Friday, February 11, 2011



El "Homo sapiens", el "Hombre sabio",
ha pasado del Hacha de Piedra al "Maletín Nuclear".
¿Es ésto, en verdad, una trancisión 'racional',
un acto digno de un "Hombre sabio"?
Se lo hace ver como un "progreso".
Pero, ¿es ésto, en verdad, un "progreso"
...o un espeluznante, escalofriante y troglodita retroceso
que nadie quiere ver y que dice bien a las claras
a que "sui generis" y demencial especie pertenecemos?
Todo lo que hacemos es "progresar",
así es visto este etnocéntrico 'altar',
cuando, en realidad, lo que se ha hecho
es ir perfeccionando las Armas de Esclavización Total
...eso si, hay que mencionarlo,
con la aprobación y bendición de su "Santidad",
el Ejecutivo Espiritual del Capitalismo Internacional:

Por Pullella Felipe
7:31 04 de junio 2004

CIUDAD DEL VATICANO - Mientras el presidente Bush y el Papa Juan Pablo II hablaban el viernes de la Paz en el Vaticano, un asistente militar ha mantenido un maletín negro voluminoso que incluye los códigos que el presidente de los EE.UU. tendría que lanzar en caso de una guerra nuclear.

Conocido como "El Fútbol", "The Football", éste "Nuclear Briefcase" ha visitado todo el mundo, y éste viernes, como siempre, nunca se quedó lejos del presidente, incluso en los sagrados recintos del Vaticano.

Mientras que Bush y el Papa hablaron a solas en el estudio privado del pontífice, "El Futbol" permaneció en la habitación de al lado.

Y mientras Bush y el Papa estaban inmersos en sus discursos y Bush condecoraba al Papa con "The Presidential Medal of Freedom", "El Futbol" descansaba en un brillante suelo de marmol entre las firmes piernas del Mayor Paul Montanus del U.S. Marine Corrps.

Normalmente, el portador de "El Futbol" lo lleva enlazado a su muñeca por una correa de cuero, como medida de precaución, pero este viernes no fue asi, aparentemente porque Montanus, bajo la confianza que le proporcionaban los frescos y pinturas renacentistas del Vaticano, se sintió seguro de no atar a su muñeca el maletín nuclear.

En 1987, cuando el Presidente Ronald Reagan visitó al Papa, con la existencia aún de la Union Soviética, el Mayor de la Armada que llevaba "El Football" lo tuvo todo el tiempo sujeto a su muñeca mediante la susodicha correa de cuero del maletín. El Mayor se aproximó al Papa y le dió la mano, la derecha, mientras que en la izquierda llevaba, amarrado a su muñeca, el maletín nuclear. 

Cuando le preguntaron a Montanus sobre el por qué no había lo atado a su muñeca con la correa de cuero, respondió con una sonrisa: "We have various ways of keeping track of it." 'Tenemos varios medios para mantener el control sobe ello".
Indudablemente, Montanus se sintió con la absoluta certeza de que, delante de su $antidad, no tenia el por qué amarrarse el Maletín Nuclear

Montanus, claro, no había leído a León Felipe
y no sabía, que, delante de aquel Ejecutivo Espiritual,
no había que amarrarse "El Fútbol" a la mano
porque, allí, aquel "deporte",
que había sido la Meta
de los Esclavizadores de la Humanidad,
estaba en presencia del Arbitro Vaticanal
mas incondicional y seguro
que jamás pudo imaginar aquel "deporte", 
que, en su nuevo "Fútbol",
encápsulado ahora en el Maletín Nuclear de los Ricos,
ha dejado completamente en "Offside"
al género humano bajo la apocalíptica amenaza
del 'silbido de un árbitro'
que pone "afuera de juego"
a todos aquellos que intenten 'un gol marcar',
a todos aquellos que no respeten
a los Esclavizadores de la Humanidad,
esos mismos tan bien representados y bendecidos
por el Ejecutivo Espiritual
del cual, axiomáticamente,
dijo León Felipe en 'El Payaso de las Bofetadas':

"Un día bendecirá el Papa la bomba atómica
y se la pondrá en la mano al Niño Jesús
en lugar de la esfera y la Cruz...
con ésta leyenda debajo:
'Ojo...¡el que se mueva!...Viva Cristo Rey' "

Seguro que Montanus no había leído este epitáfio
de los Auténticos Sueños Humanos,
aquellos que,
desde el hacha de piedra,
la lanza y el arco,
los amos, los ricos,
--aquellos a los que anatemizó Cristo--
vienen secuestrando.

