it. "According to another Soviet scientist, Dr. Aleksandr Kazantsev, Buzz Aldrin took color movie film of the UFOs from inside the module, and continued filming them after he and Armstrong went outside.
Dr. Azhazha claims that the UFOs departed minutes after the astronauts came out on to the lunar surface.
Maurice Chatelain also confirmed that Apollo 11's radio transmissions were interrupted on several occasions in order to hide the news from the public. Before dismissing Chatelain's sensational claims, it is worth noting his impressive background in the aerospace industry and space program.
His first job after moving from France was as an electronics engineer with Convair, specializing in telecommunications, telemetry, and radar. In 1959 he was in charge of an electromagnetic research group, developing new radar and telecommunications systems for Ryan. One of his eleven patents was an automatic flights to the Moon.
Later, at North American Aviation, Chatelain was offered the job of designing and building the Apollo communications and data-processing systems.
Chatelain claims that,"all Apollo and Gemini flights were followed, both at a distance and sometimes also quite closely, by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin-flying saucers, or UFOs, if you want to call them by that name. Every time it occurred, the astronauts informed Mission Control, who then ordered absolute silence."He goes on to say:"I think that Walter Schirra aboard Mercury 8 was the first of the astronauts to use the code name 'Santa Claus' to indicate the presence of flying saucers next to space capsules. However, his announcements were barely noticed by the general public.
It was a little different when James Lovell on board the Apollo 8 command module came out from behind the moon and said for everybody to hear:'PLEASE BE INFORMED THAT THERE IS A SANTA CLAUS.'Even though this happened on Christmas Day 1968, many people sensed a hidden meaning in those words."
Rumors persist.
NASA may well be a civilian agency, but many of its programs are funded by the defense budget and most of the astronauts are subject to military security regulations.
Apart from the fact that the National Security Agency screens all films and probably radio communications as well. We have the statements by Otto Binder, Dr. Garry Henderson and Maurice Chatelain that the astronauts were under strict orders not to discuss their sightings.
And Gordon Cooper has testified to a United Nations committee that one of the astronauts actually witnessed a UFO on the ground.
If there is no secrecy, why has this sighting not been made public?
A certain professor, who wished to remain anonymous, was engaged in a discussion with Neil Armstrong during a NASA symposium.Professor: What REALLY happened out there with Apollo 11?
Armstrong: It was incredible, of course we had always known there was a possibility, the fact is, we were warned off! (by the Aliens) There was never any question then of a space station or a moon city.
Professor: How do you mean "warned off"?
Armstrong: I can't go into details, except to say that their ships were far superior to ours both in size and technology. Boy, were they big!... and menacing! No, there is no question of a space station.
Professor: But NASA had other missions after Apollo 11?
Armstrong: Naturally. NASA was committed at that time, and couldn't risk panic on Earth. But it really was a quick scoop and back again.Armstrong confirmed that the story was true but refused to go into further detail, beyond admitting that the CIA was behind the cover-up.
"Armstrong: Naturally. NASA was committed at that time, and couldn't risk panic on Earth."
Vamos a suponer que A. dijo realmente eso...pero no importa si A. lo dijo o no porque, en sencia, es una frase que podría ser aplicada a muchísimos aspectos de nuestra vida humana aqui en la Tierra:
"No podemos correr el riesgo de que cunda el pánico en la Tierra"
Una frase muy interesante.
¿Como puede ser que una verdad haga cundir el pánico de una especie en su planeta?
Porque eso solo puede ocurrir cuando se vive sobre la fragilidad de la mentira, o, para decirlo mas correctamente, cuando se vive sobre planos convencionales cuyas "verdades" son tan solo dictums implementados --que no aceptados-- para matener un cierto orden socio-politico-economico-ideologico cuya premisa fundamental es la de concervar el 'sattaus quo' dado a todo costo, incluso al costo de secuestrar la genuina Verdad si ésto se hiciese necesario.
Esta es la fundamentalidad del "homo sapiens" en la Tierra.
