Sunday, January 22, 2012


 Did UFO cause power failure at nuclear missile base? Missile technicians claim sightings coincided with October outage

  • 50 nuclear weapons lost touch with control centre
  • Blackout lasted almost an hour says Air Force
  • President Obama told of power supply interruption
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 3:49 PM on 8th July 2011

When Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming lost control of 50 nuclear, inter-continental missiles last October, officials said a communication failure between the control centre and the weapons was to blame.

However, three missile technicians stationed at the base have raised fresh questions in the case, amid reports UFO sightings coincided with the incident.

UFO researcher Robert Hastings says eyewitnesses claim the interruption to the power supply also lasted much longer than the Air Force admits.

A power failure on October 23, 2010 meant that one-ninth of America’s nuclear arsenal went offline for almost an hour.

A U.S. Air Force spokesman said there had been a 'hardware issue' relating to an underground cable linking the command centre with the missiles.

This disrupted ‘communication between the control centre and the missiles, but during that time they were still able to monitor the security of the affected missiles’.

Defence officials insisted there was never any danger of an accidental launch. But the incident was deemed serious enough for Barack Obama to be briefed on it later.

There was no evidence of foul play and the U.S. never lost the capability to launch the missiles, although it could only have done so from an airborne command and control centre, he said.

Another official said there had been similar breakdowns on other bases in the past.
But Robert Hastings says more was involved.

According to Hastings, three missile maintenance technicians have agreed to speak to him on the condition of anonymity, revealing the military has kept UFO sightings that occurred during the power outage under wraps.

The witnesses, he said, reported sightings of 'a large cigar-shaped object high above the missile field'.

Hastings told AOL: 'They said the object was seen in the sky above the field, throughout the weekend, both during the (missile) disruption and the following day.'

His witnesses claim the power outage lasted several hours longer than officials reported.

'I have detailed information about the events. The Air Force said this (missile) disruption lasted 59 minutes. It actually lasted the better part of 26 hours,' he said.

'It was intermittent and involved a very specific sequence of these five missile alert facilities going on and offline. I have all of that down to the most minute detail.'

The eyewitnesses agreed that what they saw 'was not a commercial blimp.'
'It had no passenger gondola and no advertising on its hull,' Hastings said.

'Further, its aspect ratio (length to width) was very similar to a WWI Zeppelin: long and thin, and not at all like the squat shape of a corporate blimp.'

The witnesses did not, however, claim the alleged UFO was connected with the outage.
It is not the first time Hastings has reported UFO sightings at nuclear missile sites

He organised a press conference last September, when six former Air Force officers stepped forward to reveal they had seen or had been involved with sightings at missile sites.

They claim that since 1948, aliens have been hovering over UK and U.S. nuclear missile sites and deactivating the weapons - once even landing in a British base.

The men said they were encouraged not to speak to the media about their sightings.
Captain Robert Salas, who was among the six, confirmed: ‘We’re talking about unidentified flying objects, as simple as that.'

However, Lieutenant Colonel John Thomas, director of public affairs for Air Force Global Strike Command headquarters at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana, denies there is a policy to silence eyewitnesses to unexplained phenomena at Air Force bases.

'I have no reason to dispute anybody's claims of anything they may seen historically, because those occurrences and reports took place decades into the past and probably will decades into the future,' he told AOL.

'This incident is separate from all of that. We took it very seriously and we're very confident that we understand fully what happened.'

'If people see things that are unusual, they are encouraged to report them,' he said, adding: 'When people join the military, they don't give up their First Amendment rights.'


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Nuclear Facilities and UFOs

articles & documents

Do Nuclear Facilities Attract UFOs?

Donald A Johnson, PhD / Nuclear Connection Project

On numerous occasions, UFOs have been reported over nuclear power plants as well as nuclear research facilities and nuclear weapons storage bunkers at military bases. (1) A good percentage of these reports occurred at highly restricted government research and production facilities, such as Los Alamos, Oak Ridge, Hanford AEC, and Savannah River AEC. Highly trained government scientists and military personnel, who had been granted top-secret military clearances, made many of these reports.

Military Nuclear Specialists Testify To UFO Reality

The Disclosure Project

Several military and intelligence witnesses who were Strategic Air Command ...SAC) and other nuclear specialists have come forward with testimony proving that UFOs are real and appear to be concerned about our nuclear weapons.

NCP-02: The NEPA and UFOs

Loren Gross, APPENDIX, "UFOs: A History 1952 November December"

In General Twining's famous "Flying Saucers Are Real" letter of September 1947, he directed that information collected about the phenomenon be sent to a number of agencies, with one of them being the NEPA project or "Nuclear Energy for the Propulsion of Aircraft."