Porque la dialéctica histórica es muy fácil:
Antes, con el hacha de piedra,
la lanza y el arco,
los amos acogotaban los sueños de los esclavos.
Pero los sueños,
polen al viento,
crecieron y volaron.
Y nuevas armas,
nuevos medios,
hicíeron falta para estrangularlos.
Y compraron mentes,
espíritus, sacerdotes,
técnicos y mercenarios,
para sofisticar el arsenal necesario,
las Armas de Clase que hicieran posible
mantener privilegios,
destrucción y engaños:
Éste, en esencia,
es el "progreso" realizado.

(Hoy en día, la mayor parte de las riquezas
producida por el trabajo asalariado humano,
por los esclavos, está destinada,  
por los ricos, precisamente,
a mantener y 'perfeccionar' éste Estado:
ordeñar sus rebaños.
Es decir, en la actualidad,
los esclavos trabajan
para hacer su esclavitud mas sólida
y más duradera que nunca)

Este es el "progreso",
como erradicar los Sueños Humanos:
una Lucha de Clases,
que, en el Maletín Nuclear,
ese que Montanus,
delante de su $antidad,
no se amarró a la mano,
Ha Terminado
...ante la omnipresente y latente amenaza
de hacernos volar por los aires a todos
sino obedecemos lo mandado.
Una Lucha de Clases
dónde los modernos Espartacos
ya no se enfrentan a hachas de piedra,
a lanzas o arcos,
sino a un Aparatus Nuclear Global de los Ricos (ANGR)
de miles de ojivas nucleares,
(y de la correspondiente infraestructura
de Control de Pensamiento)
que, desde la tierra, el mar,
los submarinos, el espacio y el aire,
ha logrado lo que los Amos
tanto habían Añorado
desde el hacha de piedra, la lanza y el arco:
como destruír los sueños de los esclavos
y que en "The Football" Han Terminado.


Thomas S. Szasz, M.D.

In the perennial conflict that is life, control of the weak by the strong is justified by a rhetoric appropriate to the prevailing ideology.

In the 20th century, the credo is Mental Health, and in its name those who deviate from accepted social norms are often victimized and dehumanized.

Dr. Thomas Szasz, psychoanalyst, teacher, and the celebrated author of THE MYTH OF MENTAL ILLNESS, whose views have established him as one of the foremost psychiatrists of our times, lashes out at this new ideology with provocative critical sharpness.

Taking the reader on a grand tour of American schools and universities, courts, community mental health centers, and psychiatric hospitals, he shows how, by encouraging us to wage war on the false front of "mental illness," psychiatry too often serves as a convenient way of avoiding confrontations with moral conflicts and social problems.

Dr. Szasz warns that if we persist in defining the vicissitudes of life as mental illnesses, and psychiatric interventions as medical treatments, we court the hazards of political tyranny disguised as psychiatric therapy.
                    "The conquest of human existence, or of the life process, by the mental health professions started with the identification and classification of so-called mental illnesses, and has culminated in our day with the claim that all of life is a "psychiatric prob­lem" for behavioral science to "solve." According to psychiatry's most prominent spokesmen, this process is now complete.
For example, Howard P. Rome, senior consultant in psychiatry at the Mayo Clinic and former president of the American Psychiatric­ Association, confidently asserts, "Actually, no less than the entire world is a proper catchment area for present-day psychiatry, and psychiatry need not be appalled by the magni­tude of this task."