Esta fragilidad, esta debilidad e inconsistencia de saber
que vivimos, no sobre el plano sólido de estar al servivio de la Verdad, de lo Auténtico y Real,
de lo Coherente, del Equilibrio y la Justicia,
sino la de vivir sobre un acuerdo de convenciones,
acuerdos y pactos --impuestos por las clases dominantes--
que tan solo repesentan las reglas y leyes
de unos sobre otros para mantener y perpetuar
este "orden" en el que vivimos.
Y todo, todo,
lo supeditamos a matener éste "orden",
todo, incluso, lo mas sagrado:
La Verdad.
Y de aqui el surgimiento del tremendo corolario caracteristico
de nuestra especie:
Con la Verdad puede cundir el pánico.
Y esto es lo que mas me interesa de estos temas:
el hecho de que nos proporcionan la oportuniudad
de conocernos más a nosotros mismos
y saber que clase de criatura es el "homo sapiens":
una criatura que vive en la fragilidad y grietas
de unas creencias,
y falsos postulados
...que no podrían aguantar el viento de la Realidad,
la perturbadora marea de,
por ejemplo,
entrar en contacto con otros seres del Cosmos
que nos hagan ver la ficción,
los espejismos,
los engaños,
las estafas,
las iniquidades,
la opresion,
los crimenes,
las inmundicias
...a las que nos hemos acostumbrado
y que no hemos tenido mas remedio que ir aceptando
aqui en ésta Tierra para tratar de construir
una "paz" y una "concordia" cotidiana
...imposible sin:
"Destrucción Mutua Asegurada"
"Mutual Assured Destruction", MAD
"Armstrong: Naturally. NASA was committed at that time, and couldn't risk panic on Earth."
"No podemos correr el riesgo de que cunda el pánico en la Tierra"
Una frase muy interesante.
¿Como puede ser que una verdad haga cundir el pánico de una especie en su planeta?
Porque eso solo puede ocurrir cuando se vive sobre la fragilidad de la mentira, o, para decirlo mas correctamente, cuando se vive sobre planos convencionales cuyas "verdades" son tan solo dictums implementados --que no aceptados-- para matener un cierto orden socio-politico-economico-ideologico cuya premisa fundamental es la de concervar el 'sattaus quo' dado a todo costo, incluso al costo de secuestrar la genuina Verdad si ésto se hiciese necesario.
Esta es la fundamentalidad del "homo sapiens" en la Tierra.
Esta fragilidad, esta debilidad e inconsistencia de saber
que vivimos, no sobre el plano sólido de estar al servivio de la Verdad, de lo Auténtico y Real,
de lo Coherente, del Equilibrio y la Justicia,
sino la de vivir sobre un acuerdo de convenciones,
acuerdos y pactos --impuestos por las clases dominantes--
que tan solo repesentan las reglas y leyes
de unos sobre otros para mantener y perpetuar
este "orden" en el que vivimos.
Y todo, todo,
lo supeditamos a matener éste "orden",
todo, incluso, lo mas sagrado:
La Verdad.
Y de aqui el surgimiento del tremendo corolario caracteristico
de nuestra especie:
Con la Verdad puede cundir el pánico.
Y esto es lo que mas me interesa de estos temas:
el hecho de que nos proporcionan la oportuniudad
de conocernos más a nosotros mismos
y saber que clase de criatura es el "homo sapiens":
una criatura que vive en la fragilidad y grietas
de unas creencias,
y falsos postulados
...que no podrían aguantar el viento de la Realidad,
la perturbadora marea de,
por ejemplo,
entrar en contacto con otros seres del Cosmos
que nos hagan ver la ficción,
los espejismos,
los engaños,
las estafas,
las iniquidades,
la opresion,
los crimenes,
las inmundicias
...a las que nos hemos acostumbrado
y que no hemos tenido mas remedio que ir aceptando
aqui en ésta Tierra para tratar de construir
una "paz" y una "concordia" cotidiana
...imposible sin:
"Destrucción Mutua Asegurada"
"Mutual Assured Destruction", MAD
Esta clase de criatura terrícola,
"entraría en pánico",
si, por referencia y comparación
con otros seres del Cosmos,
se Viera A Sí Misma.
Y esto es lo que se trata de evitar a cuaquier costo.
Y esto es, para mi, la enseñanza fundamental
detrás el tema de los Extraterrestres.