Nuclear Connection Project - A Project is Born

Francis Ridge

My interest in the "nuclear connection" began in the 1980's, but my desire to pursue it further began just a few years ago while writing my book (Ref. 2).. I am well-versed in UFO military history, in particular, and I've always been impressed with the first major sighting wave in the United States, which was in the summer of 1947.

Nuclear Historical Correlative Research

Robert Duvall / Nuclear Connection Project

Do UFO respond to our political will in the arena of nuclear weapons? It is inevitable to compare the onset of prolific UFO activity of the last 60 or so years to our acquiring nuclear weapons capability. In making that comparison it is essential to realize the possibility that an historical relationship could exist, and to at least perform a study to make that determination. This paper’s primary goal is the introduction of the historical correlative concept and represents a small sample of such a study.

The Nuclear Connection

Richard H. Hall

It was not until I began reviewing reams of literature while doing research for The UFO Evidence, Volume II, in the mid-1990s that a more obvious pattern began to emerge: a strong correlation of sightings with nuclear weapons.

UFO Sightings & Nuclear Sites

Larry Hatch / Nuclear Connection Project

Provided here is a list of 193 sightings in or about nuclear sites and related places. These are 3-data-lines each, with a one line ( 78 character ) capsule summary of events, plus coordinates, date , time and other fields.

UFO sightings at ICBM sites and nuclear Weapons Storage Areas

Robert L. Hastings (2006)

Although the vast majority of Americans are completely unaware of its existence, the UFO/Nukes Connection is now remarkably well-documented. Air Force, FBI, and CIA files declassified via the Freedom of Information Act establish a convincing, ongoing pattern of UFO activity at U.S. nuclear weapons sites extending back to December 1948. ...To date, I have interviewed over 50 individuals who were involved in various UFO-related incidents at Strategic Air Command bases or remote sites. I have selected the statements of 20 of those persons for presentation here. R

UFO Sightings Over Nuclear Facilities

Todd Lemire, May 5, 2002 Michigan MUFON meeting

What do you think the implications would be for U.S. citizens if a UFO breached security, or posed a threat, at ANY one of these nuclear facilities? Would our government forces respond to such a threat in a timely manner or would they laughingly brush off reports of Unidentified Flying Objects reported near them? If they did respond with conventional military air forces, would this be sufficient to prevent a widespread nuclear contamination as a result of the often-reported adverse effects experienced in the near vicinity of UFOs? I’ll let you decide for yourself after reading the reports that I’m about to share with you.

UFOs Seen Over USAF Missile And Nuclear Facilities

George A. Filer

The Disclosure Project reports that several military and intelligence witnesses who were members of the Strategic Air Command (SAC) and other nuclear specialists have come forward with testimony proving that UFOs are real and appear to be concerned about our nuclear weapons.

websites & organizations

Nuclear Connection Project

Francis L. Ridge, Project Coordinator

Nuclear Connection Project - UFO Intelligence Summary

Nuclear Connection Project

Large collection of reports on UFO encounters near nuclear facilities.


Nuclear Connection Project
Established, 2003
The Briefing Room
Latest Briefing
January 1, 2012

    Francis Ridge

The Nuclear Connection Project was established on July 1, 2003. It has been eight very interesting years, probably the most enlightening work accomplished in the last half-century. Enlightening because it tells more about the "why" of the bonified UFO situation than any other field of study.
The evidence for a UFO/Nuclear Connection grows by the day. Official FBI, CIA, Army and Air Force documents establish, beyond a doubt, that UFOs have been seen and reported where uranium and plutonium are mined and manufactured (the Congo, New Mexico, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, the Hanford Plant at Washington, the Savannah River facility at South Carolina). 
Official reports are on file of UFOs seen where bomb development takes place (Los Alamos, Sandia Base) and where nuclear weapons are stored (Manzano Mountain near Kirtland, NM, and Killeen Base at Camp Hood, TX). Even where the bombs are transported to the testing areas: See USS Curtiss incident. The Camp Hood/Killeen incidents are listed in the Project Blue Book "Unknowns". 
Some of the most dramatic incidents involve interference with our missile sites (shutdown of 20 Minuteman missiles at Malmstrom AFB, Montana. Even the absence of incidents is uncanny, such as during one of the most dangerous periods in history, the Cuban Missile Crisis. Accidental war, where UFOs could be mistaken for Russian missiles or jets during very tense time, was a distinct possibility. Official documents show that UFOs had caused quite a stir at other times in our history, several times setting off nationwide alerts.

