Thursday, January 14, 2010




Is not by "meditation" (the 'yoga-yogi-status'), but by "irritation" (by being alive in Heidegger's 'Dasein') that we are going to answer epistemologically this twisted world and try to improve it in the same sense that Marx said that "all what philosophy had done was interpret, 'meditate' on the world, instead of changing it." 

Now, we can see, clearly, why the apolegetics of this Orwellian and oppressive system stimulate much more the former than the latests. Because this stimulated response of immobilization combine the two essential premises of the regime:
Money and Ideological Class Tool of Control.
The former represents a thriving industry of hundreds of millions of dolars in net profit.
The second because neutralize, and divert energies (endogenous aggression, libidinal sofocation and political frustation) towards the sublimation process that Marcuse, in "Eros and Civilization", brilliantly describes.

This is why Wilhelm Reich had this in his mind:

"Pleasure and joy of life are inconceivable without struggle,
painful experiences and self-confrontations.
Psychic health is characterized,
not by the Nirvana theory of the yogis and the buddhists,
the hedonism of the epicureans,
the renunciation of monaticism,
(or by the pseudo-attitude of the positive pragmatism
of the alienated individual).
Psychic health is characterized by the alternation
between unpleasurable struggle and happiness,
error and truth,
deviation and rectificaion,
rational hate and rational love,
rebelliousness and acceptance,
in short:
by the feeling of being fully alive
in all situation of life"

("The Function of the Orgasm",
Wilhelm Reich)