"Like all invasions, the invasion of man's journey through life by psychiatry began at the borderlands of his existence and then extended gradually into the interior. The first to succumb were what we have come to regard as the "obvious" or "severe cases of mental illness"—that is, so-called conversion hysteria and the psychoses—which, although now unquestioningly accepted as psychiatric maladies, belonged formerly to literature, mythology, and religion."

"This psychiatric take-over was supported and spurred by the logic, the imagery, and the rhetoric of science, and especially medicine. Thus, who could object to the claim that the person who acted as if he were sick but really wasn't should be called a "hysteric," and should be declared a fit subject for the ministrations­ of neuropsychiatric physicians? Was this not simply an advance of medical science, similar to its advances in bacteriology or surgery? Likewise, who could object if other "deranged per­sons"—for example, those who withdrew from the challenge of real life into their self-created dramatic productions, or who, dissatisfied with their real identities, asserted false ones—were claimed for psychiatry as "schizophrenics" and "paranoids" ?

"After the turn of the century, and especially following each of the two world wars, the pace of this psychiatric conquest in­creased rapidly. The result is that, today, particularly in the affluent West, all of the difficulties and problems of living are considered psychiatric diseases, and everyone (but the diagnosticians) is considered mentally ill.
Indeed, it is no exaggeration to say that life itself is now viewed as an illness that begins with conception and ends with death, requiring, at every step along the way, the skillful assistance of physicians and, especially, mental health professionals."

"The discerning reader may detect a faint note of familiarity here. Modern psychiatric ideology is an adaptation—to a scien­tific age—of the traditional ideology of Christian theology. In­stead of being born into sin, man is born into sickness. Instead of life being a vale of tears, it is a vale of diseases. And, as in his journey from the cradle to the grave man was formerly guided by he priest, so now he is guided by the physician. In short, whereas in the Age of Faith the ideology was Christian, the technology clerical, and the expert priestly; in the Age of Madness the ideology is medical, the technology clinical, and the expert psychiatric."

"Actually, this medicalization and psychiatrization—and, more generally, this technicization—of personal, social, and political affairs is, as has often been remarked, a pervasive characteristic of the modern, bureaucratic age. What I have sought to capture here, in a few sentences—and, at greater length, in the essays that make up this volume—is but one feature, albeit an impor­tant one, of this modern, scientific-technological ideology, namely, the ideology of sanity and insanity, of mental health nnd mental illness."

"As I suggested earlier, this ideology is but an old trap in new trappings. Rulers have always conspired against their subjects and sought to keep them in bondage; and, to achieve their aims, they have always relied on force and fraud. Indeed, when the justificatory rhetoric with which the oppressor conceals and mis­represents his true aims and methods is most effective—as had been the case formerly with tyranny justified by theology, and is the case now with tyranny justified by therapy—the oppressor succeeds not only in subduing his victim but also in robbing him of a vocabulary for articulating his victimization, thus mak­ing him a captive deprived of all means of escape."

"The ideology of insanity has achieved precisely this result in our day. It has succeeded in depriving vast numbers of people —sometimes it seems very nearly everyone—of a vocabulary of their own in which to frame their predicament without paying homage to a psychiatric perspective that diminishes man as a person and oppresses him as a citizen."
(Introduction; pages 2-5)


"The ruling élite of psychopaths","Pathocrats", "Pthocracy"...
are terms commonly used by 'Signs of the Times';
and my question is:
This "modern, scientific-technological ideology,
namely, the ideology of sanity and insanity",
as doctor Szasz said, it does "serves,
--for the bourgeoisie class--
as a convenient way of avoiding confrontations
with moral conflicts and social problems" does "has succeeded in depriving vast numbers of people —sometimes it seems very nearly everyone—of a vocabulary of their own in which to frame their predicament without paying homage to a psychiatric perspective that diminishes man as a person and oppresses him as a citizen"?
...And once obtained such succes "in the perennial conflict" of social classes is not going to "control of the weak by the strong" in terms of  justification mounted on the "appropriate rhetorict of the prevailing --psychiatric-- ideology?".