Our thanks to all the NCP Staff, in particular, Dan Wilson, for his fine work with the Blue Book files and many of the files below. Our thanks to Rebecca Wise and the Project Blue Book Archive for the documentation which made all this more than just hearsay and inaccurate reporting. The documents speak for themselves. And without our technological workhorse, Jean Waskiewicz, most of what we do would not be usable or even accessable. 
And Robert Duvall has more to say, that makes sense, than anybody I know when it comes to the "connection", both nuclear and strategic. And although not a member of NCP by choice, Robert Hastings has provided more evidence for the nuclear connection in the form of researched and investigated missile incidences, than anybody.

Our primary goal at this time is to research, document, and post reports with the more obvious evidence of nuclear connections (UFO Intelligence Summary), which includes a files on White Sands, Camp Hood, Texas, and Oak Ridge, Tennessee:

The New Mexico Sightings
The Killeen Base/Camp Hood, TX Sightings (not yet ready)
The Oak Ridge, TN Sightings (to be updated)

Next, we will continue to research and post potential NC incidents with case synopses and documents on nuclear information in the NICAP dBase. Any such case will be "flagged" as "NC" in the NC column. In that manner, any class or category of UFO report (from category 1 thru 11) can be marked as a potential or suspected nuclear connection case. A Category 10, one involving overflights and interference to missiles and warheads, however, is a "missile incident".

The following are much less compelling and are being compiled for future reference.
Radioactive Fallout and UFOs
Mutilations (Cattle) and UFOs

Other Related Papers
NCP Papers by Staff Members and Associates
Nucnotes, Miscellaneous memos
Nuctests & UFOs

If you have any suggestions or information you think would be of interest to the NCP Working Group, please email me at your convenience.

