"Global Research",
Michel Chossudovsky:
-Dictators are invariably political puppets. Dictators do not decide.
-President Hosni Mubarak was a faithful servant of Western economic interests and so was Ben Ali.
-The national government is the object of the protest movement.
-The objective is to unseat the puppet rather than the puppet-master.
-The slogans in Egypt are "Down with Mubarak, Down with the Regime".
-No anti-American posters have been reported... The overriding and destructive influence of the USA in Egypt and throughout the Middle East remains unheralded.
-The foreign powers which operate behind the scenes are shielded from the protest movement.
-No significant political change will occur unless the issue of foreign interference is meaningfully addressed by the protest movement.
-The US embassy in Cairo is an important political entity, invariably overshadowing the national government. The Embassy is not a target of the protest movement."
James Petras
"US foreign policy has a long history of installing, financing, arming and backing dictatorial regimes which back its imperial policies and interests as long as they retain control over their people.
In the past, Republican and Democratic presidents worked closely for over 30 years with the Trujillo dictatorship in the Dominican Republic; installed the autocratic Diem regime in pre-revolutionary Vietnam in the 1950’s; collaborated with two generations of Somoza family terror regimes in Nicaragua; financed and promoted the military coup in Cuba 1952, Brazil 1964, Chile in 1973, and in Argentina in 1976 and the subsequent repressive regimes. When popular upheavals challenged these US backed dictatorships, and a social as well as political revolution appeared likely to succeed, Washington responded with a three track policy: publically criticizing the human rights violations and advocating democratic reforms; privately signaling continued support to the ruler; and thirdly, seeking an elite alternative which could substitute for the incumbent and preserve the state apparatus, the economic system and support US strategic imperial interests.
For the US there are no strategic relationships only permanent imperial interests, name preservation of the client state. The dictatorships assume that their relationships with Washington is strategic: hence the shock and dismay when they are sacrificed to save the state apparatus. Fearing revolution, Washington has had reluctant client despots, unwilling to move on, assassinated (Trujillo and Diem). Some are provided sanctuaries abroad (Somoza, Batista),others are pressured into power-sharing (Pinochet) or appointed as visiting scholars to Harvard, Georgetown or some other “prestigious” academic posting.
The Washington calculus on when to reshuffle the regime is based on an estimate of the capacity of the dictator to weather the political uprising, the strength and loyalty of the armed forces and the availability of a pliable replacement. The risk of waiting too long, of sticking with the dictator, is that the uprising radicalizes: the ensuing change sweeps away both the regime and the state apparatus, turning a political uprising into a social revolution. Just such a ‘miscalculation’ occurred in 1959 in the run-up to the Cuban revolution, when Washing stood by Batista and was not able to present a viable pro US alternative coalition linked to the old state apparatus. A similar miscalculation occurred in Nicaragua, when President Carter, while criticizing Somoza, stayed the course, and stood passively by as the regime was overthrown and the revolutionary forces destroyed the US and Israeli trained military, secret police and intelligence apparatus, and went on to nationalize US property and develop an independent foreign policy.
Washington moved with greater initiative, in Latin America in the 1980’s.It promoted negotiated electoral transitions which replaced dictators with pliable neo-liberal electoral politicians, who pledged to preserve the existing state apparatus, defend the privileged foreign and domestic elites and back US regional and international policies."
Estamos delante de un panorama político que se ha repetido muchísimas veces en las cuadrigas imperiales alrededor del mundo dónde han mantenido, sistemáticamente, a todos los gangsters de la humanidad.
La lista de ellos se hace innecesaria el repetirla. La conocemos 'ad nauseam'. Desde Chomsky a William Blum, desde Michel Chossudovsky a Petras, pasando por Michael Parenti, conocemos al dedillo las repetitivas denuncias del soporte del Imperium a los bandidos del mundo, desde Franco hasta Mubarak, todas son ya de dominio público
...Y aqui estamos, y aqui seguimos: como si nada hubiese pasado ni pasase: el gallo sigue cantando en el mismo corral.
Y éste es un hecho bastante curioso (¿) en éstos tiempos de "democracia", "derechos humanos" y "libertad"...que todos estos atentados contra la base de la verdad y la dignidad sigan ocurriendo como si nada pasase en realidad.
Nos vienen, ahora, al pensamiento --tratando de entender éste colosal delirium esquizoide donde 'freedom' es igual a la 'libertad' que tienen para apoyar y mantener a los grandes opresores de la humanidad-- las palabras de Deleuce sobre éste IV Reich actual, que, parafraseándolo, dice que "el capitalismo es igual que la teología dónde todo se hace racional si se acepta el concépto de pecado, la inmaculada concepción y la encarnación...Pero debajo de todas las racionalizaciones yace el delirium, el naufragio...El 'stock market' es ciertamente racional, lo podemos comprender, lo podemos estudiar, los capitalistas saben como usarlo, y, sin embargo -objetivamente- es delirante en su esencia. Es en éste sentido que decimos que lo racional -en capitalismo- es siempre la racionalidad de lo irracional"...."Delirium e intereses, o, mejor dicho, deseos y razón --en el patógeno orbe burgués actual--, estan distribuidos en una forma completamente nueva, particularmente grotesca, abnormal. Capital, o dinero, se dan en tan tremendo nivel de insanidad que la psiquiatría tiene para ello uno solo equivalente: 'un estado terminal' "
Esperemos que ese "estado terminal", una vez que enterremos al cadáver de ésta Plutocracia Internacional que nos ha robado la sagrada palabra de Democracia para enmascarar sus crimenes de clase, sea la primera antesala de un nuevo proceso en la Humanidad de Despertar bajo el que, algun día, podamos desemascarar la Gran Estafa bajo la que nos hacen vivir.
Esta es la única forma coherente con la que nos podemos explicar el hecho caricatures de, por ejemplo, llamarle "free world" a un régimen burgués de globalizacion que ha creado y crea y mantiene en el poder a todos los gangsters de la humanidad, que, cuando sus oprimidos pueblos alcanzan el fín de la paciencia humana para seguir soportando sus traiciones, fechorías y crimenes, ahora, como en Egipto, los coyotes y sepulcros blanquados del $anedrín Imperial, tratan de cambiar a Mubarack por otro Mubarack para calmar a un pueblo en llamas que ya no soporta tanta sevicia, hambre y desempleo, para sosegar a un pueblo, nulificado en su conciencia historica donde...."No anti-American posters have been reported... The overriding and destructive influence of the USA in Egypt and throughout the Middle East remains unheralded".