Francis L. Ridge
Nuclear Connection Project




UFO Intelligence Summary
produced for the


...Nuclear Connection Project

Report  Sep., 1944; Oak Ridge, TN. Metal tube hovers over gaseous diffusion plant
Report  Mid-July,1945; Hanford, WA. UFO over AEC plant tracked by radar, F84's scrambled
Report  April 5, 1948; White Sands, NM. Team watched UFO performing violent maneuvers
Report  July 1948; Pasco, WA. Pilot reports domed disc near AEC area
Report  Dec. 5,6,7,8,11,13,14,20 & 28, 1948; Los Alamos, NM. OSI, pilots, Los Alamos
Report  April 24, 1949; Arrey, New Mexico. UFO tracking at White Sands Proving Ground
Report  May 21, 1949; Moses AFB/Hanford, WA. Disc hov. restricted air space over AEC Plant
Report  June 29, 1949; White Sands, NM. Naval rocket expert observed a silvery disc
Report  Fall, 1949; Key Atomic Base. 5 metallic objects traverse 300 miles across scope
Report  April 27, 1950; White Sands, NM. Cinetheodolite film taken by camera trk station
Report  May 24, 1950; White Sands, NM. Cinetheodolite film taken by camera trk station
Report  July 30, 1950; Hanford AEC Plant, WA. UFO over AEC plant triggers scramble of F-94
Report  Oct. 13, 1950; Oak Ridge, TN. Sightings by AEC security patrols
Report  Oct. 18, 1950; Oak Ridge, TN. Unidentified radar contacts
Report  Oct. 20, 1950; Oak Ridge, TN. UFOs sighted over "Control Zone"
Report  November 10, 1950; Oak Ridge, TN. Backgrnd radiation regist as object in control area
Report  December 5, 1950; Oak Ridge, TN. FBI document, possible radar jamming reported
Report  December 6, 1950; Northeastern U.S.. National alert when radar picked up unknowns
Report  December 14, 1950; Oak Ridge, TN. RADAR targets over AEC base
Report  December 18, 1950; Oak Ridge, TN. R/V Sightings over AEC plant
Report  December 18, 1950; NEPA, Oak Ridge, TN. Army report to FBI
Report  December 20, 1950; Oak Ridge, TN. AN&C Radar tracks UFO
Report  October 9, 1951; Hulman Fld (IN); Paris (IL); Newport atomic plant Unknown
Report  October 30, 1951; Yucca Flats, NV. Squadrons of UFOs over atomic test site
Report  December 7, 1951; Oak Ridge, TN. 20' square obs by secty guard; F-47's scrambled
Report  May 10, 1952; SC. UFO Incident at Savannah River (AEC) Plant
Report  Summer of 1952; Kirtland AFB, NM. Famous AF F-86 shooting incident
Report  June 21, 1952; Oak Ridge, TN. R/V sightings over AEC plant
Report  July 5, 1952; Hanford Atomic Plant, WA. Four pilots rep disc hov over AEC plant
Report  Sept, 1952; Oper. Mainbrace, North Sea area/military exercise Ruppelt's version
Report  December 10, 1952; Washington state, Hanford AEC Plant, R/V
Report  July 19, 1953; Oak Ridge, TN. Black objects maneuvered over area near an F-86
Report  April 7, 1954; USS Curtiss carrying nuclear weapons buzzed by UFO
Report  October 1, 1957; Shippingport, PA. UFO circled atomic plant
Report  November 4, 1957; Kirtland AFB, NM. Egg-shaped UFO hovers over base
Report  November 6, 1957; Radium Springs, NM. Rnd object rose verticalfrom mountain top
Report  February, 1961; Western Europe, France. DDisc near nuclear power station. 
Report  Summer of 1961; Near Moscow. Report of Russian tact missiles being fired on UFO
Report  August 7, 1962; Oracle, Arizona. UFO over Titan missile silo, Jets sent up
Report  October, 1962; NORAD Reg 2, nr Palermo AFB, NY. Scramb hot bird Cuban Missile Crisis
Report  1962; Unidentified A.F. Test Range, UFO blocked tracking of U.S. rocket
Report  February 7, 1963; Charlottesville, VA.  Planes scrambled, UFOs over missile site.
Report  April 30, 1964; Stallion Test Site, NM. B-57 radios white object landed, phto recon
Report  May 15, 1964; Stallion Site, NM. Two scrambles, radar/vis, UFOs sent proper IFF.
Report  May 22, 1964; White Sands, NM. Auto radar tracks UFO on tape, sends phony IFF.
Report  September 15, 1964; Big Sur, CA. Destroys Atlas warhead, filmed by mil trk crew
Report  June 5, 1965; Lynn/Nahant, MA. UFOs over GE facility.
Report  October, 1965; Lake Norman, NC. Three UFOs over McGuire Nuclear Power Station
Report  October 7, 1965; Edwards AFB, CA. Encounter between UFO and a hot bird
Report  April, 1966; Malmstrom AFB, MT. UFOs, alarms, 10 missiles inoperative.
Report  June 16, 1966; Elista, Kalmuk, Russia. Scientist report UFO maneuv nr missile test.
Report  August 24,1966; North Dakota. UFO jammed a Minuteman site
Report  February 10, 1967; Sandusky, OH. Saucer hovers over AEC facility with blue beam.
Report  March 2, 1967; White Sands, NM. 20 silver objects, radar blips at 7 mile alt.
Report  March 5, 1967; Minot AFB, North Dakota. Craft trk on radar hovered over missile site
Report  March 16, 1967; Malmstrom AFB, MT. UFO and "no-go Fault" cond at missile facility
Report  March 24, 1967; Los Alamos, NM. Disc hovers for 10 minutes.
Report  March 30, 1967; Malmstrom AFB, MT. Radar/visual, UFO 10 missiles shut down.
Report  October 26, 1967; Portland, England. Cylinder w/ 4 arms over nuc plant, A-R.
Report  Late Summer, 1968; Lake Norman, NC. Domed UFO near AEC plantReport  September 17, 1968; Nellis AFB, NV.  Two military ATCs report violent maneuvers.
Report  July or August, 1972; Lake Norman, NC. Saucer near nuclear facility
Report  March 1975; Lake Murray, Lexington, SC. CE with octagon near nuclear site
Report  October 27, 1975; Loring AFB, Maine. UFO circles weapons storage area
Report  October 30, 1975; Wurtsmith AFB Michigan. UFO chased by KC-135 tanker
Report  Late October 1975; Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado. Night NORAD went on top alert
Report  November 7, 1975; Malmstrom AFB, Montana. Targeting system tampered with
Report  November 8, 1975; Malmstrom AFB, Montana. F-106's scrambled after UFOs
Report  November 22, 1975; Savannah, Georgia. Pilots observe UFO near nuclear plant
Report  August 9, 1980; Albuquerque, NM, UFO landing near Kirtland, AFB
Report  October 18, 1982; Lake Norman, NC. Silver oval UFO with "four legs"
Report  October 13, 1983; Gaffney, SC. UFO near Cherokee Nuclear Station
Report  June 24, 1984; Peekskill, NY. UFO over nuc plant causes alert and elect failure
Report  April 26, 1986; USSR. Chernobyl explosion at 1:23 AM, preceded by UFO activity
Report  March 4, 1988; Eastlake, OH. Triangular objects hd toward Perry nuclear power plant
Report  April 22, 1998; Washington State. UFOs sighted at sub base and nuc storage facility

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The Nuclear Connection









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